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Everything posted by PushthePile

  1. Everybody loves to pile on when a guy is down. At the same time if the tide turns all the bashers, gush with love for the person. I think Jauron is somewhere in the middle. It's trully impossible to get an exact grade, seeing as all situations are different. He's not as good as most of the crowd thought in 2007, and he's not as bad as most of the crowd thinks now.
  2. That's exactly what I was thinking. Regardless on where you stand about Jauron, anyone with half a clue sees how pitiful it was handled. Good Luck selling Buffalo to coaching canidates. Only our FO can screw the pooch that bad.
  3. Sounds good, don't read my f**king posts then. Seriously why act like a d*ckhead just ask. I'll fix it in the future, sorry guys.
  4. The correct way for a professional FO to handle a situation like this, is to go the route Jerry Jones and the Cowboys took with Wade Phillips this year. Did it completely make up for fan dissapointment? Absolutely not. It did however give the media, fans, and coach an answer. Ralph signed him to an extension and then immediately showed zero support. You cut a coach's balls off when you pull moves like that. Buffalo is second to Oakland as worst place you'd want to coach IMO.
  5. I honestly do think that Ralph's silence did have an effect on the fans. I'm not saying the difference would have been night and day but the fashion in which news is delivered is sometimes just as important as the news itself. If the FO comes out during the teams skid and supports the coach, many fans would begin preparing for a continuation of Jauron. Of course anger and dissapointment would still be present but I think at a lower level. Our FO did the opposite and further riled up an already irritated fan base. The horrible mismanagement of this extension, just made a bad situation far worse IMO.
  6. What's the knock on him? He hasn't lived up to expectations but he's got good players ahead of him. I'm all for bringing in young players for a look see. Could he make a bigger impact in a 4-3 base?
  7. That's a great point. If Cassel is out playing him in the pre-season, what do they do? Does Brady get any benefit of the doubt?
  8. You are probably right. On the otherhand most thought it would be 3.
  9. The feelings towards Jauron are well known amongst Bills fans. In a landslide most posters here are disgusted with the fact that he's still the head coach and many feel the situation is borderline hopeless with him at the helm. As a fan who still holds some hope in this coaching staff, I'm not going to even try and defend his record. He has made alot of mistakes and should be held accountable for them. I also believe that the manner of which his situation was handled has alot to do with the resounding dislike of him. At the beginning of the 2008 season the team had high hopes and the fans expected results. Looking back expectations were probably too high. A very young team with talent, coming off a injury riddled 7-9 season and a soft schedule ahead. Going into the year Jauron was a coach who many felt was a reasonable coach of the year canidate. Like all coachs, he had a handful of questionable playcalls but in general most felt the team played hard for him. It was right here on this board that many threads gave him credit for what the team had accomplished despite all the injuries. After a 5-1 start and playoff hopes alive and well, we started to hear talk of a new contract. Again, many here liked the idea and get it done posts followed. Then the collapse came and the front office remained silent. The coaching staff and players both struggled and subsequently a fanbase starved for playoffs grew angry. Despite the media pushing for answers about the contract, all we got was silence. I believe that an already angry fanbase grew angrier and angrier as time passed. Still no answer. By the time December 30 came around sentiments towards the organization as a whole were volatile. I honestly believed he was done myself. I think most here had been worked into a such a frenzy by the whole ordeal that it was borderline impossible to keep him. Well we kept him and an already angry fanbase exploded. My question is how much did Ralph's nonsense contribute to Jauron's hatred? How different would things have been if the FO showed a confidence in the coaching staff right off the bat? I believe a public announcement during the teams slide would have gone along way. Again, I'm not saying he is without fault. I'm curious as to what others opinions are in regards to the possiblity that Ralph poored gas onto the situation. We have seen owners temper angry fans with a show of support towards a coach. Ralph IMO did the opposite. He made us believe that Jauron's status was going to be dictated by the teams immediate results. By doing this he made a fanbase fire hungry and didn't deliver. I believe the FO left Jauron out to dry. Thoughts? How much did Ralph contribute to the hatred of Jauron?
  10. The jugs machine is far too fast but Trent can't get the ball downfield anyway.
  11. Truthfully you are right and wrong. Great players get hammered like that all the time. If you watch someone on every snap of a game, you will see them get hit over and over again. Even when it's heads up with another player. These guys aren't completely superior on every play. Anyone who has played football knows it's no big deal, get up and get in the huddle. It's not really a fluke play.
  12. If you think Donte Whitner makes that tackle with a shoulder that's 100 percent, your crazy. He got trucked on that play and goes down just as hard either way. I don't know how you can make a guess as to what kind of pain he was in either. Given the injury report and the nature of the play, I'm going to assume it hurt something fierce. Players get blown up all the time. I'm sure he's been hit like that many times. I don't think the level of embarassment in the pros is anywhere near the level of what the fans think. He took on a runner with a full head of steam and didn't get low enough. Boom! No big deal.
  13. I like the give and take. I know you're just fishing around a little.
  14. I love this idea. Besides they have alot more garbage to clean-up in Jersey.
  15. HaHAHaHa Okay buddy! You keep fighting the good fight. I don't give a rat's arse about your bowl statistics and sure as hell don't care about your favorite college teams. As stated before I don't even have a favorite college team and happen to agree with you that the SEC and Big 12 are the strongest. For whatever reason you have chosen TSW as your battleground for college football and you continue to fight with no one on the subject. No NFL team will hesitate to pick a player they like because they played in the ACC or BIG 10. Sorry to say this strategy only exists in your bizarre world.
  16. I see you are a Pac-10 homer, so case closed. Come draft day I hope the Bills select the best player available and put little stock into your moronic ranking system.
  17. Your analysis is absurd because you go way overboard in your conference comparisons. Brian Orapko played in the BIG 12 and has had far more hype than Everette Brown, yet he's not a shoe in for first DE off the board. What about BJ Raji, Aaron Curry, Michael Johnson, Larry English, Aaron Maybin, Brian Cushing, Rey Maualuga, Malcolm Jenkins, and Vontae Davis? Are they all down on MOVALLEYRANDY's big board because they don't play in the SEC or BIG 12? Your the first person professional or not, that I've heard put so much stock into a player dropping because he's from the ACC. It's one thing to question a guy from the MAC or Mountain West but you are going above and beyond IMO. Big time football is still played outside your favorite conferences.
  18. You are obviously trying to drum up a fight about the ACC. I personally could care less about the ACC but your analysis is absurd. Despite being in a slump, the conference still offers "REAL" competition and a standout player shouldn't be downgraded because of it. They aren't the SEC but you make it seem like they are Conference USA.
  19. Agree to disagree. I guess who really cares, we got are own problems to worry about.
  20. Fair enough. I can see your reasons for doubt. It's really just a difference in opinion on the chances of success. I do think the Titans coaching staff will make him more of a passer, though.
  21. No big deal. I like to debate too. It's tough to argue stats! FWIW I never really liked VY and I always root against Texas. He seems like a good kid though.
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