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Everything posted by bouds

  1. Can't discount the Seahawks either. Two Superbowl appearances in the last few years, largely a homegrown team, with some great trades and FA signings (Bennett and Avril were absolute steals).
  2. Banner behaves like a lunatic on Twitter, much too raw, he doesn't want a job in the NFL again, his words not mine. Banner does like Gailey.
  3. Remember when Darby and Gilmore completely shutdown OBJ, good times! We had hope back then.
  4. Lets hope Roman gets a job in the offseason. For as good as he is with the run game, our pass game is balls.
  5. SackSEER predicted that Maybin would be tops in his class and would accumulate over 40 sacks faster than anyone in his class. It's since been tweaked but hey, it's good for a laugh.
  6. Love that he plucks the ball with his hands when he catches, he's not waiting for it to get into his body. Ready to snatch and run.
  7. Really starting to hate our fanbase. We probably did give up too much, never a good idea to trade picks, but when you draft as poorly as the Bills have in the past decade and a half does it really matter? I mean this is a franchise who has drafted Donte Whitner in the top 10, traded a first round pick to draft JP Losman, drafted McKelvin in the top 15, John McCargo in the 1st round, Aaron Maybin in the top 15, two running backs in the top 12 (one who was ultimately traded but good, and another who be a free agent), the underperforming Eric Wood who isn't a top 5 Center but is paid like one, and last but not least EJ Manuel who was a second day selection at best. So I'm going to worry about a 1st round pick? Even when we have them we usually blow them. Hey look, lets continue to play this game and make ourselves more miserable. We could have drafted Chris Borland instead of Preston Brown, we could have draft Navarro Bowman instead of Alex Carrington, Gronk instead of Troup, we could have traded up for Big Ben instead of trading up for Losman, we could have drafted.... Bottom line, Sammy is a good player, he'll be a good player barring injury and further development. This team needs good players. Stop comparing him to other receivers, stop worrying about the 1st round pick we gave because it's a sunk cost, no getting it back. Worry about him developing and staying healthy. Not the could have and the should haves. Seems like that's all we do, worry about our past miscues. It's over with, move on. We have bigger issues than Sammy Watkins.
  8. Competent front offices are just as rare. Feel for Bengal fans, but at least they've fielded some competitive football teams in the last decade and change.
  9. We should trade him like we did Lynch, give talent a chance to shine elsewhere. Put CJ on the market as well, soft and always hurt, trade him too...
  10. Hard to play CB with two hands, harder with one. Showed he was above average last year. http://presnapreads.com/2013/06/04/stephon-gilmore-an-elite-cornerback-lost-in-the-failings-of-the-buffalo-bills/
  11. With the way Robeys playing Brooks is expendable
  12. Looked like Wannestedts crew, clueless against zone read. Talent or coaching?
  13. Cordy Glenn left too last year, no big deal if you ask me.
  14. Tavon Austin isn't anything like Parrish, stop comparing the two.
  15. Right, too many variables. Packers felt Rodgers wasn't going to be the guy two years after they drafted him, scouts felt that way, so they added Brohm.... Nuff said. I like Jordan a lot
  16. Stop with the idiocy, there's better ways to dissect a prospect than just tagging him as a Maybin clone. Stop being lazy. Ansah is a good run defender, he's raw with better athleticism than Maybing, and uses his hands in a much more violent way. Maybin was a soft player with just one move, Ansah has sand in his game. Still, he needs a lot of work with his technique, but you hope to teach that, can't teach his athleticism. Still remember when nimrods went around tagging Von Miller with the Maybin 2.0 tag, hahahaha. Stop being dumb for a change. He was a first round pick before the senior bowl, he actually had a poor SB but it doesn't matter becuase games mean more a handful of practices. Guy was going in the first before all of this.
  17. If we they lose Levitre they have to go OL early again in the draft, no !@#$ing depth.
  18. Needs a good D coordinator, but I pitched this idea a couple of months ago on another board. His O is a beauty.
  19. Just like Marshawn Lynch was ineffective while he was a member of the Bills...lol. If Kyle is ineffective then what was Mario !@#$ing Williams? Trash the entire roster and contract the team if Kyle's not a good player because the rest are trash in comparison. OP is an idiot, plain and simple. LOL @ Dareus being doubled all game long, stop deluding yourselves. He was creamed repeatedly, so was Kyle at times. Both Dareus and Kyle received doubles, Mario was by himself all game long against a 3rd string tackle, and he did !@#$ all.
  20. You should feel happy for him, fresh start with a competent organization.
  21. The only thing Te'o has over those two is leadership, and that's an intangible trait. Brown is a better cover guy than Te'o, no question in my mind about that. A lot of Te'o's interception came off receiver hands or deflections. Very similar to Lavonte David, if you play in the Big 12 you better be able to cover and Brown can certainly do that. In ND's D Te'o doesn't really run down the seam with TE's, that's Danny Spond's job who is a much more athletic OLB. Minter's an underrated player, no one really talks about him but he's LSU's best and most consistent defender. It doesn't mean Te'o's a bad player, but he isn't this transcended player some make him out to be. No question, he's a damn good leader, but you only take an inside LB top 5-10 if he's a Patrick Willis type athlete/talent, and Te'o isn't that. Remember Rolando McClain, Te'o's a much better player than McClain in the run game but I'm not sure he's that much better in pass coverage. Hawk's a good comparison, Te'o and Hawk are similar college players, would you take Hawk top 5? Probably not even though he's a solid NFL player. That's what I feel Te'o is, a solid player but not a guy you take top 5-10. Kuechly's a much better cover LB than Te'o as well, or was in the college.
  22. Te'o is all hype. Arthur Brown and Kevin Minter are just as good.
  23. You don't have to wonder for very long, he had Chad Johnson in his prime and Fitz was ****. Garbage QB, wonder not.
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