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Everything posted by PushthePile

  1. I think that would be a great plan for the offseason. Immediate help on defense is more reasonable of an expectation through the draft, than offense. We have a bunch of young guys learning on offense, free agency could net us a player who could help now.
  2. Trent's best attribute thus far has been the fact he's not JP. Some fans still use this as a blindfold today. Is it possible they both stink? I don't understand how alot of you expect a dynamic offense when a Qb can't get the ball deep. Countless times last year Trent had all day to pull the trigger and couldn't. This sort of simplifies things a bit wouldn't you say? I saw alot of eight and nine men in the box last year and we couldn't punish them. If Trent doesn't improve, the new HC everybody is clamouring for will be on the hotseat all over again. A new system isn't the answer, we have tried that over and over again. It doesn't matter who you are, no Qb, no offense. I guess Mike Mularkey can attest to that.
  3. At the very least this kind of provides a lesson in the "what if" game. Can you imagine the outcry if we were cutting Huff this year?
  4. Well, we were apparently looking for a tightend three rounds later. It's a position that is still high on everyone's wishlist a year later.
  5. No, but reports say that the dirty bird dance has lost it's luster.
  6. Exactly right!!! What is your game? Find every post you don't like and complain about it, while pretending your above it. Your game is far more annoying.
  7. So what you are saying is domestic violence doesn't translate into on the field violence? This changes by draft board drastically!
  8. Alot of players have tremendous athleic ability. Seeing the way Vick ran when he was a Qb doesn't mean he could play RB for someone. I agree that his best opportunity to be effective in the future would be as a gadget type player. I'm highly skeptical about his ability to be a starting QB. He's also going to be 29 and not being active for two years will have an effect. Most players have to be extremely active in the offseason to keep competitive in the NFL. I know he measured off the charts physically in his prime but I still think the time off will require alot of work.
  9. What kind of prison are you imagining? Dudes playing paper football, for smokes, in his closet like cell. The two years of no punishment is an extremely small advantage to no practice in two years. Good luck trying to get him back to where he was (average NFL quarterback).
  10. I'm not going to say that Cassel is as good as his numbers. I don't even think he will be worth as much as what he'll end up getting. Your depiction of him is a little extreme, though. I can think of alot of Qbs who wouldn't have produced like him in that situation. The o-line is not what it used to be either. They look outstanding against the Bills but struggle against real D-lines. Cassel is young and did a great job filling in for Brady. The book is still out on him, IMO.
  11. I don't think it would be as steep as Roy Williams. The Cardinals don't hold the leverage that the Lions had and the Williams trade was a desperate move by the Boys, trying to save their season. I'd be happy with Housh or Bryant but I don't think Bryant is going anywhere.
  12. The kid can play that's for sure. If we had grabbed him last year, we'd be in a great position for a WR this year. Oh well, just another what if.
  13. Pumping iron in the yard, doesn't really translate into NFL shape. Unless he's getting special treatment, he's going to have alot of work to do when he comes out. People said the same thing about Iron Mike. Besides the time off is going to hurt him more mentally than anything. Again, I don't know what arrangements he has but I'm guessing they aren't breaking down film in the clink.
  14. When did I say anything about Kelly's attitude prior to playing for the Bills?
  15. You got it backwards my friend. The Qb gets the coach fired.
  16. I agree. I have doubts but I am rooting for the guy.
  17. Kelly hated Buffalo so much he bought a home here. As for the other two, I'll have to take your word on it.
  18. I hope it's enough, I'm sick of it like everybody else.
  19. I don't care what Jauron did in Chicago. I'm not a bears fan and didn't watch that situation closely enough to have a real strong opinion either way. His tenure with Buffalo has been dissapointing thus far and I'm not arguing that. You are entitled to your opinion. I'm not sold on Jauron either but I don't mind seeing him have one more season. Continuity is something we haven't had in awhile and at this point why not show a little patience.
  20. Your welcome to butt in and give your opinion. I should have said continuation but I didn't want to set off the masses. It was fairly universal around here, that the JP situation was handled poorly and that he had too many coachs and systems. I know JP sucks and I'm not a JP fanboy. With that beins said, I think theirs alot to learn from the way his career was handled. A young team might benefit from another year in the system. Also, their is no way too tell if the players are speaking highly of their coach because he's easy on them. That speculation is alive and well on TSW but I've yet to see anything to make me believe it's true. I've had bosses like you have described as well and can see your point. On the otherhand I've had bosses who I genuinely liked and believed in. I would have rallied around them if I felt they were in trouble.
  21. I can't say that I could even guess as to what level of freedom Jauron allows his coordinators. The JP rollout was most certainly a horrible call. Some would argue that if it was successful, it would have been a great call. I disagree, just a straight up bad call either way. Honestly, I respect your opinion and see where your coming from. IMO the level of frustration is boiling over right now and Jauron is the easiest person to blame besides Ralph. The coach has only been apart of three seasons of futility with this team not the last decade. He has an extremely young team and no stability at QB. The last two years injuries to key positions have limited this team greatly. I don't know whether he's the answer but at some point this team needs to stabilize. If the players like him, that's good enough for one more year.
  22. Is it possible he could have won any football games for the team? Does any of the blame fall on the players? I'm not taking a hard stance against you, so don't take this as a personal challenge. I'm not in the lockeroom or on the sidelines. I can sit back and question a handfull of calls for sure. I can do this with any coach. The bottom line is the players like him and he's on his last legs. The fall from grace is something Bills fans love to embrace and contribute too. I say give the man another season and let's see. He was the man a year ago. He was the man at the beginning of the season. He's the worst coach in the NFL today?
  23. If I was Santonio Holmes, you would never see me with pants on. I mean never.
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