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Wayne Cubed

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Everything posted by Wayne Cubed

  1. *Can't make helmet to helmet hit on QB in the act of throwing, he's defenseless. This was 1 of 5 defenseless hits the NFL plans to crack down more on next year(if there's a season). This was all in an ESPN article, which I'm assuming the OP read incorrectly. It did not at all say you couldn't hit the QB when he was throwing. Other defenseless players: -Receiver who just caught a pass -Punt returner who just caught the punt -When forward progress has been stopped -Gang tackles Also in the article was: -Changing touchbacks to the 25 yard line, only on kick offs -Kicking off from the 35 yard line
  2. This doesn't look like much to me. They met with Newton at the combine for all of 15 mins. This dinner/meeting allows them to further dive into Cams possible character flaws and see if there is anything there. I mean you are asking a guy to come in to, possibly, be the future of this franchise. Unlike the case with Bowers, Fairley or Dareus, we aren't asking any of the DL to lead this team. So maybe there isn't a great need to take them out for dinner. But maybe it happens anyways. Either way, this is Buddy just doing more homework on the guy. Getting more one-on-one time(considering his character flaws seem to be the biggest ??). Which I applaud.
  3. Ok so let me see if I have this straight. They don't lengthen the season, only add 1 bye week. So there would still be 8 home games played, for which each owner could charge, but the owners would make more money? Its the same # of games played now, so why would the owners make more money? Unless you mean they would get more money from the TV revenues. Which might work, but that would surely mean there would have to be a restructure of the current contract. The owners are gonna want more, because they are offering more. And seeing as there would be 1 more week of viewing I'm sure the prices of Sunday NFL ticket would go up to aliviate that. So in essence we the fans are getting screwed. We aren't going to be seeing more of our team, just more of football in general. And we will have to pay more just to see our team play the same amount of games, all because the owners want more money. I don't think I'd be ok with this, if I'm gonna pay more, I'd want to see more of Buffalo. Bye weeks just aren't nearly exciting enough for me to fork over more money to not watch my own team play.
  4. That can't be right at all. You draft on need alone to win championships... That's why with the upcoming draft the Bills will ignore talent and draft what everyone thinks the defensive player they need to draft is... Regardless if there is better talent on the board
  5. I think it means BPA, Buddy has stated numerous times that he believe in taking talent and proven players.
  6. If you watch the VISA commercial, they show a couple people who have also been to every super bowl.
  7. Im saying IMO, we don't need one. But for all the people on this board who say we NEED one, with that pick it would be a reach.
  8. IDK if you are aware or not but there is little thing going on right now called the CBA(which is expiring in march), which with the new one they want to introduce a rookie pay scale into. So the Bills might not end up paying this so called "premier" money. Not to mention the fact that even if there wasn't a rookie pay scale, the Bills are picking 3rd, they are going to have to pay this so-called "premier" money to whatever player you think they should take anyways.
  9. I'll say it again. The Bills drafted DL with 2 of their first 3 picks last year. Not to mention they added Dwan Edwards through free agency. I think people are wrongly analyzing where the problem is with the Bills defense. The purpose of a DL in a 3-4 is to eat up blockers so that the LB's can make the tackles. And therein lies the problem. The Bills don't have any ELITE level LB's. WIth the #3 pick in the draft you don't take a LB. If the Bills draft a DL it will end up being a reach for need, which when picking 3rd isn't something a team should be doing. All these players played DT in college and the Bills would be moving them to DE where there role on the defense changes. I'm sorry to say but none of these guys are Bruce Smith, and aren't going to come in and play DE like he did. Hell they aren't even on the talent level of Suh. When picking this high in the draft you pick ELITE level talent. Not the 2nd best player at a position because thats what you think your team needs. Sorry to say but the Bills are far away from being a great team and the DL in this years draft aren't going to change that IMO, especially if we are picking the 2nd best one. The Bills are severly lacking talent on both sides of the ball. If the #3 pick comes up and Green is there, the Bills would be wise to take him. BTW I don't get exactly how this would be a "Luxury" pick. Luxury is sitting back in the draft, because your team is already good, and picking players that will help your team to remain good. You could call that being "Comfortable" with the team you got. Thats "Luxury."
  10. When you think about it, it makes sense. There are 22 positions on a football team plus maybe 2 or 3 special teams players can be counted for a total of 25. So basically not one of the Bills players are in the top 3 of their position for the entire NFL. And for all the KW fans he could possibly be in the top 10, but not top 5 for a DT/NT so it's easy see why he doesn't make the list. With that being said, being in the top 3 of your position for the year, is difficult for any player on any team. Although I do believe the bills are on their way to putting some players there.
  11. That was what Adam Schefter reported early in the day. He has since updated it on twitter. "Sounds like Dave Wannstedt's deal in Buffalo will get done, as FOX reported. But Wannstedt, Bills HC Chan Gailey still finalizing deal now."
  12. Watched all 4 last week, except the beginning of NO vs Seattle game. The others just weren't as exciting. Thought the best game to watch was the NO/Seattle game. And now to watch all 4 this week. Cheers.
  13. He had 8 dropped passes this year, and was tied for the team lead with Stevie Johnson. But Stevie Johnson had almost 3 times the receptions that Freddie had. Consider this, with only having 31 receptions and 8 drops he dropped the ball about 25% of the time it was thrown to him.... not real good. Also, there isn't another RB in the top 25 in the league in drops besides Freddie. No need to rag on the guy for saying he thought Freddie dropped a lot of passes. I watched the games to and thought he dropped quite a few as well. The first throw of the season against the Dolphins, he dropped the pass.
