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Everything posted by wjag

  1. Who would have believed at the start of the season Week 8 Buffalo v NYJ would be must see TV? Kudos to the Jets for building a competitive team. Never would I have ever believed the Jets could go into Lambeau and beat Aaron Rodgers. Looking at the stats from that game the Zachary Kapono Wilson was 10/18 for 110 yards and 0 TDs, 0 INTS and the JETS rushed for 64 yards. 64!! They had a total of 174 yards of offense and won by 17!!!!! Kapono? sup wid dat? So the AFCE has a McCorkle and Kapono and Tuanigamanuolepola. God Bless this great melting pot called America.
  2. I'm in the never count Brady out camp. They are in the weakest division. And once he gets within sniffing distance of the playoffs, he turns it on. The man is a primetime player. It took a herculean effort by Stafford last year to keep him out of the game. But I understand 'your mileage may vary".
  3. The Bills so far have built a championship resume, consider they have won by just about every way: 1. Blow out (3) 2. Primetime (3) 3. Come from behind 4. Late game drive to take the lead, i.e. close game 5. Surging to lead and then doing just enough to keep the opponent off the score board 6. MVP destruction (Lamar, Patty, Aaron) 7. H2H win against each other division winner with 2Ws on the road. 8. Perfect at home (3-0) and dominant on the road (3-1) 9. Doing it with a depleted secondary and surviving an early season injury rash. The teeth of the schedule is over and they are 6-1 with one bounced pass away from being 7-0. A W this weekend against the J*E*S*T, JEST, JEST, JESTs and they have a nice 2-game bulge in the division I think Buffalo needs to play TB in the Superbowl. It would be the MOST cathartic win ever and would give Josh a victory over everyone that he played with and against in The Match. 🙂
  4. Be great if he has some PR/KR ability to go with the speed. crazy business. Zack goes from playoff caliber team to playoff wannabe team.
  5. Yep. He's on my fantasy hockey team. 6 point night.. Was Sweeeeeet
  6. Heard a rumor that Devontae Adams is available. I know it's a rumor because I just started it. Git 'r done.. There is 21 minutes.. Should be just enough time.
  7. I think they also gave up the number 40 to be retiring in 4 years.
  8. Denver had to do this. Or they would be forever reminded that they could have drafted Josh Allen.
  9. Saw what he said. Guarantee he will drop them to #2 in his top ten this week. It's a funny business. If Josh doesn't "dirt" that INT and the Bills get a FG there. Score 30-17 (spread covered), I bet most people's perception of the game would be different. But that was just a brutal INT.
  10. So I heard this on the radio this AM on my morning drive. The Browns were using 8 OLINE at the same time. 8!! Can anyone confirm that? Really a head scratcher kind of game. Brissett looked amazing last night. Maybe he wanted to send a message to the masseuse terrorist..
  11. Cleveland and Brissett look competent
  12. I was REALLY surprised no mention and no penalty were called. He CLEARLY tackled him hard a second time out of bonds. That is why Diggs went after him and was being walled off by McKenzie and Davis. It wasn't even discussed in the game as it was happening.
  13. The Jets key to beating the Bills rests soley with their DLINE.
  14. That's a great move for them. And good for Buffalo as he won't be playing against Buffalo on Christmas day
  15. So a random thought no one wants to admit might have happened.. Did that hard hit Josh took at the goal line hurt him????????? Might explain why he was "off" as many are saying...
  16. Count me in the camp which is any way is okay. Sure I would like to see Buffalo v New England's perfect game every game, but I know what separates teams in the NFL is a small margin, week to week. In December, no one will be talking about Buffalo v Green Bay other than GB lost and Buffalo beat the future first ballot Hall of Famer. They won't be talking about how, just that GB found a way in the loss to resurrect their season. My reaction last night was pheww.. But I do think GB found away to man up, much like Buffalo did in Tampa Bay last season. I fully expect GB to go on a little run now.
  17. The Morning After... Thoughts with the benefit of a few hours sleep: 1. It's crazy being a Bills fan these days. Our expectations have gone well beyond just winning a game. We now expect dominant wins and are surprisngly surprised when they don't play perfectly. 2. That 4th and 1 play where Miller knocked the OLINE down like bowling pins was awesome. I'm sure it happens in games, but that is the first time I ever recall seeing it. And it was THE play of the game. It stopped Rodgers with zero points and sucked the life out of any hoped for comeback. 3. I can't be the only one who had flash backs to the Tennessee game last year where they kept pounding the ball. It almost worked. 4. How about Jordan Phillips people? He twice used his forearm to stop a RB in his tracks. The RB was steamrolling forward and then he was sent flying. Both times the replay showed Jordan slamming him with a violent and I do mean violent forearm. 5. Glad to hear Josh was deliberately trying to throw that second INT away by "dirting" it. GB made a great pick there. 6. Imagine being a GB fan this season. Oh good we get to play the AFC East. GB needed OT to beat the Patriots or they would be 0-3 so far. And they still have a Christmas day matchup in Miami. 7. Saw the tweet that Miller asked Rodgers if they were ever going to throw again. I have a vivid memory where that happened in the game and Rodger's face when Von asked him that. The game within the game. 8. At one point I checked the stats and Allen was 8/11 76 yards and 2 TDs. He finished 13/25 for 218 which means after that hot start he was 5/14 for 142 and 2 INTS. At first glance that looks pretty Brady-like these days (hahaha), but 5/142 means he was completing the passes he did complete after the start at a 28.4 clip.. 9. The GB player who got ejected misinterpreted the actions of the Bills sideline personnel. I think it looked like he was trying to help the guy up and he then pushed him. 10. Matt Milano was playing like a man possessed. He almost had a second interception but the ball richocheted off his facemask first.
  18. The AfterGlow: 1. Phewww.. Glad that is behind us. 2. 2 head scratching INTs by Allen though. 3. Hopefully Poyer will only be out for a few weeks. 4. Game was surprisingly chippy for two teams that rarely play each other. Diggs clearly brought bad blood into the game. 5. Stuffing GB on 4th and 1 early in third was the play of the game IMO. 6. Loved to see the RBs involved today. 7. Rough second half. Need to clean that up. 8. 6-1 looks pretty sweet. Two game lead over entire division. 9. Those Tyler Bass kicks were huge to keep GB down. 10. Diggs had another 100.. Man is playing is ass off... 11. Rush defense took a hit today. Give GB credit for pounding the ball time after time after time.
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