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Metal Man

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Everything posted by Metal Man

  1. Lot's of hot pictures on her instagram but the best part is some guy commented variations of "You're a Wore" on a bunch of her photos.
  2. I was at a friend's draft last night. Shady went last pick in the 1st round, 12th. Sammy was near the start of the 6th round and Bills D was the first D off the board near the end of the 6th. (Woods also ended up getting drafted late, 12th round I think)
  3. Individual statistics in a team sport never really tell the true story. This is especially true in football which imho is the ultimate team sport. For me baseball is probably the only team sport where someone can be efficiently judged by their individual numbers.
  4. Hopefully they can now move on to removing the labeling of 'male' and 'female' ends of electrical cords. It is only a matter of time before it offends a male who identifies more with the receiving end of an extension cord. Not sure how the people who name these things can sleep at night. In all seriousness though language is about inflection and intent. For the most part it is usually pretty clear to figure out whether a person is being derogatory or innocent in a statement. If someone is stupid enough to confuse the latter with the former then that is squarely on them.
  5. I would certainly hope so. Hopefully that, or at the very least a Superbowl win, would be enough to bring even those who were most down about Shout being played out of the stadium around to loving the song again.
  6. This gets to the core of it. The song may be cheesy but it really does help the crowd come alive in the stadium, especially with the easy sing-along aspect. It might seem stupid to celebrate after a score when the team is still down 2+ scores but if it gets the crowd riled up and back into it a bit then it is worth doing. As far as playing it in other venues I would say that is a matter of personal preference. We used to play it after scores at home during the Superbowl years which I thought was great, but I was a teenager at the time. I've also been at weddings that played it and thought it made for some fun though I personally wouldn't want it played at my wedding.
  7. Same here. "Infectious" is the perfect way to describe it. Everyone around gets caught up in the music immediately and it is very rare to see anyone in the crowd not moving along in some way to the music. Definitely one of those bands it is impossible to stand still for.
  8. It was the NYS Blues Festival in Clinton Square and it was with the Family Band. During their last song they did their signature move where everyone swaps instruments a couple of times while they just jam. Good stuff, and the weather was perfect for an outdoor show. Hopefully I get the chance to check him out with the Word sometime as well.
  9. Randall Cunningham I was at a game in Buffalo where he made an incredible play that always stuck with me. He was scrambling around in his own end zone looking for an open receiver and somehow was able to shake off Bruce, even though it appeared Bruce had both hands on him, and finally find an open man who took it all the way for what ended up as a 99 yard TD. Probably helped me to enjoy that play seeing that the Bills still crushed Philly that day.
  10. Caught him a couple of weeks ago in Syracuse for my third time. They always put on a great show. https://youtu.be/5JB-UrsqnAA
  11. Heh, well that is kind of close. I probably expected it to be practically edible at best and actually enjoyed it enough to go back multiple times. Though for some it might fit your description better. Someone above described it well when comparing food tastes to music, definitely subjective. I've seen places serve coleslaw on a pulled pork sandwich and heard people rave about it, but for me...
  12. It is only about a 30 minute drive from the original Dinosaur so the post was for the benefit of those in the Syracuse vicinity. I definitely wasn't trying to entice someone living in a food hot bed like New Orleans. (had rabbit jambalaya down there once, one of the best meals I've ever had)
  13. Have any of the CNY people tried out Tin Rooster at Turning Stone yet? I am definitely not a BBQ snob as some have self-proclaimed in this thread however I have gone there several times now and have found it to be surprisingly pretty good considering it is a casino restaurant.
  14. I have been in the Syracuse area for about 10 years and love Dinosaur too but I at least agree with some of the comments about the prices. I thought what they were trying to get for Pizza Logs and LaNova last year at the stadium was a little insane so I can see them trying to get 15$ for a slider sized pulled pork easy. They sell Dinosaur sauces at Wegmans so anyone not familiar with Dinosaur food might be better off with a bunch of pulled pork in a crock pot with some Dino Wango Tango sauce out in the parking lot versus buying it in the stadium.
  15. Here is an easy one we have pulled off a handful of times. Order a bucket of dry wings, (no sauce), the night before then day of the game load them up with a BBQ sauce of your choice and toss them on the grill until the sauce blackens up. Doesn't require much prep time, if any at all, and it has always made a lot of people happy at our tailgates.
  16. I think for me it was more that he didn't add anything significant to the story that we already knew. I guess I gave him too much credit because I kept expecting some kind of twist on the Vadar story that as an audience we wouldn't have seen coming. Basically just ended up being an over produced cookie cutter version of what we already knew which could have easily fit into one film.
  17. You should walk the stadium lots instead for exercise. Side benefits include: 1) You could collect cans for returns which would be a good supplement to your retirement benefits from the postal service. 2) There is a very good chance the friendly Bills tailgaters will offer you free food and everyone knows there is nothing a retiree likes more than a free meal. 3) You would get to relive your old postal delivery days by socializing with groups as you stop to collect their empties. It's nothing but a big win for you, just like the big W W 2 from your youth.
  18. I think what he meant was how many HOME games will Kraft and Jones ultimately have to give up? So far it is zero and it definitely will be curious to see how this plays out going forward as it is hard to imagine Jerry being cool losing a capacity Jerryworld one season to London. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NFL_International_Series#Game_history
  19. Nice prose describing the initial take in of the tailgating scene. For a moment I could actually smell the charcoal and lighter fluid.
  20. I'll do one musician, Randy Bachman, and one actor John Candy (closely followed by Dan Aykroyd).
  21. I have to assume those votes arrived here from 2005 somehow.
  22. That's true for sure but I was more referring to the people who said no one would buy tickets if they know they can watch them at home regardless so therefore the games would be tougher to sell out. If the blackout rule was still in effect this would be the first year in a long time where before the season even started it looked like we wouldn't have to worry about broadcasts. Ha, I can definitely buy that as a possibility.
  23. So much for the crowd predicting half empty stadiums for the Bills this season with the blackout rule lifted.
  24. I would bet they go in the direction of Punisher being a ruthless killer for sure based on the way this season's story played out. It would be a good continuation of Daredevil's internal struggle with killing the bad guys when he is faced with a new guy on his turf killing bad guys left and right without a care. It would help Daredevil's own struggle to see the results of someone else who went way down the path he almost found himself on when he was considering killing Kingpin.
  25. My thoughts exactly. Works out well that Kingpin is one of the Punisher's main rivals too. Vincent D'Onofrio did such a great job with the character that it would be a good way to get him even more screen time.
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