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Everything posted by wjag

  1. Orlando Brown just said his 7-mo old son is already 30 lbs. 30!!!!
  2. And Dupree is in Tennesssee.. Will be interesting to see what their pash rush looks like.
  3. Yep. Although a good chunk of the Steelers D isn't playing, same on offense. Listening to Steve Smith is GRATING
  4. I hope he signs and retires a Bill when he doesn’t need any more helmets for his collection.
  5. By all the accounts from the onsite reporters, he is catching everything thrown his way. I don't expect it.
  6. I know that. It was sarcasm.
  7. Nice. 1.6M. They needed new furniture at headquarters and the kitty was low. They hope to get enough to upgrade the carpeting next week.
  8. Shame shame shame on all you reporters asking the same question over and over again. You had 15 minutes to get some football questions in and you chose to flog the covid horse.
  9. Josh playing Saturday is all I heard. 🙂
  10. My inital reaction was shoulder separation vice broken clavicle. Having broken my clavicle, I wore a different sling designed to pull my shoulders straight into alignment. I am certainly no doc. My money is on a sprain or separated shoulder.
  11. I suspected so, but didn't know one way or the other. I figured he was uber cautious. King was traveling from camp to camp coming into contact with lots of people in camp and the transport system.
  12. Josh is vaccinated. No doubt about it. He did an interview with Peter King where both were standing a foot apart without masks on. King would not been allowed to do that if both were unvaxed. Earlier in the same week, King interviewed Mahommes. Mahommes was 6 feet away and King was masked. Read into that what you want. Doesn't say anything about Mahommes, but it does say something about King and Allen,
  13. They made the Broncos play without a QB last year. I don't think they see it the same way the average fan does,
  14. Looks like WRs are going to survive today’s cut down day. Suddenly down three bodies for Saturday.
  15. I guess my implication was this is what happened to the Ravens last year. Sorta. Coach is in close contact with a bunch of players. Typhoid Mary. Or Covid Charlie.
  16. Yeah, he looks rather average. Notice he retreats backwards out of trouble making his throws even farther. He needs to corect that.
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