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VADC Bills

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Everything posted by VADC Bills

  1. In a QB driven league if you don't have a good QB you don't have a chance. Brady and Bledsoe at New England are a perfect example. NE was mediocre with Bledsoe yet in the same season with Brady they became a SB champion. Banks and Dilfer in Baltimore is also an example. Banks while QB with Ravens barely could keep the team at .500 with a great defense. Although Dilfer was not a great QB he was very solid and won 8 straight and the SB with the exact same team in the same season. In certain circumstances it is about the QB...Trent Edwards winning an NFC championship with the 88' 49ers....please. Montana wasn't afraid to throw down field....I understand your point I just didn't agree with your example.
  2. I find it so amusing that people are so unforgiving of others for their indiscretions with out recognizing their own. Are most of the bloggers here perfect?
  3. You have just described Poz so he should fit right in. I am a huge McClain fan and as much as I would like to see him in a Bills uniform, I dont think they are leaning that way... it would make too much sense. I think they will trade down for more picks if the deal is there. Don't be surprised if they go for a skill position at 9.
  4. +1 Buddy and Chan realize having your Thurman Thomas type back can help a team tremendously especially if your QB is Capt Checkdown. When the draft is deep in lineman and you can't get the best ones...go for a skill position if you can get the best or you try and trade down. Maybe not the most popular choice but it's not the worst one by a long shot.
  5. I respect your points but you are making assumptions here. I have played sports as well and the surprising thing is that the locker room and the team become a solace away from off field issues. Players tend to form there own opinions as opposed letting media form it for them. From all I have heard Lynch is very well liked in the locker room. Granted none of us are there and know for sure. Do not make assumptions here based on your personal feelings toward his off field issues.
  6. Isn't that what we have now??? He should fit right in. He would instantly become the best LB on the team. I'm a huge fan of McClain but I would like to see the Bills trade down for extra picks. If we can get him on a trade down that would be great.
  7. Crooked OPEC cartel...They don't seem to be as crooked since Bush left office. Patriot act kept us safe....only after we were attacked, remember we were only attacked on Bush's watch...and it put govt in our everyday lives ..idiot. Who created the recession to begin with..moron Who authored the original stimulus package.... Quit doing oxy with Rush and start utilizing your brain instead of letting FOX TV and radio junkies tell you how to think. I'm sure your points built on selective memory has made your GED instructor very proud. Most kids that read their Weekly Readers make more of an intelligent argument...get back to football. You are obviously a Rob Johnson fan.
  8. Bingo. It seems like they are doing their homework. If they can pull it off expect them to trade down.
  9. Let me get out the vote for Ellie Mae Palin bumper stickers. Didn't we just had 8 years of the 2nd American revolution with the Bush dictatorship. - Patriot Act allowing government the ability to monitor everyone KGB style. - Hooking up his middle east oil buddies by pimping America. Oil prices haven't been that high since Bush left..coincidence? - Letting our country get attacked by neglecting all signs and emails warning him and blaming everyone else. - Increasing the size of government. - Bankrupting the financial system - Creating huge deficits by financing an uneccessary war and useless tax cuts. - Having 8 years to craft a medical bill and doing nothing and then bitching when someone else does. Even if you don't like Obama, we can't go back to that s--t. As for Whitner maybe he will take of advantage of having Wilson and Byrd mentoring him into being a better safety because they clearly understand the position better than he.
  10. I agree. I'm on the McClain bandwagon. ILB and OLB is a huge weakness for us. However with that being said the smart move would be to move down and generate more draft picks. It would not surprise me to see them move down and then draft a skill position. I would not rule this approach out. Most people feel the draft is deep in our positions of need OL and DL. This is the perfect senario to trade down and draft a skill player.
  11. Based on your depth analysis it would make since to trade down and pick up extra picks and draft a skill position. Something tells me that what Nix is thinking which could be why you see them interviewing CJ Spiller. We have so many needs that we need to generate more picks. This would be the perfect time to move down.
  12. Carriker has never lived up to expectation being a 1st rounder. Andre Carter had a monster year for the Redskins. This was due to the arrival of Haynesworth. He has been labelled not a good fit fot the 3-4 defense. I still can't see them letting him go. He can flat out play. Say no to both of these moves unless you can pick them up off of waivers....or at least wait until after the draft.
  13. Was it the wrong strategy or the did we just sign the wrong players? The strategy is good if you sign the right players. However if the right players aren't there..don't force it. Believe it or not there some GM's out there that know what they are doing. We just haven't had them recently. Not sure how to judge the present staff as of yet.
  14. Not bad, I would like to see the Bills trade down from 9 and generate additional draft picks. I would love to see an additional 2nd rounder.
