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Everything posted by CodeMonkey

  1. I suspect by showing the commercials they got a lot more money donated than would have been given as cash. It was probably the smart thing to do, and the NFL got some good PR out of it as well. Everybody wins.
  2. I'm with you. This is a professional sports contest. If you can stop them, then stop them. If you can't, then take it like a man and don't cry like a whiny little B word about it. Was Dallas laying down and conceding the game before that? Hell no. So there was no reason for the Vikings to. After that score Dallas did the smart thing and ran out the clock.
  3. I love the chess match argument every time I hear it. A chess match played by guys who mostly do not have the intelligence to graduate high school if it wasn't for sports bias in the schools. For continuous action I prefer hockey or soccer to table tennis myself. American football is what it is, a sport with small bursts of action over a long period of time. Along the lines of the other favorite American sport, baseball. This is the kind of sport Americans traditionally enjoy. No reason to apologize for that or rationalize it by trying to relate it to a game that takes a lot of intelligence like chess. It is a mega commercial success in the United States and has been for a long time. Hockey is more popular than American football worldwide, and obviously soccer is by far the most popular sport in the world. But in the US, American football is number one and I think will be for a long time to come. And no study showing how little action there actually is will change that.
  4. Below his name it said "representing the Philadelphia Eagles". WTF, even PPK kids dissing the Bills now
  5. So Schumer has control over the NFL and can make them keep the franchise in NY even if the NFL owners (who actually have the power to decide) wants otherwise? Dude, think before you post. That is just nonsense. At best he can make some noise and try to drum up some local buyers to make a run at the team. There is way more too it than purchase price of the team.
  6. between the better team and the worse team ... that better?
  7. To find out who is the best team. You do not find that out if the game is played in ****ty weather. At least in my opinion. In bad weather it's a crap shoot.
  8. Probably not a popular opinion for a Bills fan, but I don't think a playoff game should be decided by weather. All bad weather does is level the playing field between the good team and the bad team. The good team cannot execute and the bad team couldn't execute to begin with, so no harm. Call me old fashioned, but particularly in the playoffs I believe the best team should win.
  9. My first spelling correction post, but this one was too good to pass up. It's actually "prima donnas".
  10. Absolutely correct. But the Bills currently being a national laughing stock has the hard core Billievers very defensive. They truly cannot understand why anyone would not jump at the chance to coach the Bills. And they are very frustrated. Anyone turning down the Bills, fact or some "reporters" inside information, is met with anger.
  11. ESPN = Entertainment and Sports Programming Network What gave you the idea that is was a news network? Even true news networks do this kind of thing to much more serious situations.
  12. You forgot to offer getting on your knees in front of him every day that he coaches the Bills. Man the begging is hitting embarrassing new heights.
  13. So you agree with him, but feel the need to give him a ration of **** because he is older than you? A new level or ridiculousness may have just been achieved on this board! My congratulations, that wasn't easy to accomplish.
  14. Hair my friend, the day is young. Once OBD announces this coup d'état you will become a Billiever again! HC - Cowher OC - Shotty Jr. DC - Frazier A Billiever I tell you!
  15. Oh good lord, if this really is the menu for the Bills FA buffet even the almighty Chin could not save us this year. Don't forget too that Russ might go top-shelf for one to sell season tickets again like he did last year?
  16. Probably at least 58 thousand. But going into the stands and picking a fan to be the HC is probably not a great idea.
  17. Could that be the 1/15 announcement the Thurmanator was referring to?????
  18. That's actually easy. Very big and strong guys, padded up including helmets making their bodies into weapons that they hurl at each other as fast and as hard as they can. It obviously doesn't take much time to get hurt in that situation. If they removed helmets (or made more like a hockey helmet) and removed most of the pads, the majority of the serious injuries would disappear. But the game would not even be recognizable as what we call American football today.
  19. So let's see, 11 minutes of action 60 minutes of commercials $75 average ticket price (entire NFL, not just the Bills) More than 5 times more commercials than action. And on average, $6.81 per minute of action. Who says the NFL does not know how to make money!!! I know that the diehards will say "well, I need that time between plays and commercial time to look at replays and figure out what just happened". But it still is pretty funny when you break it down.
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