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VADC Bills

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Everything posted by VADC Bills

  1. I know that. Thats why I was asking you to share your experiences about Oakland.. I was obviously asking more than you could handle. Seems to me you and Lynch may have something in common...a lack of brain activity. Don't start a thread unless you can intelligently answer easy questions.
  2. Do you realize how many people in football are from bad neighborhoods. So how do you keep this in mind...are you saying don't offer contracts or draft people from inner city neighborhoods? Hindsight is 20/20. Are you saying Lynch is a fair representation of everyone from inner city neighborhoods? Keep in mind we drafted Poz and TE in the same draft. Would it be more fair to generalize that we had a bunch of fools manning the draft for us.
  3. There were questions about most draft choices. Not necessarily character related but there were questions. What are you saying about Oakland?? Where did you grow up? Was it in a place that turns out nothing but great individuals? Please share your Oakland experiences to help me understand why you want to trash the town. Why stop at Oakland why not generalize about the whole state of California. Rick James came from Buffalo you know. Does that mean we are a town of excessive partying, music making people who are destined to overdose while listening to Superfreak....
  4. So does Eli, Payton, Farve and Brady will throw off of their back foot when trying to make something happen.....Good and bad QB's tend to do that for different reasons. I wouldn't just judge on that alone. Jimmy Clausen will be a good QB in this league the real question is will he be there at 9 or will teams address other needs. 28 TD's and 4 ints tells me he see's the field very well. Something we haven't had in a while.
  5. If you have a chance to draft a potential probowl OT or a potential probowl QB and you need both, then you go for the QB. The OT talent in every draft is always much deeper than the QB pool. I agree with your assessment but if it came down to Bulaga or Clausen I would go for Clausen in a heartbeat.
  6. Welcome to the board...a few pointers that will help you out in the future. - You must hate any player that could possibly end up in a Bills uniform. This goes for FA's and college. - You must get use to threads that show imaginary drafts or future Bills rosters that never come close to being real. - Learn how to accept the Bills various new directions only to talk about how dumb they were a year later. - Keep a since of humor...we are Bills fans there will be at least 8 games we will laugh off every year. - Keep a tube of KY around for Ralph to use on fans. Ralph prefers us to bring our own since they raised the price. - Don't hesitate to display hate for any Bills player at anytime. - Repeat threads that just worded a little different from the prior. ie "Whitner Trade Value", " What Can we get for Whitner", "Whitner for Campbell", " Campbell for Whitner" , "Campbell for Whitner and Lynch" and so on. Get use to them. - This one is key for the off season..Any scrub that is has been released or cut from another team, someone will think he will look good in a Bills uniform. Even if he is a practicing transvestite that can no longer block for the run and pass protect. Great to have you on board, As crazy as they are the Bills have the best forums in the NFL.
  7. After hearing about Clausens pro day, I wouldn't mind seeing him drafted. We need a QB, OL, DL. Why not take Clausen and fullfill the other needs in the later rounds. We tend to draft better in the later rounds anyway. I would rather see Clausen than Tebow in a Bills uniform.
  8. I was at the Redskins home games and the fans felt that Campbell was the main problem as well as bad offensive line. The only potentially great game Campbell played was against the Saints where he still threw the OT pick. I'm not judging Campbell on last year alone. What about the previous 3 years??? How about when Todd Collins took the team to the playoffs after Campbell was injured. Campbell could not have won those games.
  9. Interesting selection..wow looking at these highlights why didn't Campbell make the probowl? Why did the the Redskins trade for McNabb? Doesn't Shanahan realize what he has?....How about looking at how Campbell handled the jaugernaut defenses of the Lions, Chiefs, Panthers, or the Rams all losses to previous winless teams except the Rams, a game where he or the skins could not find the endzone. The Redskins could not find the endzone against the Rams, Chiefs, Giants and Cowboys twice . The Redskins clearly had the easiest schedule in the league and Campbell led his team to a 4-12.
  10. I think we all agree about TE as well. Campbell is not an upgrade. Campbell is another flavor of bad quarterbacking that the Bills will drag their feet and take two years to remove once they realize he sucks. I would rather go for the unknown and draft a QB. I would also make the move on Troy Smith for a low round pick. Then decide between TE or RF on who would hold the clipboard for the first string clipboard holder.
  11. You clearly have never seen Campbell play...admit it. If you liked the way McKelvin finished out the NE game or if you enjoyed Parrish vs the Browns then you will love Campbell as a for sure starter. Most people on this board look at the stats but have never seen him play that's the only reason I can understand why Campbell's name keep coming up in threads.
