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Everything posted by benderbender

  1. TJ's boat has sailed. Because they are the same size we're supposed to believe they'll be best friends and borrow each others clothes?
  2. It would be awesome for all of our underachievers to suddenly become superstars for no reason. Lets keep hoping
  3. I assume Marrone sees talent in the OL we have now. I hope he's not ignoring a huge gap like this team did for so many years and then wonder why our QB couldn't find an open receive in 1.5 seconds before getting planted in the ground.
  4. He sure helped bash his "favorite" team. Sounds like a real "die hard" who wants the team to be "respected."
  5. Armball? Foot at the start and after touchdowns ball?
  6. In this era of head injury awareness, I wouldn't be surprised to see the NFL totally downplay his strategy of blasting OL with relatively minimal head protection with a casted hands.
  7. Any scenario in which Manuel is starting by week 6 would mean that we didn't fix our OL issues we didn't care to address in the offseason.
  8. Whenever I feel down I always look in my Good Times Binder and get wistful.
  9. "Every picture of you is when you were younger." - Mitch Hedberg
  10. Jerry Jones has much draft sense as Al Davis but without the credibility of helping to build a football conference.
  11. I would think he'd rather be someone's Amy Fisher.
  12. Don't express those feelings! Mods give warning points and delete a line of your signature for that
  13. I agree with you there. He was a key special teams player, but we're too close to judge him objectively. Like how my little brother's hockey player is the local AHL hockey team's enforcer. He's useful. Maybe a key player in the strategy, but at the end of the day, he's not scoring the winning points. Same for Tasker. He'll get in when Mark Pike gets in too.
  14. Memorizing the length of a missed FG is like remembering your ex GF's ring size. It does as much good as trying to take away another person's fan card.
  15. As a former Ralph-is-cheap-ist, I HAVE to believe that this season will be different. I understand that just because he says he won't grab the steering wheel doesn't mean he doesn't control the one who is at the wheel. But the direction of the team doesn't feel like the same old same old. But a new QB, all new coaches is not status quo in Ralphtown.
  16. I bought a Byrd jersey the year before. Full price. That being said, it will be an act of god if he resigns.
  17. Especially since everyone has forgotten his Adidas "All in" ads. I think Rose should have to forfeit his proceeds from the Adidas deal resulting from that ad campaign. It was factually incorrect.
  18. Lets just give our guys deer antler velvet and avoid all the HGH/steroid mess
  19. He has hotter girlfriends,better fantasy stats, and a better golf game. Sorry to disappoint, but not much space on Romo's jock. Cowherd is always there.
  20. I will join the Easly fan club if he does anything for the rest of his career. Most likely he will catch a pass then get injured, and finally call it a career. Aaron Williams has the most upside, I hope he becomes who we drafted him to be.
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