  14. Wow, I was thinking of starting a similar thread about how people have been saying it was Stevie's fault cause he drops soooooo many passes and that effects Fitz's completion percentage. Yet the stats show Stevie is about average for dropped passes in The League with one of the best receivers in the league there with him. Stevie J. - 8 dropped Andre Johnson - 7 dropped Reggie Wayne - 12 dropped Mike Williams - 7 dropped Brandon Marshall - 11 dropped Wes Welker - 13 dropped; led the league time to put that common thought here at TBD to bed. http://stats.washingtonpost.com/fb/leaders.asp?range=nfl&type=receiving&rank=232
  15. Seriously this needs to stop. Stevie doesn't make nearly as many drops as people think. Not to mention how about the ones that are practically uncatchable that are caught by him. http://stats.washingtonpost.com/fb/leaders.asp?range=nfl&type=receiving&rank=232 Stevie is in the middle of the pack for elite NFL receivers.
  16. Apparently It wasn't too hard for me to google them http://stats.washingtonpost.com/fb/leaders.asp?range=nfl&type=receiving&rank=232 Looks like Wes Welker lead the NFL. Yet Brady's completion percentage was still above Fitz's. In fact look Aaron Hernandez is on the list with 7. Thats 20 drops for Brady right there. Still about 65% completion Reggie Wayne is on the list with 12 as well, yet that didn't effect Peyton's completion % There are some great receivers on that list that are far ahead of Stevie. People honestly need to stop ragging on him for his dropped passes. In comparison to some ELITE receivers he seems to be just about on average with what they drop. And if you take away the 5 he had in one game, that makes his drops not seem nearly as bad. I know this may not be that accurate because this is not an official NFL stat, so take it for what its worth. Point is, drops happen in NFL games, even to ELITE NFL receivers and QBs, doesn't seem to effect there stats.
  17. I thought he did an excellent job of keeping his streak of NFL games without a TD alive...
  18. Technically speaking our offense today is mostly backups. But....... Our defense is our starting d, kinda sad we can't stop their back ups. 142 yards rushing against us.....
  19. I, being from LA as well, posted similar to what tgregg posted about talk of an NFL team coming to LA in another post. It was almost identical to what tgregg has said. The biggest reason for the uptick in the stadium talk is that until recently The Coliseum was the only place for an NFL team to play. An NFL team would never move into the outdated stadium. But recently the owners of the Coliseum signed USC to a 10 year deal to play there, so they have pretty much stopped protesting a new stadium and NFL team. This gives way to private financing to a new stadium. One being an extension of the Staple and Nokia centers downtown. And the other being built 45 mins from downtown and built on privately owned land. Currently both stadium plans are on hiatus because of the NFL labor dispute.
  20. First are you a GM? No, so why care.... Im pretty sure the GMs of these teams are fine. They play this game all the time with other free agents. You win some, you lose some. Its nothing to take personnal. Second, i would most certainly entertain other jobs if in the end its gonna get me the money i want and the place i want to be. Why is that so terrible? It happens all the time, in regular jobs too. Thats what negotiating a job contract is all about.
  21. Um, maybe this is me, but when exactly did Cliff Lee string along fans of the Rangers and Yankees. If anything u should be getting mad at the media for stringing along the fans. Lee went about his business as a free agent just like any other free agent does. He never made a promise to any club, just looked over offers, and visited with possible employers. Again something anyone looking for a job would do. But the age we live in with blogs and sports shows etc., etc. reporting up to the minute information and following every single detail, people took opinions of sports writers and bloggers as fact. This got your hopes up only to be let down. When if you would have never heard about all this behind the scene business you probably wouldnt have cared about where Lee went. I think the same can be said for the Wade and Lebron situation. But alas, sports are entertainment. And these sports writers and analysts and shows are out to make money. What better way to do than create drama. Which obviously worked. Personally I applaud Cliff Lee. Baseball has become even less interesting because of teams that go out and buy world series. Not saying Philly isnt doing that, but its nice for a change that it isnt Boston or NY making all the big off season accuisitions.
  22. Its funny, cause u dont even get to see the rest of the play. Vick runs back across the field, if Haynesworth would have gotten up, maybe he makes a play... instead Vick walks into the endzone. Absolutely sad and embarassing. Yet some people wanna blame Shanahan. Im sorry but his play and absolute lack of effort is what got him benched and ultimately suspended.
  23. This was the play i talked about earlier. Im sure u think shanahan coached him to lay on the ground right? What a great first move for an such an "elite" level player. Funny i dont see williams having any trouble transitioning to NT. But yea lets all blame shanahan for the downfall of this elite player, makes perfect sense.<\sarcasm>
  24. The guy is completely lazy. The Monday night game against the Eagles... it was clear as day that he had given up on a play where Vick scored. He made one move off the line and got knocked over. First mistake. Second, his fat butt was sat on the ground looking around to see if the play was over, when he saw it wasn't he did absolutely nothing. The reason it sticks out so much is because even the announcers commented on it as well. Said how bad it would look on tape. The play lasted something like 10-15 secs. It was pathetic. I can't believe people are even entertaining the thought that he could possibly help this team. No thanks.
  25. +1 Funny I was watching the Indy game and I saw Reggie Wayne drop a pass that hit him right in the numbers.
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