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Everything posted by benderbender

  1. What nobody realizes is the tickets were bought by Patriots fans. It's usually worth their while to make the trip and its cheaper than seeing the Pats in Foxboro.
  2. +1 It's as if half of the board just wants to reserve the right to say "I knew we were horrible before the season started." Good for you. In all likelihood we will struggle with all the changes, but so many teams have gone from worst to first in recent history that its not crazy to hope for a good season.
  3. I come for the Bills topics, but I stay for the grammar lessons.
  4. The moment Geno starts, the countdown to his first Vince Young-like freakout begins.
  5. Wow the Bellicheats cut a player? That's okay, they'll just get free agent for pennies on the dollar like always.
  6. Losing Garrard only makes the job easier for determining a starter.
  7. Yep, our players probably shouldn't like anyone just so it doesn't turn into another Gailey era. They should divorce their families and live as hermits just to prevent it.
  8. So easy a team of speedy cavemen can do it
  9. I still have his Starting Lineup action figure
  10. Well it was a good thing we asked you.
  11. Who knew a Miami writer would have unkind things to say about a division rival?
  12. So you're saying that a coach going over the video with a QB, seeing the QB's exact field of vision is lame? Glad you're not employed by this team. Your eyes can't see beyond the helmet's opening anyway. Your argument is invalid.
  13. I have this crazy feeling that Stevie just might be a starter this year. A hunch. Not enough to bet the mortgage payment, but almost.
  14. Exactly! Why should anyone take anyone at their word? Or make some fantastic leap of faith that what someone says should be a clue to their intentions? Live in the now people!
  15. I can't believe no stadium is Wrangler Field. Brett Favre has been throwing INTs in those commercials for a good 15 years.
  16. I was hoping for news about the benefits of breakfast juices high in vitamin C
  17. I'd rather teams underestimate us than over game plan
  18. Are you kidding? You can shoot yourself in the leg, kill dogs, shoot steroids, and be the last person to have seen a missing person and someone will take a chance on you in the NFL.
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