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Everything posted by wjag

  1. This should tell you all you need to know. I once called my parents house from an airplane (remember those very pricey in seat air phones) and had my Mom place her landline phone next to TV so I could hear the Bills game. Every time the pilot would come on, it would drop my connection and I would have to call back. At one point the flight attendant came by and asked me in a somewhat rude tone, who the heck you talking to? I listened to entire Bills game that way as I flew east coast to west coast.
  2. If memory serves, you need three preseason games before you can get your All-Pro ticket punched.
  3. Watched it earlier this week. Love how Pat just drops the fbomb. Beane just smiles.
  4. Boogie hit him full on and drove the weight of his body into him. That is what I think they called... You know, old fashion tackle football.
  5. The morning glow: 1. 4th and one from your own 30 yard line, let's go for it. Never have I ever... 2. Jake Kumerow only getting a few snaps is interesting too. Feels like he made the varsity team. 3. Hart had a tough go last night. Definitely got knocked off of Fromm's Christmas card list. 4. I enjoyed seeing Webb play. He was cool under pressure. 5. Mitch was victimized by a long Lions drive and a run first game plan. 1-2 for 10 yards. ooof.. 6. Watching the replay, Speedy just blows by his guy. Would be interesting to see that against a 1st or 2nd string CB2 7. I was excited for the W. I was. I hate losing preseason games. I do. Goes way back to the Levy era. Just me, I know. 8. I thought the run defense was looking pretty good last night, especially with the seconds vs the firsts. 9. I like the Bills getting the shot at a game winning drive. Nice situational football opportunity there. 10. We got to see what an advantage Grout's long arms are on that "sack." 11. Boogie clobbered Blough on that real sack that was called roughing the passer.
  6. Hamlin played after he was dinged so I think he’s all right.
  7. I don’t care that it was a preseason game. I want to win them all. There’s value in that 4th quarter game winning drive.
  8. Got to see a lot in that game. 1. 4th down in your own territory. 2. defense against a 2 pointer 3. Game winning drive 4. Game winning field goal 5. Commitment to run some. 6. Webb’s got game.
  9. Kudos to Fromm, Stevenson and Bass. I didn’t think they had it in them. I was wrong.
  10. I myself am looking forward to another NE season without Brady, without Gronkowski and without Julian "F'ing" Edelman (as I used to say). I think we are going to see a redux of last year's scheme, only with better players. So I do agree they will be a tough out. My hope is Brady goes in there and beats them. The fans walk away saying that "well at least it was Tom, so it's okay" and that ends up being the one loss that keeps them out of the playoffs..
  11. No. You're probably right. I moved to MD in '91. Thought I got it then, but I think it didn't happen until Congress passed the law making dishes available to all regardless of HOA rules. That was likely a year or two after I moved.
  12. Rashod Bateman's soft-tissue injury is going to require surgery. Ravens coach John Harbaugh told reporters Bateman will undergo an operation on his groin, sidelining him until sometime in September. Welp.. Looks like it is going to be the Watkins/Brown/Andrews show in B'more. B'more has THE worst luck drafting WRs...
  13. So I was unaware that TJ Watt is in camp, but not practicing with the team. Appears to be holding out for a new contract. Worth watching as the Steelers game gets closer and closer....
  14. And Pete Carroll has left.. Muttering something like, what more do I have to do....
  15. feel the same way about Tim Hortons. You WNYers are gaga about it. I don't get it.. It's one step up from Your Host (or what we used to call Your Hole) for you old timers on here. My family gave me gift cards to Tim Hoes. Said thank you very much.. I regifted them... 🙂
  16. never underestimate the hypnotizing power of a mullet and stash..
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