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Everything posted by JESSEFEFFER

  1. Maybe it stems from this connection she made with Kim Pegula. bills-pod-squad-ep-28-cynthia-frelund Oops. Kim wasn't on this episode. Never mind.
  2. He is not just a D3 try hard guy. He has something many others do not.
  3. The Bills suspended Chris Brown last year for answering a Tasker question about who was playing where on the OL. Probably an innocent mistake as he had been reporting on his practice observations his entire career. Tasker asked Beane the theorerical question about cutting an unvaccinated player over a vaccinated one. I doubt that was cleared by anyone. I like Brown as the host more than I did Murphy and he tends to keep Tasker on point, often completing his thoughts when he loses them, correcting him for name slips and the like. Brown is better at the interviews as Steve's thoughts tend to ramble during a the formulation of a question. Steve is very good a story telling, I think, which is when he is at his best. Suffice to say there are different types of bonuses that make up the 150 million and there will be cap hits from them all 8 years.
  4. Jordan Palmer due on One Bills Live at 1 PM. I love hearing him gush about Josh. It never seems old to me. Puts a smile on my face every time.
  5. The Browns live stream their entire practice. They zoom in tight during the team portion so as to not show any formations outside the tackle box. They sell advertising for this.
  6. Hire the right people, empower them to do their jobs, provide them with all the resources they need and, finally, don't get caught doing embarrassing things on tape, or at least suppress it and have it destroyed.
  7. If that happened in a game to a Bills receiver I'd be wanting a DPI call. Milano had Knox wrapped up before the ball got there and Dawson could only go for it with one hand. Also, I am all for more aggressive play on the TE, force the refs to make the call. We know they will make catches if they get a free release and are not challenged at the catch point. At least they did last year.
  8. Maybe she heard the Bills had talked with both the Broncos and Browns about moving up and assumed it was for the #1 overall pick whereas I think it was for the #4 overall pick.
  9. Are those pads on the linemen's helmets new or have I not been paying attention? Looks like a segmented variation of Kelso's anti concussion Kazoo model.
  10. I remember Bruce's rookie year training camp at Fredonia. He was giving Jones and Devlin fits during one on one drills and was chuckling out loud at their frustration. That was before he got serious about being a pro.
  11. I do not get your point. How does an individual's quest to be great track with how an organization manages its business in a two decade run of excellence? Josh's back story is part of what makes him who he is. As he has often said "You bloom where you are planted." Family, Firebaugh, coaches at every level, Reedley, Wyoming, the Bill and his unique situation with Palmer. Surround yourself with people that believe in you wherever you can find them and bust your butt to give them the satisfaction of being right.
  12. It takes fuel, oxygen and heat to make a fire. If any of the 3 is missing then there is no fire. In an SAT type analogy, it takes special talent (physical and/or mental) a nurturing environment that can foster growth (family, community, coaches, peers and opportunity) and true passion to be great at anything. I think JAQB17 is upper echelon in all 3 components.
  13. When he is in tight coverage he is totally focused on making the catch. When running in the open he wants to know where the defenders are and is less focused on the ball. That's my theory anyways.
  14. Maybe this was posted here back around the time of the draft but this is an interesting article by Brentley Weissman of The Draft Network which appeared there on 4/8. I think he underplays the part that relatively mediocre pro day workout numbers he posted had on creating his drop in most ratings but he had him #11 on his draft board. I'll say this, when a 19 year old has a season like he had in 2019 it likely points to there being something special about him. WHY HAS GREGORY ROUSSEAU FALLEN SO FAR? The conclusion: "At the end of the day, Rousseau’s rare length, agility, and sheer power allow him to make plays that other defenders simply can’t. Do I wish he was quicker twitched and had more of a sample size to go off of? Sure. However, I struggle to see why folks are down on this player when, for the most part, his tape is excellent—and from a physical traits standpoint, he has it all."
  15. Marv and Shane were mentioned in the article.
  16. Jim McCusker from Jamestown, a DT who played from 1958 to 1964.
  17. Big improvement in the running stats in the last 9 vs. the first 7. Unsettled OL, Moss with turf toe and pass heavy play calls contributed to a slow start. I'd suspect these yards before contact numbers were really bad in the first 7 games.
  18. Here it is. I have the link to this video copied and ready to paste into a post if someone hadn't done so already. Doug should be in sales or maybe politics.
  19. when he is making a tough, contested catch he has shown some talent. When he has attempted catches where he is unsure of where the defenders are he has shown lapses. I think that describes a big portion of his drops.
  20. I have heard this angle on his play, maybe by you, to which I have replied that Josh has shown a better performance over his career in road games. This may be slanted by few more extra windy games at home but at the very least it seems to say that Josh is a road warrior and a hostile crowd does not affect him in significant way. Think Vikings, Dolphins and Cowboys road games. I will say this about your point that when things seem to be slipping away he can go batshit crazy, desperately trying to make a play but usually that's more due to game circumstances created just as much by the team performance in general as by him. The Texans playoff game is often cited but there were plenty of instances where his teammates came up less than they needed to be. Now if you are talking more of an emotional state of being vs. the actual difficulties presented by operating with the added difficulties of being overwhelmed by crowd noise, then maybe that's something to look for and I will keep an open mind on it.
  21. By most measures, Josh had a better 2020 than Mahomes did. He is ascending as you say and has yet to show a seasonal regression in performance.although maybe we'll see it this year. Mahomes was more what he is now right out of the box in a much better offense but he has not equaled the 2018 season in his last two. When your first full year as starter is an MVP performance, it's tough to see it go up from there. If you believe in trends and projections then Josh looks to be his equal over the next decade. He is our guy and we should be happy to ride with him and see where this thing goes.
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