  15. The public perception is different between the races even with the posters here. I remember reading about the Lynch $20 incident and the common reaction was "he is a thug and we need to trade him" Ben has the sexual assault allegations and not one person has referred to him as a thug or anything negative. This was second offenses for both. Not to worry the reporters are mustering around for the kill... do people tend to pass judgement on minorities quicker? Athletes Black and White have the best get out of jail free card you can have ...money. People with money do get away with more within our legal system and people of all races have taken advantage. To address your point regarding the Bubba's with gun racks. The fact is that blacks will get stopped more because DWB. Whites don't. I have never heard a white person say he was stopped because he was driving though a nice neighborhood.... Bubba's may not be breaking gun laws but how would you know if they don't run the same risk of being stopped for random searches...as you said it ain't rocket science. The history of America is built on racism. Where racism is a unique hot bed subject. For any group that is victimized by racism or discrimination they tend to be more sensitive than groups that aren't. The question is when are the claims valid in a society that is trying to move beyond it without addressing it head on?
  16. Interesting.... This years crop of FA's are like the over the hill version of normal free agency. However the players are good...I'm not going to trash players that someone else acquires and say they are not good enough to be Bills when we are coming off of a 6-10 season. Whether Nix and Whaley are doing the right thing, I will only know by the product they put on the field. I remember when TD arrived, all was on board.. he was making all the right moves according to the bloggers on this board and a few short years later he was a stupid moron that got rid of our good players. When Levy arrived everyone drank the "we need to be smaller and quicker" kool aid. A few years later Levy and DJ were morons that screwed the team up even more. With that in mind I will wait until I see what they put on the field before I reserve judgement. I will also give them 2 seasons to get things turned around. By then we should know where this thing is going.
  17. Vince Young does but not Troy Smith. I would liken Smith to a Dave Girrard that has a stronger arm and can move better.
  18. From a fan that lives in the Balto/Wash area. The Ravens drafted Troy Smith the same Steve MacNair was deemed the starter. When it looked like Steve was done they drafted Joe Flacco. When Flacco and Smith competed head to head Smith was the better looking QB, not by much but he was the better looking QB. The media assumed Flacco was going to be the starter because he was a first rounder, it was the Raven players that said Smith was looking very strong and wasn't sure who there starter would be. When Smith became ill, it was Flacco by default and he hasn't looked back. Smith last year demanded a trade. If I was Smith I would think that I out performed Flacco when going head to head I deserve my shot. I would certainly trade a 5th for him. At worse it would add to the competition at a sorry position for us and Smith doesn't have to change his mechanics to play in the pro's like a Tebow. I was never a Smith fan in college, he impressed me when I saw him compete in the pro's against Flacco. Hopefully this give you little more insight before making assumptions.
  19. Lets face it Richmond can't even keep a AAA ball team. It is the most non sports town I have ever seen. Besides Richmond is Flying Squirrel territory.
  20. I can agree although I'm not as enthusiastic as you but I think your list is more accurate. Players not used correctly would be Eric Wood - Played good at guard. I would love to see this guy at center. The opposing teams push always came opposite Hangartner and Levitre. Whitner - solid in run protection but Byrd exposed Whitner's inability to create the turnover. However he is part of the most successful unit on the team. Poz - should he be inside or outside. The inability to shed blocks and position him self for the tackles makes him a liability like Wihtner has yet to distiguish himself as being above average for a season. Hangartner - is he a center or guard. I think the Levy Jauron era focused on people that could play more than one position than people that were very good at one. With a qb that can see the field , read defenses and assess open receivers in single coverage we will get to the playoffs much quicker.
  21. The Jet and Dolphins have proven that you can rebuild in a year..but you have to make the right moves. I see fans feel like we have made bad moves on the FA opening day before so we shouldn't do anything....not so sure. The Jets and the Dolphins are examples of how to do things correctly. I am all for giving Nix and Gailey a chance to field a solid product. But I would like to see where they are putting in the effort. Schedule some visits, talk to some free agents. I have not seen this yet but that doesn't mean they are not interested in building a winner. I don't think they are very impressed with the FA geezers out there. The safeties are the best unit on the field...don't touch it. The OL, LB's, QB's and DL is poor. These areas are the ones where we should consider making our trades. Our LB's are the most expendable I would try to create draft picks out of this group. This is what Parcells did with Zach Thomas his fellow LB's in Miami. He traded them for draft picks. Ryan did the same with the Jets and Vilma. By doing so they changed the identity of the defense in one year. Not once did I here Parcells or Ryan say..well we can't do it all in one year. Mitchell, and Poz are really the perfect trade bait for the plain reason they are out most of the time anyway and they aren't much better than the replacements. This an area that needs to be upgraded. It would change the identity of our defense. Lets face it, it can't get much worse. Trading down in the draft for more picks would be smart as well.
  22. Keep in mind Clemens lied to the grand jury as well.....
  23. I agree on most counts. Clemens has escaped or the Feds would have moved by now. Regarding Bonds being an a..hole is not criminal. It only comes back to bite when people want to get you. Micheal Irvin had a prior history unlike the Duke lacrosse team. But you are correct. The field is more level in sports.
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