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Everything posted by PushthePile

  1. I know what you mean, any type of disruption could really distract our guys from missing the playoffs once again.
  2. Your analogy of Drew Bledsoe is nothing more than garbage. Why do some posters feel the need to tear down someone for no reason. The guy rounded out an above average career in Buffalo and morons like you insist on treating him like he was a bum. Ignorant fans like you are the worst. I liked the move for Drew at the time and I would bet anything you did too. I like the move for TO as well and I hope he plays well here.
  3. Just the thought of this is exciting. I don't know how I feel about it from a football standpoint but we haven't had a guy with his swagger in a long long long time. Very Entertaining!
  4. Any interest the team can generate nationally is a positive. We could go 3 and 13 with TO and it would be more interesting than 7 and 9 with Josh Reed. Nobody cares about the Bills and they toil in mediocrity.
  5. Okay I'm on board. After the initial shock of the thought, I'm warming up to the idea. Screw It!!!!! Let it rip!!!!! I can't say the team is going anywhere right now anyway. I can't tell you how much I'd be entertained by the Jauron, Wilson, Edwards, Schonert, Buffalo, and Owens relationships.
  6. TO is a QB killer! He has done it over and over again. He would eat Edwards alive and create chaos by Week 6. He is not the final piece to the puzzle and the risk is not worth the reward. This team is young and does not need the disruption that TO brings. If Jerry Jones can't find a way to make it work, no one can. Although, I would love to see Ralph and Dick scrambling all year trying to keep the ship afloat. Oh my god priceless!!!!!!
  7. Mariucci, Reid, Parcells, and Phillips>>>>>>>>>>>Jauron Young, Garcia, Mcnabb, and Romo>>>>>>>>>>>>Edwards Young TO, Veteran TO>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Old TO 49ers, Eagles, and Cowboys>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bills Selfish, Disruptive, and Cancer>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Excitement Drops, Bad Route Running, and Declining Explosiveness>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Boring/Tired TD Celebrations How could it fail?
  8. Poz is an average MLB in this league and is going into his second season. Lynch has very average production after two seasons and is only slightly better than average. Some of you are just so terrible at grading a player's performance it's not even funny. I love Lynch as a player and I think his best attributes are the desire he brings and energy he spreads. He is not a great football player. I'd say he is a good football player who gives outstanding effort.
  9. Anyone who posts on a Bills message board throughout the offseason is a rabid fan IMO, and he/she has a valued opinion. Some fans take their dissapointment in the team and allow it to boil over into every opinion and post. I can understand how that frustration builds after years of mediocrity. Other fans stay hopelessly positive and optimistic about a team that is not on the rise once again. I'm only 29 years old and haven't suffered the punishment that some of you have. I have had my share but 40 years of bad teams is beyond my comprehension. Us younger fans need to remember that when defending this team, and understand that the history is as much a part of the anger as is the current team. Does anybody have real playoff hopes for next year? I don't but I know my mood towards the team has no direct effect on what the FO does. So for my own enjoyment I try to hold onto that small amount of hope. The Bills will be gone in my lifetime and we are fortunate to still have them. It's the old is the glass half full or empty argument.(no right answer)
  10. Believe me, we are on the same page. I completely agree that a system dictates the style in which a player learns to play. However, I do think that it is a little over the top to start eliminating the possibility of drafting a player based on his school. Some guys are gifted enough to be successful in any system. I don't know whether or not Everette Brown is that type of player but I do know the kid has alot of moves and room to grow physically. From the reports I've read the kid has alot of intelligence to go along with his physical gifts as well. To say that his only chance of making it is in a 3-4 defense is nothing more than a prediction. I respect your opinion but disagree on this one. Our very own Darryl Talley was a West Virginia product but alot has changed since his days.
  11. Hugh Hefner has fun at home! In reality a nice balance could be found. If it were me I'd go out most of the time and stay low-key as far as drinks or other activities go. I know a pro football player can't stay low-key but I mean at least stay in control. At home is another story. I'd make my own playboy mansion. Nice life for a 22 year old if you ask me.
