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Everything posted by bouds

  1. Good job by some of our Bills fans, lol. A handful of Jets fans were logical, reserved judgement until he actually plays in a regular season game, the rest were ogling and wanking at the possibility that Maybin is not a total scrub.
  2. According to Nawrocki Cam Newton will probably stab you and take your wallet.
  3. TMZ, unfortunately, has a great track record with these kinds of stories, most likely true. RIP
  4. Probably take Tank Carder at some point, wonder how early.
  5. He'll be better than Maybin, faster and plays stronger. Not an every down player though.
  6. I love Lavonte David, disappointed that they didn't bring him in for a visit. Bobby Wagner's a good one as well, no visit either. Kuechly was the one guy they brought in at the LB position, Carder as well but he's a 3rd day guy. Seems like they won't be going LB early, but I hope I'm dead wrong.
  7. After reading that you get the impression that everyone is overrated.
  8. I know what position he plays, I've probably watched him over a dozen and half games, watch a lot of Bama. They play a lot of man free and sometimes he's the rat, sometimes he's single high, safeties interchangeable in Saban's system.
  9. We have a fine safety in Byrd, no reason to go after one so high when we have so many other holes. Barron may be B.Meriweather, or Laron Landry, why is he immediately Polamalu/Sanders/Reed? Prudent use of resources it is not, if we didn't have Byrd then I would be against it wholesale. For this FO to be targeting him so high means they aren't planning on bringing back Byrd, only way this move makes sense. Is exactly what this organization has shown for more than a decade. Passing up quality DL for defensive backs and running backs.
  10. 3m for a rookie safety and Byrd is going to command double that, 9m per year to two safeties. Then you have to resign Urbik and Levitre, Levitre will cost around 7m, and you still have Fred Jackson. Don't need 9m tied up in safeties. Did the Giants win the Superbowl because of their safeties? Don't need a safety, if this happens it'll just further the belief that the FO is generally clueless. Love how some of you are trying to convince yourselves that this is a good move, have to love cognitive dissonance.
  11. Byrd's a FA after '12, if they're targeting a safety with a first round pick Byrd may not be back here because you can't tie up all that money in the S position. You look around the league, and you teams normally have one good safety who makes the primo bucks and then a complementary S that doesn't make as much. Perfect example is Polamalu and Clark.
  12. Nawrocki had Maybin as the number one DE the year he came out. He also trashed Newton last season, attacked him personally. Feel the guy is scum and should be ignored.
  13. If you're serious and not taking the piss, you're a certified fool. Fleener will be a great pro, doubt he gets past the Niners.
  14. Love him, I think we all do. If he's there in the 2nd you pull the trigger, 1st round talent. Doubt he makes it to us, what a player, can't say enough about him.
  15. There are no good LTs in free agency, so we're going to have to draft one.
  16. If he can find a way to stay healthy he'll be a good player. But much like Roscoe, this guy's made of glass.
  17. No, but he might drop to us if we sit tight. Jags are a wildcard though, need receivers, a DE, CB, they have holes.
  18. I don't why but the last sentence really gave me a chuckle.
  19. When you have a billionaire owner, you can make these kinds of deals. Pay up front and just cut bait when it doesn't work out.
  20. 18m guaranteed, lol. Way too much money for Lynch, bidding against themselves. Which other team was going to give Lynch that kind of money? HAHAHA
  21. LOL at making tackles five yards down field. You haven't watched him. Guy knifes through traffic. Watch the tape.
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