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Wayne Cubed

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Everything posted by Wayne Cubed

  1. It's funny I remember a certain 0-16 team going 4-0 in preseason. Let's not all go throwing ourselves in front of oncoming traffic because of one PRESEASON game.
  2. I'm so upset!!! If Lee Evans was here we would have definitely won this game! Edit: also if Poz were still here, our defense would have stepped up so much more! .../sarcasm
  3. Do you know what the offense in generals game plan was? Cause I know chan doesn't send me that information... All I am saying is offensive blocking schemes can get elaborate(zone blocking, etc). Maybe, just maybe Bills haven't installed these yet. Add to that we have a line that didn't get to gel in the offseason because of the lock out. It's the preseason. Let's wait and see how Sept. 11th goes first, then we can start screaming.
  4. +1 This team isn't gonna go to the super bowl this year, but people cmon. Relax. It's freaking practice. For all we know John fox could have a full on game plan going tonight to win in front of his home crowd. Whereas the Bills could still be trying out and testing different schemes... Seeing what works and what doesn't. Breath. Save your frustration for Sept. 11.
  5. +1 It's preseason. Practice. This is the time to mess up and male mistakes and figure things out. Who knows what kind of game plan the offensive line is running. Some fans take preseason WAY to serious. New Orleans looked like crap today, time to hit the panic button. Indianapolis has played like garbage, their season is over. Just breath. It's preseason, and we are rebuilding. Just sayin.
  6. Ok... Saw the 3 passes. First was a 5 yard slant towards the middle of the field, wouldn't exactly call it going across the middle, but it was a good route, picked up the first down. Second was an out route. Lee went and got this ball, it was a really good catch. Managed to get both feet in. Third was a fade route, perfectly thrown, classic Lee. Now, granted the second 2 catches were against the KC second/third team defense. And lastly...... it is preseason. This could all mean a whole lot of nothing...
  7. Sure was, with boarder portral and a bottle of anabolic steroids.
  8. Replay of the Chiefs/Ravens is on right now. I'll fill everyone in and give my opinion after the first are done.
  9. Yea, the Bucs are by no means a tool to judge by. Just was something that was really effective when I was watching.
  10. Now, I know last night was a preseason game and all, but to me they appeared very much to have a pass rush. Their DE's made made the Bucs left tackle look like a turnstile. Freeman had absolutely no time to get comfortable in the pocket.
  11. Seriously, this thread STILL isn't closed... It certainly needs to be
  12. Touche. But I would have to say its like him finding a footprint on the roof in the snow, measuring it and then going and yelling that its Santa Clause and he is real. The sleigh would be pretty significant proof. Like they found a empty bottle or something. Moran doesn't even have that. He has a source.. So it's second hand account.
  13. In other news, I'm watching the Pats*/Bucs game. Andre Carter looks like a beast.... Better hope Bell can block him, otherwise the Pats* are gonna be putting a lot of pressure on Fitz.
  14. I get this argument, I studied philosophy. Its basically an Ad Hoc argument. But its like saying, Santa Clause is real. And maybe we just haven't discovered his technology or how he gets around etc. You can keep saying til your blue in the face that maybe, just maybe its still true. When reputal sources confirm that there is nothing to see here, it's time to put this story to bed and move on.
  15. Gotta agree with that, what career? The guy basically admits he started this site on his own, because he was sick of the coverage of sports in Buffalo. If you do some digging, into his myspace, he has no formal journalism training. So how is he any different than any fan who starts a website/blog? So in essence what does he have to lose with this story? His sponsers? I'm sure S.W.A.T. and Rekkio's Bowling aren't gonna be too upset about this. Maybe Benchwarmers Bar and Grill gets upset because he tried to defame a Buffalo Bill. Maybe he doesn't get the 2 for 1 deal at Tomatoe's Pizza anymore. All in all, this guys has very limit reputation and national interest to be worried about.
  16. Seriously dude. You didn't see the 30 page thread?
  17. Unfortunately it is easy to sue for Libel, but very hard to prove. Most cases don't stand up in court. There are usually 3 things a person has to prove that. 1.) that the statement is in fact false. Which that could be tricky on its own. 2.) that the statement caused harm. again very hard to prove that. and 3.) prove the statement was made without significant research. There is also a sort of 4th rule for celebs. They need to prove that the statement was specifically mad with intent to harm. Which most reporters can just say they were just reporting what they heard and weren't intending to do any harm. Put those all together, and you have one tough case. Not sure Shawne would want to go through all of that AND give this guy more publicity. Although I think he should, just to put this Pat Moran in a bad light.
  18. So is starting a 6'1" 231 lb(thats his listed weight... i doubt its really that much, must be when he's soaking wet) at MLB. He's kind of a liability out there.
  19. hahahahaha, Seriously can't stop laughing. Can we end the thread on this!
  20. To me this seems like such a non-story its absolutely hilarious. Shawne Merriman, has never been busted for using steroids. He was tested with a banned substance in his system. The NFL never said it was roids. And this all happened when the NFL had a freaking 800 # you called to check you supplements with. The NFL even waited weeks before releasing the information that he failed because they didn't want him to take a bad rap. He passed 19 out of the 20 drug tests before. The guy got a bad rap by the media Even if this was true, that he came across the boarder with a supposed substance, that doesn't mean it was steroids. Again it could have been supplements. Steroids are such a weighted word. Just like busted is. Honestly, this Moran guy, used a terrible choice of words.
  21. Merriman is on the opening page of buffalobills.com.... must mean something
  22. I think this was a key time... Baltimore missed out on some receivers in FA and they didn't get Derrick Mason back or Jerricho Cotchery. So they were gonna have to give up picks. Honestly I think they over payed for Evans. Randy Moss got the Patriots* a 3rd and a 7th. Boldin got the Cardinals a 3rd, 4th. Both those receivers have put up better numbers than Evans. Gotta take what the market dictates. 37 receptions for 578 yards, isn't going to get you much. Yea he has a reputation as being a number 1, but the numbers just don't support that. At least for the last 2 years.... 81 receptions for 1,190 yards. Ouch
  23. Listen, I get what you are saying. So the role of who teams game plan for WR-wise shifts to Stevie. My argument to that is don't you think every defense game plans for the good/great WR's on any team ala Andre/Calvin Johnson. And yet they still come through and produce. Do we know how Stevie will respond to this role? No, not at all but if he is a great WR, he will find a way to get open.
  24. Didn't you know, Lee Evans is the only #1 WR in the NFL that gets doubled, thats why his numbers are so low. Also he's a decoy. Thats a #1's job. They don't catch balls.
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