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Everything posted by benderbender

  1. I'm surprised ownership didn't vote out Haslem for the Watson contract.
  2. It's sad that Diggs wants out of Buffalo so bad that it's making Chris Jones hold out. When will his Diva-dom ever end?!
  3. Yeah but he wouldn't get the Sauce Gardner rules where you can grab every play for the entire route without flags
  4. This thread is proof that we as a fanbase were fine without answers. We never got a straight answer for 13 seconds. We didn't get a reason for Frazier's departure. We didn't get an explanation for the Bengals loss, we just got a Delayed Onset Emotional Exhaustion excuse and was told to drink the process kool aid. Why so upset now? We don't really care to know.
  5. Why? He wouldn’t block anyone from getting it. 🤣
  6. It’s the NFL equivalent of bidding $1 on the Price is Right. Just find a team that doing well and wait for their cuts.
  7. Took a stroll along a Bears forum to see how they viewed the game and most are reacting like we did against Pittsburgh. Disappointed with the offense not playing up to expectations, worrying about their preseason darlings making it to the PS, etc. More than a few starting to wonder about Edmunds. He's missed 10 practices for an undisclosed injury and only played a single series. But I was mostly impressed that Bears fans seem to know what they're in for with Edmunds as far as his strengths and weakness. They seem to have hope for him to contribute, but don't make him a cause to prove their GM's competency like some felt when he was with us. One had the keen foresight to call out why he's not worth a top 10 draft pick in 2018. But also thought Marcus Davenport was going to set the league on fire too.
  8. HOW? He's tricked more teams into signing him than the Kardashians' plastic surgeon has tricked NBA players.
  9. what a terrible face mask. Broncos and Rams game could get ugly. https://x.com/mysportsupdate/status/1695607227447386395?s=46 He was ejected.
  10. I guess Beane was in on it https://x.com/caminman/status/1695238679579824606?s=46
  11. There's only Kyle Allen so this will be a great challenge for the OL.
  12. Anyone notice that only NBA hot takers are the one's with these opinions?
  13. Too bad we didn’t get Gronk to come and speak. He’d be metal elbowing everyone and handing out Tide Pods. Then this board would be ecstatic.
  14. Tasker was absolutely not a homer. The reason I disliked his early commentating is because he didn't even slightly lean towards homer-ism. During the drought, you'd think he hated the team for how critical he was. It wasn't until someone asked him directly why he was so down on the team and he said something like "I'll tell you they're good when they're actually good." That being said, he's come around too much with the current roster. He's not wrong in saying that this roster could have won the Super Bowl for the past few years. But both he and Chris Brown's have bought in 100% where even die-hard optimists have concerns i.e. Spencer Brown & MLB. That plus their endorsement of the Delayed Onset Emotional Exhaustion excuse for absolutely everything--even roster construction--is disappointing.
  15. In my morning stupor, I glanced at the news and assumed Beane had made another smart deal for a position of need.
  16. David Attenborough could narrate and I would watch it.
  17. since he's gonna be a cheat code on 3rd downs and the red zone, how about arcade Kincaid
  18. Did he hear we needed LB help? https://x.com/rapsheet/status/1693267746513895749?s=46
  19. This. There has never been anyone on a Bills coaching staff this immune from criticism. Even when the OL was the main cause of the early exit last year, somehow Delayed Onset Emotional Exhaustion (DOEE) got 100% of the excuse pie. Who could blame them? It was easy and didn't force you to ask uncomfortable questions.
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