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Metal Man

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Everything posted by Metal Man

  1. That's it. They've come a long way if they actually have a FB page now.
  2. I've started to hear buzz from my Buffalo friends about a place in South Buffalo called Nine-Eleven Tavern that supposedly has some of the best wings in Buffalo these days. Tried to go there a couple weeks ago but it was closed. I guess they keep weird hours. In any case it seemed like your basic corner bar which in my experience is usually the spot you can find really solid wings. Favorite place for wings when I was still local was a place just called the Pub in Depew on Broadway. Not sure if they still operate, or how good it still is, but for a good amount of years that was the go-to for delicious and cheap wings.
  3. Thanks for the edit tip Boyst. My wife caught Garth last month in Albany and raved about it. I'm not a huge country fan but I plan to catch him the next time I have a chance. I have much love/respect for the Beatles but for some reason a Paul McCartney concert doesn't feel like a "must-attend" for me.
  4. Turns out that it is Paul McCartney. For me Garth actually would have been a little better. I was looking to change the topic title but I don't appear to have those user privileges.
  5. For any CNY or WNY members who haven't heard and might be interested. http://www.syracuse.com/entertainment/index.ssf/2017/04/syracuse_carrier_dome_major_event.html Anyone have any thoughts or possibly inside information on who/what this could be? A lot of the rumors floating around are suggesting it will be Paul McCartney Edit: Turns out it is Paul McCartney
  6. Are you living in the Syracuse area? I'm suspicious that you and I might be married to the same woman. My house is top to bottom with that stuff. It is pretty expensive but luckily she got most of at their big yearly barn sale or as wedding gifts.
  7. Best has to be Metallica/GnR at Rich Stadium in 92. Got the ticket as a high school graduation gift. It wasn't just the performances that made it great but also the atmosphere and the craziness that went on in the stadium that night. Anyone who was there has to remember the crazy garbage war between the upper and lower decks and the tons of bare breasts on the big screen as the crew for GnR zoomed in on random girls in the crowd before their set. I can't think of a worst I actually paid for but I worked at the Darien Lake concerts for a summer and some performances stand out as awful from that experience. Tops is probably Brittney Spears. First off when I moved up close to check her out for a couple songs she was obviously lip syncing but what made it even worse was the thousands of little girl high pitched screams that almost made my ears bleed and never seemed to end.
  8. Is it a pick'em or are the Jets getting points from whomever you laid the bet with? If the Bills are getting points in your bet then there is always the possibility the Jets win the game but you still lose 100 when they don't cover. That's a lose/lose by my calculations.
  9. Four would be fine if they didn't stick it to the season ticket holders by charging so much for the two home preseason games. It is pretty discouraging to have something you paid 80$ for being sold for 10-15$ the minute after you buy it.
  10. Willie Parker was the back-up running back who played the majority of that game too IIRC. He ran all over the Bills that day and no doubt brought a lot more game than our D was expecting. Not that it is an excuse but it makes that pain a little less excruciating to know he turned out to be a legit NFL RB instead of some no name practice squad guy no one ever heard from again. As for the topic I can't come up with one that hasn't been mentioned as most of those came across my mind when considering. Just going on pure anger the two that stick out are the JP Lossman bootleg fumble against the Jets to lose it late and the McKelvin fumble against the Pats* on MNF. Two Time Warner remotes paid a high price those days.
  11. Definitely something I'll never forget even 30 years later so I can thank them for that. Could have just been being an impressionable youth but even though I can't remember many details I do remember thinking the show was incredible.
  12. My parent's took me to see him on the Purple Rain tour at the aud. I was 10 or 11 years old and it was the first big time concert I ever went to. RIP
  13. With all of this international game talk about really upping the amount of games played outside of the US it really seems necessary for them to design a better way to distribute who is losing their home games. I saw someone float an idea on the boards a while back that would make a lot of sense. Add a 17th game to the schedule that is played as a neutral field game for every team and then an extra bye week that always comes after your international match-up. The way it is now some teams are always getting boned out of a home game which to me really hurts the competitive balance of the league.
  14. Anyone in the WNY area looking for a nostalgic video game experience should check out the video game museum upstairs at the Strong Museum of Play in Rochester. They have a lot of old school coin-ops as well as some modern things. Plus the game/toy museum itself it pretty cool to go through. http://www.museumofplay.org/collections/video-and-other-electronic-game-collections
  15. I was thinking about a lot of this stuff as well. Everyone just seemed to forget the survival rules. I'd also add why did they allow that kid to continue to play his stupid record. I get that the house was getting overrun anyway but I can't imagine Rick and the gang would just ignore all of that extra sound drawing more zombies upstairs. As for wolf guy I couldn't believe that Morgan would just leave the doctor alone with him like that.
  16. +1 I was thinking the exact same thing. I've seen 10 year old kids on youtube selling moves better than that. Come on Bruce!
  17. Agree with this philosophy but can we really be sure that the coaches don't have something like this in mind as well after only one game? Rex hinted that there will be new looks on D for the Pats** so I don't see how it would be a shocker to anyone that Roman held back some of their better plays designed for Sammy for this game as well.
  18. Thanks, must have mistaken it for something else.
  19. None of the gambling laws seem to make a lot of sense to anyone thinking logically. Better lobbyists is the only thing that makes any sense to me. I thought I read somewhere that ESPN was an investor in Draft Kings too but I couldn't find a link quickly.
  20. Me and my friend were having the discussion about how these sites are legal a couple weeks ago. Here is what he dug up: http://gamboool.com/how-is-fanduel-legal-and-is-it-legal-to-play-daily-fantasy-sports-like-football-baseball-and-basketball-for-money Basic breakdown is that in 2006 a bill was signed by Pres Bush dealing with online gambling, and basically killed online poker, craps, etc (bye bye Poker Stars, that Tilt Stars site, etc). BUT it said that a small caveat was built into the bill carving out horse racing and sports betting, and calling fantasy betting a game of "skill". The MLB pushed for that caveat, and they said that in the end sports guys were better lobbyists than those in the gaming industry. So fantasy betting is looked at as a skill thing...and protected by this caveat in the bill for online gambling.
  21. I'm surprised no one is thinking Dallas over NYG. Division games are usually risky but with Dallas at home and NY looking like they could be a mess this season I'd probably lean towards this game in a survivor pool. Week 1 is tough to predict.
  22. So if I understand the rules correctly couldn't he as a free inhabitant of the earth afforded all the human rights without having to follow any laws just have shot her in the head? As long as he declared his free inhabitant status and clarified that he was protecting his right to not listen to her annoying rants I can't see how he would get in any trouble seeing the law against murder also wouldn't apply to him specifically.
  23. I'm not sure how any objective minded football fan wouldn't come to the same conclusion easily. The one thing I find the most ridiculous in this article, and when this was all going on, is how everyone in the Pats organization insisted that the taping had little if any effect on any games and that it provided very little advantage. Seems like no one asked the most obvious question in response, if it was so useless then why spend resources on it for 6+ years?
  24. Ouch, this line hurt. "Looking back on it, several former Patriots coaches insist that spying helped them most against less sophisticated teams -- the Dolphins and Bills chief among them -- whose coaches didn't bother changing their signals. "
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