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Metal Man

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Everything posted by Metal Man

  1. I'm not sure the Bills have ever experienced anything like this to predict for sure. I can't think of a time when there was this much excitement about an upcoming season in today's "StubHub/Internet Ticket Resale" era. If I had to guess based on other resale seasons the only way it really will dip down significantly is if the Bills start out 0-3. Then maybe the Giants game would come down to earth a little. As for the opener I'm not even sure a horrible display in preseason would affect it much. People are just too hyped about the Bills this year.
  2. Caught this yesterday as well. Hopefully it goes over well enough so that they decide to spin it off into his own series.
  3. I meant best thing they've done with their own studio/production company. X-men is technically Fox.
  4. I was going to post the same thing. His last line about this clause is backwards as it is obviously in there for the player and really has nothing to do about faith in the player from the team's perspective. I'm not arguing about Tyrod's potential to be a starter or not but this article didn't seem well thought out at all.
  5. 315, row 17. 328 and 339 also came up as options to buy but 315 seemed the best of the 3.
  6. I was able to get 6 extra for the Giants game and 2 extra for the Pats**. At 9:20 it didn't seem like there was anything left for the opener other than singles, at least not in the lower price range I was checking.
  7. Finally finished this over the weekend. I agree with an earlier poster that for me this is the best thing Marvel has done to-date. I saw someone else mention that Marvel reacquired the rights to the Punisher. I really hope they can give that character a show along the lines of this one as the style and level of grittiness/violence would be the perfect treatment for that material as well.
  8. Sounds like consensus is try for a Bills fan and if no luck go to open market and hope for one. There are some good points here that I will use to try and alleviate any possible guilt over publicly selling my tickets the next time I need to. I should have considered how the convenience of auctioning sites also benefits traveling Bills fans as an upside to them also possibly polluting Bills home games. I was in Tampa two season ago and the lots we tailgated in felt like they were 90% Bills fans. Even the walk into the stadium felt more like I was going through home lots than being a visitor. Bills fans definitely represented that day, too bad the team didn't reciprocate.
  9. I have season tickets in the lower bowl, 110, and almost every game there are fans of the opposing team next to or in front of me. I've asked them where they bought their tickets and it is always stubhub or NFL ticket exchange so it appears as if someone near my seats is frequently unloading their tickets to whomever is willing to buy them. I know this is a very common theme across the stadium and I am not looking to start an attack on season ticket holders who do this as I understand it might be a necessary evil to offset cost and in my case these opposing fans have never been anything other than cool and courteous. I am however curious to see where season ticket holders who need to unload unused games fall on this idea as far as if they would definitely not do it, try not to do it, or couldn't care less who buys their tickets. It is probably stupid of me but up to this point I have struggled with the idea of putting unused tickets up for auction as I don't want to add to a cheering section for the opponent. I have even gone so far as to just give tickets away to friends, family or friends of friends/family just so I knew Bills fans would be in the seats even though I probably could have recovered my cost if not made a profit. So what are the typical thoughts and activity for the rest of you out there?
  10. Unfortunately while most would agree with you about the quality of food in WNY there is zero correlation between that and food at Ralph Wilson Stadium. It pains me to say this being from the WNY area but I have been to many sports venues all over the country and the food at RWS is the worst. They tried to make it a little better this past year by adding some local staples onto the menu which I guess helped a little bit but overall I'd say it is still pretty low quality which imo makes it even more absurdly overpriced. Not sure if this relates to how much people consume at tailgates or not but I know for me after going to Bills games as an adult for 25+ years I have probably bought concessions there less than 1% of the time and have been disappointed with that decision 100% of the time.
  11. I remember watching a news program profiling a few of the guys working the NYC panhandling scene sometime back in the 90s and one of the guys they covered was making around 50k a year doing it and he actually owned a home. No to belittle those out there who truly need help but from that moment on I couldn't see myself ever handing out money to beggars without being able to truly know where their motivations came from.
  12. I found the new Avengers to be missing something as well. I would rank it around average as far as the marvel cinematic universe films released to date go. I agree about it just not feeling in sync. I read that they had to cut around 60 minutes out of the movie because they had way too much story. My thought is that maybe if they release the full unedited version on bluray the story will flow a little better and feel more up to par with the first even though that would be a pretty long super hero movie. Fury Road was fantastic. Granted my expectations might have been a little lower but I enjoyed it much more than Age of Ultron. It is just a fun action ride from start to finish.
  13. Caught it last night. Fantastic movie. Two hours went by in a blink.
  14. This is the same as I've been thinking. What they leave out of the show going forward can spoil just as much as adding things that haven't officially been written by Martin yet.
  15. Ronny's on Aurora Blvd & Como Park Ave and Riva's on Walden near Central Ave (though technically Depew) are my two favorite pizza places in the Lancaster area by far. Both have been around a long time and seeing most of both of my parent's family is from Lancaster it has been present at family gatherings for my entire life.
  16. Zorbas John and Marys I've been meaning to hit up Bar Bill since I've heard they expanded their dining area but I didn't have a chance the last few times I made it back.
  17. I don't know if Bilbo is joking or not, I'm going to assume he is, but I definitely remember a small faction of people who didn't think Kelly should start the AFC Championship game against Miami based on how well Reich played in the comeback and against the Steelers. At least then people actually had good QB talent to argue about instead of debating which flavor of crap smells better like they resort to now.
  18. Excellent point, but I'd argue the restraint and keeping it civil is what made the old way superior in a lot of ways. Or should I say... you TRBJ, 1999 sports debate was way better. Your couldn't find a lick of sense even if it was sleeping directly on your face. (oh, and by the way... Flutie sucked)
  19. Not at all. Flutie vs. RJ discussion brings back happy memories of arguing with my grandmother about the exact same thing. The good old days of sports debate before you could pick a fight at any time about anything with a random internet person anywhere in the world.
  20. With complete sincerity it warms my heart to know that almost 20 years later this debate is still hot and contested enough to reach multiple pages. Cheers Bills fan community, you have made my day.
  21. Then you throw a couple commercial breaks in between and it makes for an extremely tedious break in the action. The real change they need to discuss is making kick offs relevant again.
  22. I hope they leave it how it is now simply because Bellicheat** has been one of the loudest voices calling for it to change. That being the case likely means that he has plans for some new method of gaming the system in the works that will almost certainly end up stiffing the Bills in some way as well as the rest of the league.
  23. Boo, I made that joke 15 posts earlier. (Not sure it was even funny then though)
  24. I had serious doubts on this one but that trailer was pretty funny. Hopefully they saved the best jokes for the actual film.
  25. That's a really good point. I'm not sure where that perspective comes from but it isn't just confined to this board. My guess would be that it is more a reflection of how everyone views Goodell and Kraft's relationship.
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