  12. From one VA Bill to another....I had Campbell as more of a Rob Johnson type than JP Losman but I totally agree with the rest of your analysis...The guy has great character but he is a football moron. He has been in the league for 4 years and still can't read a defense. His processor runs slower than normal. Remember the game against the Jets where JP went out his way to snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory.. Campbell will give you those plays in the 1st and 2nd quarter of just about every game....my goodness maybe he is more like JP.
  13. Yes but it's not a 4th and Smith has much more upside than Campbell. I would take the chance. I have seen Campbell play in person to much to place any value in his game.
  14. I like Gaither...not a bad move, Trading a 4th for Campbell would be giving away a draft pick. Keep the 4th and offer the Ravens a 5th for Troy Smith we will get much better value. If a deal is made for Campbell. That would tell me that Nix and Gailey just hasn't watched film on this guy and will be picking very high in next years draft just as the Redskins are this season. Keep in mind during Campbell's tenure with the Redskins the Redskins had very high rated defenses and he still could not produce point to win low scoring games. Most fans in DC feel that Campbell was the reason the Redskins couldn't win. They're right.
  15. I live in the DC area as well. Do you blame Campbell's inabilty to read defenses over the last 4 years on his coordinators?? Learning a new offense can be a task for a slow learner such as Campbell but he should have learned how to read defenses by now. He had Joe Gibbs his first couple of seasons. The parade of head coaches is an excuse for him. I agree with your comment about not ruining a position of strength. If it isn't broke don't fix it. I feel that Kelsey, Poz, and Whitner have been disappointments but I am curious to see what the new defense has in store for them.
  16. I don't know much about Bulger so I can't judge but living in the DC area I see Campbell on a regular basis. If you feel that he is an upgrade it tells me you haven't seen him play. I have expressed my concern over acquiring JC. With his inability to lead a team to score. I'm going to be blunt, He is a nice guy but an awfully stupid QB. His processor moves slower than normal. We need smarts behind in the QB position. Everyone learns the playbook quicker than this guy. sure he racks up yards when playing from behind. Why do you think the skins are going for McNabb. I would pick up Troy Smith for a 5th and I know I could win more games with him than Campbell. If the Bills are interested keep in mind the Redskins are desperate for draft picks since they do not have a 2nd and 3rd this year. Go no higher than a 5th with that being said Troy Smith is a better (smarter) QB he just has not had the regular season opportunity yet.
  17. I wouldn't necessarily label Campbell as a dink and dunker. He does throw one helluva 30 yard incompletion. He also is a great fumbler... but calling him a dink and dunker is so one dimensional. Campbell would be a solid #2 behind McNabb. I think he stays in DC.
  18. I see 4 tackles being taken but no guards or centers, these areas should be addresses since we were somewhat weak at these positions with very little depth. We need to get bigger and stronger where Levitre and Hangartner play. They were constantly beaten up the middle last year.
  19. True McNabb didn't want to come here. Keep in mind he is only 33 years old. I guess the point is Nix and Co. should have short and long term plans for winning. Doesn't seem like there is a plan for winning in the short term. Not to judge them too early I would like to wait and see the product they put on the field before I judge. I thought they would put more effort in solidifying the QB position.
  20. The commitment next year is a 3rd or 4th not a 1st. So it doesn't take them out of next years 1st round. Not a bad move.
  21. Listening to talk radio in DC they seem pretty high on Okung, Berry and Bradford. With no chance of landing Bradford I think Okung is the choice. It appears that they weren't very high on Clausen as well.
  22. Thank you. TV's have nothing to do with players being prepared..it's the trainers and player motivation. Anyone that has played sports will tell you the real bonding between players doesn't normally come on the field...it comes during down time when players aren't working. The amenities are designed to keep players at the facility when they would normally be somewhere else.
  23. Has any player over the last few years been really penalized for not attending the voluntary workout ?? Every year popular players miss the voluntary workouts....is this something that means more to the fans and the media than to the coaches and players ?
  24. Maybe the strategy was not to blow a huge sum of money on day one especially in a year where the number of solid free agents are down...slim pickings. Not many other teams were active as well. This was the worst free agency year in quite some time which is why we have seen more trades. The lack of a CBA agreement is the main culprit here. With that being said why lose sleep over it. We may not have to worry at all about it next year if an agreement isn't reached. The fans will be sleeping through next years free agency start.
  25. We will still have the same level of talent out there. Will the additions of Davis and Edwards turn a bad defense into a top 10 unit???? I don't see it yet but I'm giving Gailey the benefit of the doubt so far.
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