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Everything posted by CodeMonkey

  1. People enjoy the live game day experience. The tailgating, the experience of being in the stadium and being part of the 12th man. Good team or poor team, that doesn't change ... at least not in Buffalo.
  2. Geez like today wasn't a **** sundae already. Thanks for putting the cherry on top!
  3. So all you flight trackers, when is the flight carrying Ralph and Chan landing in Buffalo?
  4. That certainly makes sense. Plus he does fit Buddy's requirements of HC and offense experience.
  5. That opinion depends largely upon how, and where, you were raised my friend. Like Tolstoy, I also enjoy watching American football (though less and less each passing year except for the Bills) but when I analyze it I have no explanation as to why except that I was raised on it. I cannot stand to watch MLS at all. It is like watching AHL hockey, mildly amusing but nothing like watching the truly good teams play. That being said, MLS is getting better and hopefully will be worth watching in my lifetime.
  6. The entire city of Buffalo? Did they get a group rate on the tickets? And even if you mean the Bills ... Did they get a group rate on the tickets?
  7. Don't know how? Talk about amusing. It's not rocket science. You hire quality people (GM particularly), pay them fair market rate (or better) and get the !@#$ out of their way and let them do their job. Anyone, and I mean ANYONE can see this. Don't know how? Geesh. I do believe that Ralph does want to field a winner, or at least not a joke team, before he passes. But I also think his family's financial future trumps any of those desires. I know it would for me if I were in his shoes.
  8. Ahhhh grasshopper, that's where the genius may be coming through. If history shows us anything, it's that the Bills faithful will largely continue to support this team as long as it stays in Buffalo. Sure they may lose some ticket sales, but probably not huge amounts. A flash FA signing or a popular name in the draft and they may not even lose many season sales at all. Bills fans REALLY want to Billieve after all. Now, add to that the millions Ralph saves paying someone like Gailey instead of Cowher or Shanahan or the like. Ralph dances his way to the bank again! Could be a stroke of genius after all, if it's true of course
  9. Heh, I wonder how many "unnamed source" reports we will hear and see tonight mentioning the name Chan Gailey
  10. Come on man, if you had a source that was giving you reliable information would you throw him under a bus to satisfy the curiosity of some people on a forum? Believe him or don't, but looking at his track record makes me believe him over the other bozo's who are currently being quoted.
  11. There is actually some logic to it. Think about it, what has Chan Gailey got to lose at this point in his career?
  12. He probably has to produce something. And lets face it, there hasn't been a lot of fact being disseminated by OBD lately. So he speculates just like everyone else. Believe him or don't, but he is guessing just as much as anyone else.
  13. I see your point, but I feel you are leaping to the assumption that there are 3 candidates from this weekends losers that want the job. Maybe there are, who knows. But based on what has happened thus far in the Bills search I can't imagine Leslie losing much sleep over his team heading for a potential superbowl and the Bills signing a coordinator from this past weekends losers.
  14. Lower ticket prices and free beer? Count me in.
  15. As it has turned out, clearly they would have. However can you imagine the outrage of the Bills fans if they had hired Fewell? Even if they felt Fewell was the right choice, they had no option but to pass him over.
  16. Never seen it analyzed, but it almost has to be less than 11 minutes. Probably far less. But you should look the other way too. Hockey and soccer would be much more than 11 minutes. And although they are second tier sports in the US, they are not in the rest of the world. The great thing about football and baseball is they lend themselves beautifully to commercial television. Not true of either hockey or soccer.
  17. Yeah, his team going deep into the playoffs makes him less desirable to other teams and more likely to be let go by his current team, and therefore he is sweating about the job that (so far at least) no one has shown any interest in. Yeah, that's the ticket!
  18. As depressing as all the doom and gloom threads can be about how much the Bills suck, or Buffalo sucks, or the Bills and Buffalo both suck, these "no-lose" threads are equally as depressing as it shows Bills fans losing touch with reality in my opinion. If it truly were a no-lose situation, current coordinators would not only be accepting interviews, they would be begging for them. And top tier candidates would be lobbying for the position instead of what we are seeing. These people are not ALL idiots after all.
  19. I mostly disagree with what the writer says. But he still manages to take a shot at the Bills ...
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