  12. Overpaying for players like everyone else is a flat out incorrect statement. The best teams today don't overpay for talent too often and when they do, it's because they know what they have. Is it possible that their is no solution for a complete turnaround in this offseason for the Bills? The team needs an out of this world draft class. That is the only way to get good in the NFL. The free agents are just the icing on the cake. Teams don't like letting studs hit the market and when they do you better be prepared to back the truck up. IMO Haynesworth was the only true difference maker in FA this year. I guess Housh is a nice player too, but not gamechanging on his own. Some fans need to seperate their dissapointment from their ability to use common sense.
  13. It is foolish and it's surely not something that is taken into account by NFL teams.
  14. How would you like to drop 4-5 million on house only to find out your kids are going to grow up living next to Mike Vick, AKA Ron Mexico? I'm guessing you could hear a collective sigh of relief when that agent started pounding the sign into the lawn.
  15. Good post Alpha! We all wanted more out of free agency but looking back it wasn't really the year to get good through it. It's not over and a few decent players reamain available but I'm thinking the team will benefit much more from a solid draft. I wouldn't rule out a trade either. The FO is fully aware it needs to generate some excitement for next year.
  16. Marshawn being Marshawn hasn't exactly worked out for the public or himself. I understand where you are coming from when you talk about the problems 20 something year olds have growing up. With that being said his infractions go a little beyond that of a normal kid. Their are lots of players who play in the NFL that don't act like complete idiots in public. How hard is it to party at home, register a handgun, or not drive drunk and hit a women? He's a likeable kid from a bad neighborhood, but deserves the same treatment any of us would get. The law doesn't care where he came from and neither do I. We all have problems, grow the hell up and act like a man. Your also way off base when you say that if Marshawn was white nobody would care. If it were Poz the story would be just as noteworthy. I hope he turns it around but I have some serious doubts.
  17. Good post! The team is not on the verge of a deep playoff run. Continue building through the draft and focus on free agents or trades with players on the upswing. The Bengals made a mistake trying to fix another mistake. Coles was just in it for one more payday and good for him, he got it. If I was the GM for teams like the Colts, Falcons, Vikings, Eagles, Titans, Ravens, Panthers, or any other contender I would be all for Coles. Coles doesn't get 900 plus yards here next year and we get no more wins with him, IMO. Braylon Edwards is a great example of someone who will be good for awhile and could develop alongside a team for years.
  18. I agree he is better than Josh Reed. I also think that his career was far better than Reeds. I guess what I was trying to say was that Coles right now on this team, in this offense, is not that better than Reed. I flat out don't believe we could make things come together in the couple good years he might have left. Build the goddamn lines, run the fricking ball, and play great defense. Screw Coles he's a compliment piece. Let the Bengals give him one last payday.
  19. Coles is a slightlty above average number two WR at this point of his career. I don't think he's all that better than Josh Reed, either. Without even thinking about his contract, I could care less that he's a bengal. If the Bills had a playoff caliber team, maybe sign him as a compliment player and overpay a little but we got much bigger issues. I'd like to see the team trade for or draft someone better than Coles.
  20. Boldin is a great team player. He should not be judged on his outburst alone, IMO. The Cardinals have handled his contract poorly and it could cost them. He would immediately be the best player on the Bills. It's not going to happen though. Holt is getting up in age and is coming off a subpar season. With that being said the guy has been ultra productive his entire career and probably still has something left. The Rams offense didn't do him any favors last year. Braylon Edwards has all world talent and can dominate at times. He has always had his fair share of drops but when he's on track he is one of the best. I would take him in a heartbeat.
  21. It's good to see him out of the division at the very least. The FO was wise not to pay that kind of money to a wideout whose 31 and will be 35 by the end of the contract. I only hope they spend the money they saved on Coles and don't sit on it. It has been a low impact offseason so far and if the Bills aquire any real impact players it will be through the draft or trade.
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