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Everything posted by PushthePile

  1. You bring up a good point. He has had ample time to make a full recovery and has age/ability (if healthy) over the other FA's out there.
  2. I'm assuming they would do a physical on the player before cutting him a check. If it's a major concern the Bills could always protect themselves with a one year contract or incentive laden deal.
  3. Absolutely. I don't care what happened behind closed doors. This is the NFL, get over it and lock up a nice player for a few years. He already said he wouldn't mind being a Bill and he blows away the FA's we've had here.
  4. I don't care where he goes as long as he stays out of the afc east. He is going to have a big chip on his shoulder.
  5. HaHaHa! Simon has the worst opinions on the board. He not only comes at you with outlandish garbage, but he backs it up with schoolyard banter like "if you ever played the game you would know". Trent Edwards is an unknown to this point. He has been good and he has been bad. His overpowering accuracy and intelligence is a product of comparison to JP Losman. Right now I'd say he has alot to improve on, because he finally has weapons and the whipping boy is leaving town.
  6. Mike Martz's flashy, pass happy offense, only fools the fans who don't trully understand the game. I admit that watching his game plan unfold is very entertaining. However, I wouldn't want him anywhere near my team. He has had issues with every coaching staff he has been a part of and alienates his peers with a tremendous ego. All that aside his playcalling is horrid. A Martz offense gets Qbs killed, causes alot of turnovers, never allows the defense rest, under utilizes the RB position, is figured out by midseason usually, inflates WR numbers above the level of talent, and doesn't fly in bad weather. In short it will produce alot of yards and highlights but will also flat out lose you games on it's own.
  7. Great Post. Bills fans aren't used to seeing coaching mistakes that get overshadowed by great play. We are told every year by the FO that we have a very talented football team. After selling that point if the team doesn't win (which it hasn't) everyone is going to look at the coaching. Well we have been through lots of coaching changes and we still don't win. For the first time in awhile the Bills have kept a coach on board despite the record, and admitted that the talent on the team was poor. I am optimistic about where the team is headed and I think we can win with this coaching staff and not despite it.
  8. For Jauron it's a low risk move because he is on borrowed time. If it doesn't work out, he gets canned and probably has already come to terms with that. For Edwards, failure is severely damaging to his career. IMO
  9. Dick Jauron has the most to gain and the absolute least to lose. Trent is second with the most to gain. He can show the fans that he is more than just a JP replacement. Of course if he flounders with this group, he will bury himself and even the biggest homers couldn't argue it. I think everyone knows Evans and Lynch are solid to above average players.
  10. Im all for building TO his own locker room. In addition to this I'd like to see Kelsay lose his locker in favor of storage for TO's touchdown props. Chris can get dressed at home and bum a ride to the stadium.
  11. What are you talking about? I never even came close to comparing the two. I was referring to a player's choice of going to a place like south beach during the NFL offseason. I just had the fortunate luck of spending a month there for work and it's unbelievable.
  12. No thanks! Mike Martz's offense wouldn't be a winning formula in Buffalo weather. Honestly I think his brand of football is way overrated anywhere. Ryan Fitzpatrick would be our starter by week 4.
  13. It is a great scene if that's what your looking for and personally I think it's alot of fun. I was just in Miami for a month working and I ran into alot of people who love partying in WNY. It was a nice suprise to hear that.
  14. So what is your point, Tom? TO is a huge upgrade at a position of need. You can try to spin it any negative way you want but he is vastly superior to Josh Reed. The team also made nice strides this year in blocking and stopping the run. You must have been to busy complaining to notice the improvements. The pass rush is poor right now, but what do you want to do about it pre-draft? Should they suspend all attempts to upgrade talent elsewhere until they get the pass rush right? Everyone has an opinion about the coaching, and guess what he's still the coach. It's getting repetitive, but what do they do about that, stop trying because the fans are sour on Jauron? Truthfully all of your reasoning behind not wanting TO has nothing to do with the team. He is cheap and we didn't give up any picks for him. Your lame duck excuses are just that. I would respect your opinion alot more if you just admitted to not being a fan of the guy and wishing he wasn't a Bill.
  15. Buffalo does not offer the same nightlife that other big cities have. As a place for young rich superstars to party and be seen, it is as dead as can be. Who cares? These superstars are capable of doing anything they want, almost whenever they want. I wouldn't worry about it. This would be a much smaller issue if that a$$clown McGahee didn't feel the need to take a shot. Besides superstars have been known to fall in love with small markets in the past. Go to South Beach in the offseason.
  16. I'm all for Trent but can we forget about JP when we watch him. I swear half you guys would be satisfied with anyone who wasn't Losman.
  17. I don't see it. In fact I think he is less physical than the average SS in this league. The only time I've heard him referrred to as a fierce hitter is when he's commenting on himself. I said it in my previous post and I'll say it again, Donte is a solid player but not a gamechanger. Maybe he does all his fierce hitting in practice?
  18. I'm going to go ahead and say that you don't watch too closely on Sundays and that maybe cancelling the ticket was a wise move. How anyone can think WR wasn't a position that needed to be upgraded is beyond me. In fact I just flat out don't believe you. I think that most of the fans who are sour about the move, just can't get over their dislike of TO. I'm not going to fault anyone who dislikes him but lets at least fess up. It's not worth trying to argue that we were all set with offensive weapons prior to signing him.
  19. The Bills are better than Jax, Den, and Mia. I know they lost to Mia twice last year but they played some of their worst football against them. I also think that they are as good as SD, NYJ, and Hou. The Bills are going to see a few annual powerhouse teams that have question marks this year. Tenn. lost their best player, Indy struggled badly last year, Bal is another year older and lost B. Scott, and the cheatriots are rolling the dice with Brady. They can make the playoffs and should IMO. No excuses this year.
  20. Hit people? Listen Donte, when your not blowing people up, do yourself a favor and just wrap up a ballcarrier. I like Donte's attitude and all the energy but when is it going to translate to the field? He is a solid player but not a playmaker, IMO. Hit people? Just make the tackle, please.
  21. If he is scared about having to throw to good WRs he shouldn't be a NFL QB. In fact he shouldn't be a QB at any level. In fact what the hell are you talking about? I guess the situation will merit a little more pressure, based on expectations. If you are going to make it though, it shouldn't effect his play. I would hope he is fired up.
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