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Everything posted by JESSEFEFFER

  1. OK, for our collective education, McCourty, who caught him at the goal line, ran a 4.3 at his pro day in 2009. Rookie Jevon Holland ran a 4.47 at his pro day and he did not gain any ground on Devin. I do not know how much running with a football would slow him down but he seems objectively faster than his 4.66 time at the combine. It's odd to me that all the combine and pro day testing we hear about at draft time is such a big story but we never hear of it again during the rest of their NFL careers. Do the Bills have guys like Devin and AJ retest to see how their off season work has affected their athletic testing? Wouldn't they want to monitor their progress? We never hear any chatter of it so it's likely they do not do it. I asked Joe Marino about that for his pod and he said that he never hears anything of that sort either.
  2. Good point. The visuals may or may not look bad but the audio may be what cross the line. Although Josh's stare down and ball spin vs. the Chargers needed no verbal communication.
  3. Hey BB I reposted your Haiku in the Miami Haiku thread. I thought it needed to see the light of day again as it was very creative.
  4. Buffalo Billies and I collaborated on one back on August 11 and I was waiting to bring it back at the right time. Tua needs an "n" To make his name aquatic Squish the Tuna Fish
  5. Oof! That was based on an AFc vs. NFC thing. Try again next year.
  6. The question is provocative but the results they got based on formation are facts. They chose to do more of something they were worse at in that game and less of something they were better at. My own bias is that I do not like 4-5 wides as the base of an offense. That goes back to the days of the run and shoot and watching it fail in some spectacular ways. I am ok with the designed QB runs because standing still in the pocket is a riskier thing to do and has produced some of the worst QB injuries we have seen. His best argument is that this is not a 1 game trend but 3 going back to last year. Have another good game against the Dolphins and this goes away.
  7. I think the article was fair and largely positive but lacked the historical perspective you have provided here. It's an A+ point.
  8. They got greedy on the 4th and 1 and wanted to hit for a chunk play. We all would have been happy with a new set of downs but tried for a home run. Posts correctly point out that the motion brought Sutton into a spot where Gilliam could not make the block instead of following him. I wonder if that should have killed the play call and Josh missed it. The Steelers were in the right spot to blow it up and the Bills coaxed them there.
  9. Those complaining about ball location on throws 20+ yards down field will not get your point. No. A touch pass by any QB lacks power thus any QB can throw them. Even by the wannabes in the parking lot. But you can't really control ball placement of a touch pass on a day with a steady ~20 mph wind therefore we saw very few in the game. I believe that was 34-78-83's point. Ben tried 2 downfield that were of the touch variety and got a jump ball win by Claypool and a DPI call on Wallace that was severely under thrown. Neither were located well. Josh tried ripping 6x? and only got 1 completion. Over throws to Diggs and Sanders, a nice back shoulder splitting two defenders to Davis, the flea flicker to Diggs that was a last instant PBU, 1 to Sanders hands that was not secured prior to the defensive hit. Even the one he completed to Davis was not in a spot where Davis could get RAC yards.
  10. He has had 2 fumbles in every season opener for the last 3 years. Maybe a direct result of having the ball in his hands so much and never being hit in preseason work. Mindset of taking hits and protecting the ball comes with failing and then doing it over and over. It really can't be simulated.
  11. Moss did not allow a sack in pass protection. Maybe one pressure? I value that.
  12. if a Cowboy breaks through to the open field they should go down short of the goal.
  13. Don't think playing in preseason games does much for conditioning.
  14. I must say it wasn't easy to find at the team's website. Had to click on a "..." menu choice and then "fans." Bills Website "Bills Backers"
  15. He does but one big difference is he records and edits before letting it out. A live recording might not be so stellar.
  16. With our Canadian Bills Mafiosi unable to cross the border, I think that released a bunch of season tickets to the market place and there are likely to be even more Steelers fans present than there would have been otherwise.
  17. Many have mentioned Hamburg and I have to agree. Not too developed and has a smaller town appeal. Stay away if you do not like traffic circles, though. It's closer to Chautauqua County so it has that going for it. Eden gets you more rural and even closer. I could be wrong about the daily commuting, but the traffic approaches to the city seem much more reasonable from the southtowns. That is certainly true of the post game traffic anyways. Dunkirk, home of the Chautauqua County fair, to Hamburg, home of the Erie County Fair. Some kind of symmetry there.
  18. That closed border is stupid. Much respect for our Candian Mafiosi. Did you give back all your tickets or just on a game by game basis?
  19. Tyler Dunne is a good writer. In 9 days, when it's 3rd down and the crowd gets extra loud to help the defense make a play, we should all cheer extra loud if it's Efe who made it. Because making that play will be extra important to him.
  20. I remember his interview on OBL from back in June. I enjoyed his enthusiasm and somehow the British accent makes it more fun.
  21. Reputations can be strange things. As Marv said "If you get a reputation as an early riser you can sleep 'til noon." Similar to first impressions are lasting ones. Meaning once people believe something, they are reluctant to give it up. In a year marred by a concussion, COVID and a calf injury, he managed to finish the 2nd half of the year well. TEs are a slow to develop position and I think 2021 will be a big year for him.
  22. Searching Hollister's name on Twitter, there seem to be some TE needy teams out there, some due to some recent injuries or trades. Fans connecting him to the Giants, Jets, Vikings, Seahawks, Jags. I think he may get a better offer than the wait in the parking lot offer he may have gotten from the Bills.
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