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Everything posted by bouds

  1. I jumped a grade, did the 7th and 8th grade in one year. Trust me, it sounds good on paper, but everyone knew I was the youngest in my HS class. Wasn't socially awkward or a nerd, but they do treat you differently. Stayed for an extra half of a semester, felt there was no reason to rush college as well, so I took a few extra classes before graduating. Oh, and the Saints were a laughing stock franchise, exactly where the Bills are today. Competent coach and QB can change everything.
  2. 18 year old college sophmore. still remember talking up the bills d in my english class to a disillusioned classmate. ah, the good old days.
  3. What about the number 3 pick in the '11 draft? Was MIA yesterday.
  4. It's Bill, he's been shitting on Spiller for 3 years, objectivity gets tossed in the trash. I knew what he'd write about Spiller before reading his post, gloss over the positive and point out the negative with regards to Spiller. Too funny and incredibly predictably.
  5. Jets had trouble running the ball last year, so it may not actually be a good barometer. Really upset with Dareus. Watch a guy like Watt, A.Smith, Von Miller, AJ Green, Julio Jones, and you see their impact immediately. Dareus plays well against inferior competition, but seems to disappear against superior players. Mangold ate his lunch today. Didn't impact the pocket at all and didn't bat a pass down, didn't even see him get his hands up. He was engulfed by Moore and Mangold. Really disappointing.
  6. Chan's philosophy led the AFC in rushing, so the problem isn't smash mouth football. It's the **** talent we have on both sides of the ball. Where's our Bowman, Willis, A.Smith, J.Smith, V.Davis, R.Moss, M.Manningham, C.Rogers? Every year we blame the coaches, every 2-3 years they're fired and we bring a new guy in, same !@#$ing results. When are the fans going to point the finger at the players? I'm not excusing the coaching, but the talent really isn't there either. We have one good receiver, that's it. Couple of good OL and a couple of backs.
  7. No, until we win and straighten this **** out Buffalo is still NFL Siberia. Just because one guy took the money doesn't mean the next guy will. Whatever, what's the use in arguing about this. He said no, deal with it.
  8. So what you're saying is that it wasn't really about the money? No amount would get you to go live/work in Siberia, Glad we cleared that up.
  9. That absolutely could have be an issue, but the OP thinks it's just about money, so we've both reached the wrong conclusion.
  10. he keeps ignoring harbaugh's family situation, or that fact that he may not actually want to live in buffalo, or coach in buffalo. Harbaugh could have any coaching vacancy and he chose not to coach the Bills, so did Shanahan, and Cowher. I'm noticing a trend here. But I'm sure everyone has their price! Relax. Howard should have a tougher time against a like Williams. Yes, good players get the shaft all the time and surprise everyone, but throwing around Peters is a bit much. Williams should handle guys like Howard, heck he should be able to play very well against pretty much any tackle because he's being paid to do so. Guy is supposed to be one of the best ends and he looked like a chump today.
  11. Does the OP realize that we offered Harbaugh the job and he told us to get !@#$ed. His wife was also pregnant at the time and moving was probably not an option.
  12. defense, fitz has stunk up the joint before. they spent a ton of money on the defense, and have wasted countless picks on that side of the ball. zero !@#$ing difference.
  13. Was Wannstedt the problem last year? Same players, new coach, new scheme, same !@#$ing results. When do the players get held accountable. Every year it's the coaches, they come and go but nothing ever changes.
  14. Lee Smith is an overlooked player. We're in spread open so often you forget he's even on the roster. I expect to see him as the in line TE in single back sets with Chandler the flex Y. Hopefully we use him more, hell of a blocker.
  15. Right, but the scouts that created the draft board were Modrak's guys. If you have bad marks on players you're going to select bad players. Buddy's not watching all of these late round guys carefully, no GM is, you're scouts are your eyes in the late rounds. Are you forgetting the scouting dept overhaul after the 11 draft? They fired a bunch of guys along with Modrak. David Nelson may not have been a '10 draft pick but they hit on him, may not be a gamebreaker but he's a good receiver. If you don't hit on a late round draft pick but hit on an undrafted player(s) from time to time what's the difference, and Howell made the team this year.
  16. he's a lock because there's no other lbers on this team, but i agree with you, hasn't really looked good in preseason.
  17. right, but last night they weren't actually throwing his way. wish they did so we could see more of him, but everything went a.williams way. the short curls that were completed to his side of the field were against cover 3 and wilson had to curl underneath the receiver but didn't get there in time. i thought he was good yesterday, there were at least two throws intended his way that Ben looked off, because Gilmore's coverage was good. when he was in press man he was stout, only blemish was the td he gave, kind of gambled for the int.
  18. he had one catch completed his way but somehow he was beaten repeatedly, you sure you're not watching williams. edit: TD was the only thing he gave up, the underneath stuff was george wilson's responsibility.
  19. Cousins looked like **** against the Bills. Played well yesterday though.
  20. Gailey's the only guy who would actually take the job. Shanahan turned it down, Cowher told us to !@#$ off and hire Gailey, Harbaugh also declined, Brian Schottenheimer of all !@#$ing people wouldn't even interview. I guess the only other guy was Frazier and I'm not sure he's any better than Chan. I'll support Chan, good man, not a good HC, he's a coordinator - a good one. This team has an image problem, as does the city. Top flight coaching talent will go elsewhere, they already have. Mario Williams had to become the highest paid player to come here, and we basically locked him in a closet until he signed. I can't wait until some of you turn against him as well, because Mario loves to pull disappearing acts, just ask Texans fans.
  21. Moats was our best linebacker, that's scary. That group is a terrible, as bad as the receivers, probably worse. I loved Navarro Bowman when he came out of PSU, we took Carrington and he's getting cut. Desperately need some talent at LB, we have some young guys but we have no idea what they can do.
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