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Everything posted by wjag

  1. Simple, I attended. I am 3-0 (Ravens, Steelers and Jets) this year with the Bengals game left. I would be 4-0 but they moved my Cleveland tickets to Detroit
  2. The Morning After Pill: 1. Matt Milano's hit on White was text book and it was the most violent, unflagged hit on a QB this season. Kelly-era hit on a QB. 2. Replays in the stadium are poor.. You listening Buffalo Bills? It's hard to see what happened on many plays. With all the commercial breaks you have plenty of time to show the stadium fans replays. 3. The blocked punt was a huge play in the game as it gave the Jets a path to victory. 4. I learned today that Knox was under center when Mosely jumped Offside on 4th and 1. Pretty cool play call. Didn't catch that from the stands. 5. Wind was not a factor in the game yesterday. 6. The Jets Defense plays really well together. 7. There was one play, can't remember exactly when, where Josh took the underneath, sideline throw to McKenzie. Gabe down field another 15 yards and begging for the ball.. Missed chance there. 8. Hines did his job yesterday. Watching from above, the Jets gunners were routinely blowing past the Bills defenders and getting to Hines as the ball was getting there. That kind of detail is lost when watching it on TV. 9. Josh took some pretty big hits in the pocket yesterday. 10. The helicopters that flew over the stadium were crazy low. Low cloud ceiling forced them to fly pretty low. From my seat in the upper deck I could see the pilots faces as they went by. Pretty cool.
  3. Agreed... One of many bad calls this year. That had a real impact on the game flow too.
  4. I walked out of the stadium today and said to my buddy, 10-3 feels great...
  5. The AfterGlow 1. Weather was not an issue in the stands.. So much fun. 2. The 4th down Offside was an enormous play in this game. 3. White took a pounding.. 4. Tre not quite up to it yet.. His coverage was loose. His tackling looked okay. 5. Some monster sacks for both teams in this one. 6. 2-0 turnovers was really what separated both teams 7. From my angle I could not tell if the drops were bad throws or bad drops 8. Jets LBs are fast. They close to the ball really well. 9. 10-3 baby 10. Beautiful TD to Knox... 11. The 1st down play to Knox almost worked. Mosely had good coverage.
  6. Fingers crossed.. Weather looks so-so at the moment.. Heading to the game shortly.
  7. Looks like they're over it already based on yesterday's injury report. All affected players were back at practice.
  8. Question is will it appear north of the border or will it remain in NYS? Coming to a Bills Den soon for sure..
  9. hmmm... looks like a collectable item to me.. I give it <= one game..
  10. I gotta say that Milano disappearance is very troubling. Considering he played okay and had a full week of rest, for him to show up on injury report 2 days as DNP leads to two thoughts: 1). He hurt himself during the mini-bye, or 2). He has a serious enough injury that a week's rest hasn't helped. I have officially given up on the silliness of saying 'this team is getting healthy" or "this team appears to be healthy". This team loses one-two starters after every game and is lucky when it is only two.
  11. And Fant has the flu.. So their depth will be challenged.
  12. I think Saleh should send Sauce Gardner over to Corey Davis' house with some chicken soup. Spend some time with your team mate that is ailing.
  13. I used ChatGPT to make a poem about the Bills v Jets this weekend. Their database is only current through 2021 it says.. So it put in Sam Darnold.. I assuming a 'large barge' is Sam dropping a dookie on the field. The Bills versus the Jets, what a showdown to be. Both teams want to win and make it to the Super Bowl, we can see. The Bills have Josh Allen leading the charge. The Jets have Sam Darnold, ready to make a large barge. The Bills defense is ready to bring the heat. The Jets offense is ready to make a feat. The Bills are looking to win this game. The Jets are hoping they can do the same. The crowd roars loud, the stadium is alive. Both teams battle hard, they'll give it their all to survive. The Jets score with a field goal. The Bills answer with a touchdown, taking control. Back and forth the teams go, until the final whistle blows. The Bills win the game, the Jets will have to go home.
  14. The thing I find interesting about the OBJ courtship is that this is all happening in the public view. The red carpet roll outs. The 4-start dinners. Court-side seats. The very public OBJectifying by Jones yesterday. Where is his agent in all of this, Zeke Sandhu? This charade parade is being done without apparent representation.
  15. Is Ike Boetteger on 53? John Brown elevation? or that dude that doesn’t work out for teams
  16. Shocked LL Bean doesn't sell the double-ply game-day trash bags. Don't forget they have a healthy Corey Davis now. He was a frequent (10) target in that game too. He ended up with 5-85.
  17. I've outfitted and sat through plenty of these games. I just hate it. It's a cold soak that gets right to your bones.. I rather it be colder and snowing.
  18. Tre doesn't travel. Me thinks Wilson will match up with Dane the Trailer.
  19. Crap. Now the weather says 50% chance of rain. High of 42. Cold and wet are brutal to sit through..
  20. LA Rams are hurting at QB too.. Considering how bad their season has gone, might as well sign him for cannon fodder.
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