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Everything posted by CodeMonkey

  1. Agreed except the OC is just going to be a shill for Gailey anyway. I don't think it matters much for OC.
  2. I have no idea. But hopefully Buddy and Chan do and are already making calls.
  3. I was thinking about that yesterday. If all Chan is looking for is someone to do the paperwork AVP would be fine. Plus he works cheap and already knows the players and the FO.
  4. Particularly when by all accounts it was Nix who wanted Gailey.
  5. Vick is very athletic but sucks as a QB. Always has, probably always will. Much the same as Kordell Stewart. That being said, a athletic running QB might very well be what Chan the Man is looking for. I would not be surprised, or upset, if that happened. If that's the direction the good ole boy connection (Buddy and Chan) want to go, then so be it. It would certainly be a change of pace if nothing else. If nothing else, maybe Vick can provide some dog fights at halftime.
  6. According to the resident who hasn't been wrong yet, it was sort-of true. Marty was interested in the job, but it wasn't Ralph that turned him down.
  7. I'm not agreeing with the OP by any stretch of the imagination. But as to the above statement, there are FAR more productive and better things people could be doing for those 8 (OK, 7) Sundays more than drinking all day and screaming like a wildman in the stadium. I've been guilty of both of those things on more than one occasion, but "what is there to fill the void with?" ???? I'm just sayin ...
  8. And this is how I will give Coach Cowher a happy ending for getting me this job. or (speaking about Bills fans) When you got em by the balls, their hearts and minds will follow
  9. as fans, the front office owes you a game to go watch at the Ralph. PERIOD. Ralph does not owe you any explanations, a say in management or player hires/fires. Or anything else. If you don't like what they do, don't buy tickets. That's the only !@#$ing thing you have a say in. Get over this "they owe us something" bull **** already.
  10. What is that dried up old skankbag doing on the NFL network? And what the hell is Elizabeth Hasselbeck doing on there as well?
  11. You are not wrong. It is the god given right of every Bills fan to Billieve if they so choose.
  12. What I found interesting was Nix stating that the only person the HC job was offered to was Gailey. Not Cowher, or Shanahan? Does anyone else find that strange?
  13. Oh good lord, now we are following what some teenager posts on facebook?
  14. Russ better hurry if interested. This is showing up in multiple Miami outlets and ESPN:
  15. Just turned 58 actually (January 5, 1952).
  16. As are the majority of season ticket holders. You would think people that post here would know this by now.
  17. **** rolls downhill? But you are wrong about the Bills fans not wanting to watch.
  18. With the recent developments regarding the HC search, this in and of itself should endear him to most Bills fans.
  19. Wow, 100% not true. Have you ever been outside of North America? American football is a joke in Europe and the rest of the world. That's one reason why NFL Europe flopped. Some people go out of curiosity and the violence, but a lot of the people there are Americans (military etc.). You are way off here. I have seen the superbowl in Europe a few times. They show it live, because it starts at 11pm or later local time. Made for a very long Monday at work I do wish American football would have been named something else. Particularly since World football had been in existence long before American football. But it is what it is. You don't like soccer, cool. A lot of Americans don't. I enjoy soccer and the Bills. The two are not mutually exclusive.
  20. Test Cricket is by far. A week long and probably no more than 11 minutes of action.
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