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Everything posted by benderbender

  1. No way Tampa gives up 3 picks to move in the same round
  2. I would file an injunction barring any open container law until the Bills are competitive enough to where the action on the field doesn't require fans to drink copious amounts of alcohol.
  3. What team would trade for Byrd? All they have to do is wait until this season is over and we can't sign him because he wants too much. Then you sign him in free agency and keep your draft picks too.
  4. Wouldn't know. I've only been to Rich Stadium.
  5. I would trade TJ Graham for his weight in Teddy Grahams and bring Nelson back
  6. NFL.com made a bigger deal of the quote than what was said in the press conference. I like his confidence. I just don't have confidence in him yet.
  7. Just sayin = I'm not letting this go/This doesn't need to be said but... The standing buffalo is more appropriate for the style of play this last decade. I say if we have another losing season we change to a grazing buffalo, then a laying down buffalo, and finally buffalo burger or wings.
  8. Gilmore was caught on tape using mean voices and throwing 7mph basketballs at Rutgers basketball players
  9. I guarantee they will draft an RB, OL, or CB in the first 3 rounds, and we'll hear "same old front office." Because they are.
  10. It was funny. Remove the stick from your internal compartment and laugh. Obviously N Korea couldn't hit the US. Why am I explaining humor? I could care less about some Pats fan who gets upset when their team makes the playoffs almost every year for a decade. Boo hoo. Eat a clam. Park a car in a car park. Go to a Red Sox game and remember that short time when America felt sorry for your snakebitten baseball team, then as a reward, had the privilege to watch Red Sox nation transform from the most humble and devoted fans into the biggest jerks, rivaling even Yankees fans.
  11. I'm all for balloons and streamers and birthday hats too if it will increase productivity even 1%
  12. Breaking it into more days is pointless. I mostly watch the 1st round to see which fans boo who.
  13. Getting more than 3 million for holding a clipboard makes me jealous. That's my reason to hate on him. That plus even Gailey knew that a severely injured cracked rib Fitzpatrick was better than taking a chance on Thigpen.
  14. The only surprise this draft will be if we take anyone of value that fills a need. I'm fine with trading down for more picks. Slightly better chance we can draft players who stick around.
  15. I look at Jason Peters and Demitriprincess Bell and it justifies my belief in karma
  16. Exactly, because the Panthers line was beast and he had a top defense and more than 1 good WR to throw to. They were going to go 16-0 until he started lying and thieving? He owes me 5 bucks and he punched a baby.
  17. The lack of effort is what gets me. I'm done waiting for Myers to turn into the player he was drafted to be. Miller blows shootouts but I'm more disgusted by the defense. They have the desire of the Bills defense from the first half of last season. It's about to be a firesale. I'm afraid Miller is going on the trade block for draft picks, Leopold has already been shipped out. More will follow. They are playing like an AHL team, might as well call up all of the Amerks.
  18. This is surprising coming from someone who usually says no to every free agent suggestion. Good for you. I wasn't for Kolb, but he comes very cheap.
  19. The Sabres are killing me, I expect the Bills to be bad. The Sabres are a kick in the groin. 4 points out of a playoff spot with 10(?) games left and we get housed at home? That is Bills territory. Not Sabres
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