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Everything posted by f0neguy

  1. New Jersey is “the Garden State”. One time years ago my flight landed and the pilot came over the speakers and said we call it the garden state, you should be guarding your wallet and watch.
  2. I can only hope the “future considerations” are a little more than a 7th round pick…. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge. (Obscure Monty Python reference)
  3. I’ll give the kid credit. Played four years for a small school, UDFA invited to a pro camp. Spent a few weeks here, saw the commitment it would take and decided it wasn’t for him. Got a free degree, has his health, and his whole life in front of him.
  4. Vitamins or supplements kinda up to you. Seeing your Doc once a year with blood work is huge. Guys, make sure you request a PSA test as well. I would bet that us old folks know someone who is alive because of early detection. And we probably knew someone who didn’t see a Doc and they’re gone. Early detection saves lives.
  5. With the offensive weapons Beane has put together I don’t know of a defense that can cover everyone. As long as the line can give Josh a few seconds and keep him upright this should be entertaining.
  6. Supposedly Dead and Co. are touring this year for the last time (heard this before…). Wondering if I should catch them just in case they’re actually done.
  7. So my question is what is the disconnect and can it be fixed? We had plenty of guns, kept them in our trucks. We took them to school so we could hunt before and after. I posted above that I can’t blame social networking directly for this. But does anyone have any idea as to what changed over the last 10-15 years to push so many people to this?
  8. Haven’t checked but have their suicide and medication rates skyrocketed? Ours have. The question posed was “what has changed over the last 10-15 years”. Do you have another answer?
  9. Social networking? Can’t blame it on Social Networking but I’m not a fan.
  10. When I was in the Air Force I could catch a “hop” from Athens Greece to Omaha, NE non-stop. Refuel over Nova Scotia, 16-18 hours. 👍
  11. I believe that banning assault rifles would be great but that’s easier said than done. When I was in high school in the Southern Tier 40+ years ago we would go hunting before school and have shotguns on racks in the cabs of our trucks. You could see them in the back windows. There’s more to this than access to guns. Teen suicide, depression, and behavioral issues are all way up. I don’t know the answer and I don’t see us getting close to one.
  12. Just paid $15 for 10 wings last week. About an hour north of you in Schroon Lake. They were pretty good but the days of 50 cent wings are long gone.
  13. Our front office (and coaching staff) have lost good people recently. As long as we’re winning and 17 plays for us, I believe good people will want to work here as well. In Beane we trust!
  14. I wear a Fitbit (sort of smart) watch. Last year we were hiking around the Nevada / Utah border and with the different time zones and Native American territories the time on your watch or phone could change when you crossed the street. Lots of watches there and I’ll have one with me if I get back.
  15. With the drafting of two 220+ LB’s that can fly with good/great instincts I wonder if McBeane are looking at changing what we do. Edmonds has the physical attributes but no feel for the game. What if we could throw two or three Milano’s on the field at the same time? Perhaps the days of 250 lb thumpers is over.
  16. I admit that I’m no expert on line play but the Bills have invested in young lineman. Brown, Doyle, Ike, and Rick are all younger guys. They also drafted Anderson who they lost to the Eagles off of the PS last year. (Not even counting Ford) Maybe Kromer saw something in the kid they just drafted that he can work with. Young lineman take time and Josh covers up problems. At this point I’m not too worried, I expect they’ll be better this year. Compared to what they’ve put on the field in the past we’re okay 👍.
  17. Just got back from two weeks in Alaska. Eagles are everywhere, but saw the most south of Anchorage, in the Kenai peninsula.
  18. Time for the Key & Peele East/West All Star Game introductions. (Can’t link it, just Google it 👍)
  19. Little off topic but the “Robert and Toyah Sunday Lunch” videos are showing a different side of Mr. Fripp. I think he’s mellowing in his old age 🥳
  20. I believe that if it were called the Bills could have either the XP or the kickoff backed up. The TD would have counted, it wouldn’t have affected the clock at all.
  21. Yeah, the TD would have counted. Back them up on the XP. If they miss it the game changes drastically. I think the rule is stupid but enforce it. Wasn’t a difficult call to make.
  22. I’ll preface this with I’m a white guy. This seems similar to the Rooney rule in that the league is is exposing minorities to upper level positions without giving them a real shot at success. From the outside it looks like a big part of these promotions is based on who you know. I think the league should be encouraging minority (and female) hiring at the entry level positions; QC, RB, LB, OL, DL, whatever. Same for the administrative side. Get these folks into the system to learn but more importantly, to network and start building relationships. As people prove their abilities and make a name for themselves they’ll move up. It won’t happen fast but the right thing rarely does.
  23. Real. But I find it funny that an earlier joke about Jada sleeping around was okay and a joke about her medical condition made him snap.
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