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Everything posted by BearNorth

  1. Also Note - No Marcus Allen. Allen has the distinction of being the only player to have won the Heisman Trophy, an NCAA national championship, the Super Bowl, and be named NFL MVP and Super Bowl MVP.
  2. Bills also have 6 home games and 5 road games. Including Ravens and Jets in the OP in December. Jackson might not be so mobile on an icy field on 12/8 when he's freezing his fern.
  3. We have seven games left against opponents who are a combined 8-31 Fish x2, Browns, Steelers, Jets, Broncos, 'skins We have three games left against opponents who are a combined 10-8 Ravens, Eagles, Cowgirls We have the Pats who are 6-0. The Ravens are the only team other than the Pats that I see consistently ranked higher than the Bills by the various people who predict these things. Take things one week at a time and work on making the O efficient, unpredictable, and able to use clock. Hoping that Oliver will break out in the sack dept, although his hurries and our solid DB's are impactful already. Milano injury is a concern. Hoping that punt block vs. NE doesn't turn out to decide the AFC East.
  4. And Fitzmagic would like nothing better than to stuff the Bills where the sun don't shine.
  5. Bills, assuming no major injuries, two most difficult remaining games are @ Dallas on a short week, and then Ravens at Home 11 days later. Eagles could compete, but they have a bunch of injuries today. Steelers not sure what to predict, Tomlin will always have a plan. The schedule gods are smiling on the Bills this year. Would be interesting in Foxboro week 16 if Bills are 14-1 and Patsy's are 15-0. Suspect 42 yo TB will not be wanting to play all of the 16 game schedule, and might take a beating or two along the way.
  6. I an an original Bills fan [was 11 in 1959 when they were founded]. My son and I were at the game in a box on the 20 towards the bills goal [was working in Nashville at the time]. Wychek released the ball was no farther than the 25 and Dyson caught the ball on the 26. Still: Why did Wade kick the FG on first down with so much time left. Run a long count and a spike. Why didn't Christie drill the kickoff as deep as he could. and cover. The squib was a dumb idea. KO coverage wasn't expecting a trick play. Refs would have been lynched and thrown in the nearby river if they had reversed the TD. They would not have left the stadium alive if they reversed that call.
  7. I worked in Nashville from 1999-2002. Unfortunately was in a sky box for "The Music City Miracle' The Nashville paper, the Tennessean, [a Gannett paper] is saying the refs screwed the Titans, meanwhile the Rochester D&C, [another Gannett paper] is commenting how the Titans got most of the calls. Pleased to see the Bills mafia represent yesterday.
  8. Tuning up the running game will do well to prepare for a December Schedule that includes Baltimore at Home and Pittsburgh and New England on the road. This team is going to need a solid running game at the end of the season. Also, Colts running game was a key to time of possession and keeping Mahomes on the bench.
  9. Bills have 11 games left. The Pats are 5-0 and game is at Foxboro. They have 6 games left against teams with a combined record of 2-25. They have 4 games against teams with a combined record of 11-8. Hopefully their injuries heal over the bye week. I'm an original Bills fan going back to 1960, and its been a while since I've been this positive.
  10. Probably shouldn't look ahead, but we have 5 games remaining against teams that have yet to win a game. Fish x2, Skins, Broncos, Jets. Eagles, Browns, Ravens and Steelers can all be beaten.
  11. Ken Massey, who is a stats professor, has built statistical forecast models for all of the major pro and college sports, where he uses a lot of statistical analysis techniques. He has this game at Pats 24 Bills 13. He has the Bills at home with an 18% win probability. As a bills fan I hope he's wrong, but he has a pretty good track record.
  12. That's pretty typical, apparently Gronk dropped 35-40 pounds once he retired, better for their long term health.
  13. Eyes on the prize, one game at a time, ignore the AB drama and get to 3-0. Jerry must be licking his chops with the Bungles down to their third left tackle.
  14. I realize Duke is slow, but he is also BIG for a WR. He shows great catch ability and radius, He also is a monster blocker, and used to playing in space from his CFL days. Is Zay still a better option than Duke?
  15. Duke Williams has the size to be a decent blocker in 21, not sure why he's not a better option than DiMarco in 21 .
  16. Hmm - Kaare Vedvik Kicker/Punter Released by Vikings
  17. Jim Brown > LT. A man amongst boys for his career. Only year he didn't rush for 1,000 yards was playing with a broken wrist.
  18. DiMarco must have something on McBeane. Duke Williams has shown he can block and would be a similar sized player with more versatility and skills, If he can play teams, ???
  19. With Duke's size, 6-3 230, is he a replacement for DiMarco? and becomes a swiss army knife type player, e.g. H-back, third TE, goal line specialist, He has linebacker size if he can play teams, he's a real interesting player.
  20. I like Duke Williams over keeping DiMarco, almost as big a body with much more upside. With this roster, would be surprised if we can't find someone with enough bulk and quickness to handle the Kyle Williams role in heavy goal line situations.
  21. Excellent Punter and also solid linebacker for the Bills in their AFL title years. Funny Guy, spoke at my HS athletic banquet. Back when football players played football: He was involved in one of the most spectacular plays in Bills' history in the 1965 American Football League Championship game against the Chargers. Butch Byrd took a John Hadl punt and with outstanding blocking, took it 74 yards for a touchdown. The last two blocks were by Maguire, crushing two Chargers.
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