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Wayne Cubed

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Everything posted by Wayne Cubed

  1. Agreed. McKelvin was step for step with the receiver... It was honestly a good throw and an amazing catch.. No need to harp on McKelvin for it
  2. Yea the wings out here are tiny compared to back in Buffalo. Also I don't understand how places out here don't know how to make a good buffalo sauce... its pathetic.
  3. It says he wasn't at practice. Makes no mention of him not playing. Also says Seymor wasn't at practice. Could be a rest day, shouldn't assume he's out. Stevie sat out today as well.
  4. Jerry Rice wasn't a fast receiver at all.... Just sayin. Not saying we have the next Jerry Rice on our team, but speed isn't the end all be all.
  5. I believe I remember a stat from a few years ago, when AFCE played the teams in the AFCW... I don't believe one AFCW team got a win, when traveling East. I'll take the Bills 28; Raiders 9.
  6. Guess you didn't read his entire post.... he said HOME OPENER that was blacked out. Not just any regular season game.
  7. DId this with my friends a year ago... who could go the longest without shaving or trimming their beard. Losers bought the winner a 12 pack of a beer of the winners choice. I think this year I'm gonna do a no shaving my moustache, see how that goes.
  8. How is this argument so ridiculous? People are certainly entitled their opinion. But this topic has been beaten like a dead horse. And I think you said it best actually, the coaches know more than the "average fan". If these "average fans" know soooooo well where Arthur Moats should be playing then they definitely chose the wrong career path. I also welcome any argument that says why he should be playing on the outside. And just because the average fan says he excelled last year is not an argument. Specifics would be nice. Where exactly did he excel? What were his weak points or areas of concern? Also because that's what he was laying in college is not an argument either. Gifted athletes change positions in the NFL, it does happen.
  9. So let me get this straight... You're basically saying that Bob Sanders, who is probably our best positions coach, and Dave Wannstedt don't know what they are doing by keeping Moats inside? And that you know better? I'm confused on this infatuation fans have with Moats. His biggest claim is he knocked out Brett Farve. Besides that he was lousy against the run and had a couple QB pressures. How exactly did he excel? If these coaches don't see it happening, then I'm going to have to believe them.
  10. Gotta love these 2 "inside" sources nfldraftscouts had..... Twitter is ridiculous.
  11. get your daughters out of the road!
  12. Again, I'm going to have to disagree. The mental mistakes are the hardest to overcome. Most of these players coming to play the in the NFL are physical specimens. They are the best of the best as far as physically gifted athletes. In most cases, it's the mental part of the game(dropping balls, missing assignments, reading defenses/offenses) that contributes to then failing.
  13. Now I'm calling BS. Hairston looked reallyl good? Would that be the play he completely missed the DE? I mean he saw the DE coming(at least i hope he did) and chose instead to double Rhineharts guy, which Rhinehart had blocke and didnt need help. Or the one where he got bull rushed into Thigpen? Oh and he looked absolutely fabulous on run blocking too didn't he? I mean he looked OK at best. And that wa against the 3s and 4s. To sit there and say he looked really good but saying Troup looked "horrible" is showing how completely biased your opinion is.
  14. Yea, Dave Wannstedt(ILB Coach) knows nothing about personnel and who should be playing where. What is he thinking?!?!
  15. looks like they're running some tests on it http://espn.go.com/nfl/story/_/id/6893258/marcell-dareus-buffalo-bills-hurts-ankle-waiting-test-results-report-says to determine the severity of the injury...
  16. Sheps been practicing all week, just didn't play in the last preseason game because of lack of practices before... Check Chris Browns blog.
  17. Honestly I get where you are coming from. It's easier to be negative and pressimistic because at the end of the day if the season goes bad you can sit there and say see I told you so. And that feels good, being right. But also if the team does well, then you feel good about that as well. It's a win-win situation.. It's funny how some fans talk about changing the losing culture around the team. I think in that same respect this overly negative and pissy attitude from some fans needs to be changed too. Oh well. Life goes on.
  18. If Evans was on the team, we would have won this scrimmage...
  19. And there you are, to of course, chime in... Cause yes lets relive everything in a freaking glorified SCRIMMAGE.
  20. Wow, weird, exactly what I said last night about not scheming at all.. But of course the negative nancies are out in force.
  21. Cause thats what I said... thanks again for playing. Its like even if the Bills game out and played like gang busters, you'd still be on this board saying. Well it was denver the 2nd worst team in the league last year, so it means nothing... Why do I even bother with some of the pessimist/chicken little's of the world?
  22. I think it's pretty obvious what I'm saying. Its preseason and I am saying why worry. The Bills looked like garbage. Great, I saw that too. Its a scrimmage. Preseason. This is where you are suppose to mess up, get things wrong, try other things out. Does it mean its time to hit the panic button? My stats point to the fact that, you can go 0-4 or 4-0 and preseason can still mean absolutely nothing. So I wouldn't exactly call them random. Show me one preseason where it matters and I can show you one where it doesn't. They don't game plan, they don't watch film of the other team. And yes watching film can change A LOT. So whats the point of getting all worked up?
  23. So let me ask this, in all seriousness.. A team goes 4-0 in preseason. They obviously look good, since they won all their scrimmages. Then they proceed to go 0-16 when it counts. Why is that? I mean if you witnessed all those games, they looked good, they won. What happened? I think the "nonsense" is to think that preseason games mean anything at all. The 90s bills went 0-4 in preseason, then went on to the super bowl. Are the 2011 Bills going to go to the super bowl? No. But to think you can judge how a season is going to turn out based on the 2nd game of the preseason. To me, thats nonsense. My thought, save all the frustration and emotions for when they count. If Sept. 11 roles around and its 4pm EST, then express how you feel.
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