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Wayne Cubed

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Everything posted by Wayne Cubed

  1. Selling someone on coming to a football team is much easier in face to face discussions. And with this FA not being able to do it, it becomes much much harder. It doesn't matter what team you play for.
  2. Haha. Maybe thats what it is. Its just funny that people think you can't get good quality jersey's from the same place that makes the real jersey's. There isn't nearly as much security over there as a factory here. Employees there leave with patterns, material and actual jerseys.
  3. Hilarious. You do know that Reebok has factory's in China... and thats where these jersey's are made. Yea the bills store employs Americans, but they aren't the one making the jerseys.
  4. Can't visit til FA period officially opens on Friday at 6 pm. But if you waited that long to talk to a potential FA, you'd be behind everyone else. I agree Buffalo is a hard sell, and FA's need to visit.
  5. I think the other part of this process that no one realizes is, in this hasty FA period, the players don't even have time to visit the facilities of the teams going after them. There are no face to face pitches, there just isn't enough time and resources to do this. Crazy, no?
  6. Ummm they were pretty psyched about getting Edwards, so that doesn't say much about their credibility.
  7. Ok going from 30 -32 in Rushing Defense, technically is getting worse. But lets be honest, it isn't getting that much worse. The pass defense basically stayed the same, but improved a little because teams knew they could rush on us. So what does that say IMO? With the same basic players, in a different scheme, we still couldn't stop teams offenses or running attacks. So maybe, just maybe, its the players. As I recall, when the Bills were playing the 4-3 people were screaming and yelling about how much we need to switch to the 3-4. You can't make an omlette without breaking a few eggs. It will take time to develop this new system. Its not an overnight fix.
  8. And as far as #1 is concerned. A good player is not worth $7 million a year.
  9. Here's the thing though... Poz = average... so bring him back would be just like how you describe we bring in average people every year. Not to mention he isn't suited nor did he want to play in the 3-4. Plus he got $7 million a year. Yikes.
  10. Starting LB who struggled playing the 3-4 last season... And we drafted a possible replacement(Sheppard) and have Batten, who is a ?. Like I previously stated its not really a hole. We would need to add maybe another ILB for depth.
  11. Not sure if it really creates a "hole", we still have Sheppard, who we drafted, Andra Davis, Danny Batten and also Scott who can play inside on passing downs... Poz really isn't a 3-4 ILB
  12. I believe technically, the rest of the issues, CAN'T be settled without a union in place. Technically a new CBA can't be agreed to without a union.
  13. It's not that they "slipped" things in the agreement that the players never saw. The owners approved their side of the agreement. In their side of the agreement, there are some issues that the players feel are unsettled. Like work mans comp, drug testing, etc. These CAN'T be settled without a union. But in no way, did the owners go "oh hey here are 5 more things we never told you, that we are just gonna stick in there." Basically, nothing to see here, move along...
  14. Its always a friend of a friend who says they've gotten a bad jersey off of DHGate or wherever, never the person commenting. I've gotten 5 jersey's off that website and not one of them has been the wrong color, spelling or whatever. It's funny, but do people realize that China is where the real authentic jerseys are made anyways? These Reebok factories in China have thousands of people who work there. You don't think its possible that the patterns for these jersey's some how end up outside the factory or that these workers take home jersey's with them and sell them on a website like DHGate? I am sorry, but there is no way I want to pay for a jersey that cost $80, is screen printed, is ruined after 1 wash and has like a 80% mark up. Its robbery. Not to mention the authentic's that can cost $200 +. For $35, I don't have to baby something, that is ultimately going to get ruined.
  15. I get a little confused with some arguments posters make on this board. The author of this article presents an argument, then through statistical data makes a conclusion about 34 different quarterbacks. That in the world, is known as a logical argument. There is no biases there. He isn't out to just get Ryan Fitzpatrick. This is the conclusion he game up with after looking at STATISTICAL FACTS. He even goes so far as to show all of his data, rather then just make this blanket statement without providing the evidence. Therefore, in a logical argument, the burden of proof now falls to the people who dismiss his claims. And proof is not "I feel" or "I see" statements. 500 years ago people "saw" a flat Earth, that didn't make it true. Again, the argument is how Ryan Fitzpatrick preforms under pressure and if you believe he preforms well under pressure(that would be the counter argument) then by all means present your case and support it. All these blanket statements about stats not meaning anything is hog wash. Statistically the majority of Trent Edwards passes were under 15 yards. Do you not think that helps the opposing DC to game plan against him? Maybe just a little?
  16. I'm sorry, but i just do not see how some fans side with the owners. It's not like the players 2 years ago opted out of the CBA and demanded more money. Newsflash, it was the owners. So where is all this hatred and calling the players greedy coming from? Lets say your boss walked into your office and said "hey, you know that contract we signed so that you could work here? Well we have decided to opt out of it and restructure it. We want to give you less money and oh yea you'll be working more!" Now, that's just the general gist of the NFL, but would you honestly lay down and say ya, ok, sounds great? Not to mention you as the employee are all the talent and assume all of the physical risk. I think I understand where people confuse the greed part, they see millions and billions of dollars and get confused. The principals are still basically the same. The players didn't want the contract to end. It was the owners greed.
  17. Thought the comments about not celebrating death were fine.... he took it a bit too far with the we don't know the other side of the story and conspiracy theories. Maybe we don't know the other side of Hitler's story? Maybe we don't know the other side of Stalin's story? They were probably cool dudes
  18. If we grabbed Kyle Rudolph, that would be an absolute home run. Some predicted he would go late first. I would say our first 2 rounds would be A+ grades. Then I think we would need to be on the look out for an ILB in round 3 or maybe get back into late round 2.
  19. I have to agree that it is hardly Millers fault they lost the game. The defense in general, all series, was terrible. Letting the flyers just take the zone, and not standing anyone up at the blue line. The passing and turn overs killed them. Especially turn overs in buffalos own zone. The forecheck was also terrible. They didn't push the puck up ice and force the issue. A lot of that has to do with injuries and being stretched thin at the center and forward positions. But no one stepped up for the sabres. They played like they didn't want it. On a side note, I thought Ruffs choice of lines was pretty terrible. But again, injuries limit what you can and can't do.
  20. I was hoping to see the blue face mask. Oh well. I still love these "new" uniforms
  21. Busby's is a bills backers bar in LA. Yes they show sabres games. But like mentioned above it depends on where you are staying. Busby's is in Santa Monica, so it could be a bit of a hike.
  22. It's an interesting take. Do you go all out for those first 16 games, and try to guarantee a playoff spot? Maybe going 14-2 or 13-3? And then just sit your best guys at the end, like what usually happens when a team is guranteed a playoff spot. Which kinda sucks if your a season ticket holder anyways. You pay full price to watch the back ups do clean up work, while your starters sit, because your team is already in the playoffs. Or do you try to judge each match up and determine what you can win with or without? How long before the game would you have to announce whos sitting and who's playing? If it's like the injury report, teams would have a heck of a time game planning. Not to mention it makes finding talent in the later part of the draft all that more important. Probably wouldn't happen, but it's interesting.
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