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Everything posted by bigc14120

  1. rb White did not look like a pro thursday night....ps at best IMO. Batten, White lb both looked good. Moats invisible??? white had good play on st. Coleman is large and looked at home...he stays if I had my way. TT is weak.... Aiken to ps, Roosevelt makes it. The OL is already well represetned by other teams castoffs...why get more.
  2. Well, I was at the game last night.....Coleman is a big lb, and has the moves, he stays. LB White...say a couple of great special teams efforts by him...might make the 54 roster because of that role. RB White...yeh, the 2nd line, but he did not look like an NFL rb to me....I say...cut....looks slow to me. Buster Davis....caught a buch of balls...but looks lost out there for a man in his 5? year. R Martin....same Aiken looked OK..ps Shep looked like a pro, Morrison also OK. Moats? I don't know...something not right there in his move to the inside lb role. To slow to be an outside guy? Don't know. The lb core is rebuilt....I see Wannestad influence in shelling out some bucks to get real players. Team will be much better for it. The prior non-players will be gone..(Moats?) It seed like they decided to showcase Buster Davis...to see if he could do it. I like Easley better, more upside and smoother with his moves.
  3. Horrible display of football tonight, I was there. TT was terrible, the draftee from UNC is ng as a RB...cut him loose. No problem finding guys to cut, lots on non NFL caliber players out there. Didn't stay into the 4th to see Levi....the fans were booing the Bills loudly early in the fourth w/ TT....I had to get out of there.
  4. Bills could sign Vernon Gholston to be the worst player on the roster!!!
  5. Well, my view of this is not as sinister as many here. I think that Mr Goddell probabily knew that ownership in Buffalo and Cincinatti did not want Mr Vick in their organizations. Also, he knew that Philly ownership was surportive. Rather than have all that spill out into the media, with resultant bad press nationally for the NFL, Goddell eased Vick into the Eagles organization where he was "welcome" by ownership. MY guess is that Vick liked the two small market teams, because he could be the #1 guy immediately based purely on football skills. And after he did well, he would have moved on to the big money big market where he wanted to get paid. Since the character of Mr Vick is not exactly pure as the driven snow (the record speaks), I support the decision to go with other QB candidates. And, I am not swayed by the great rehibilitation story he has become....the right role model for WNY kids is "never in violation of the law", not convicted/rehabilitated.
  6. Actually, his slow feet were worse than his hands.....
  7. If Urbik can't do it, Rheinhart will get a shot. Rheinhart played well last year for the few games he was in, that is the reason he is still here. And, he makes a lot less than Hangartner. Hangartner will stay, however, as they need to have the flexibility of an experience lineman when injuries occur. (and they will)
  8. This guy will be on the practice squad, activated if Brad Smith goes down...same kind of guy!!!
  9. He can also prepay Darius big contract if he needs to burn off money to get over the minimum. (Since its guaranteed anyway.)
  10. Private lot...is the way to go. We pay$100 for the season....a decade ago, that even included playoff games....no such luck in the last 10 years, however.
  11. He actually wlaked rather than go on the practice squad last year, and came back about 5 or 6 weeks later, when no one else signed him. He would have been PS if he had had his head on straight, but he thought he should have beaten out Brohm. Anyhow, he is at best PS material again this year...with three guys ahead of him. None the less, good to have such a guy around learning.
  12. The Bills have serious depth at safety...made plans to do without donte.(little d) If he comes back, he should be signed for one year at the 5 yr vet. minimum. Anybody know what that is under the new contract?
  13. Retirement: This what happens in free agency when nobody wants you. Are you listening Donte?
  14. When you recruit, you do these sort of things.
  15. So, why did they sign SMith . His value as reported in the NY press is overstated. Parrish is as good, but in the last year of his contract. My take, Parrish is out of here, to brittle to play every down. Also, Steve Johnson is in the last year of his contract (I think?), and might have a great year and be gone...so they will be better able to tolerate his loss. I read a lot of the signings as getting ready for future losses. Florence...losses of McGee (over the hill) and McKelvin... McKelvin is a lot like Whittner...has not justified his draft position by performance yet. Anyhow, I don't think Evans is going anywhere, the only true verticle threat on the team, and you really need two of those.
  17. You would be happy if Ralph cashed out for 800 mil and sold to the southern California LA crowd? Ralph is the best thing to happen to Buffalo football in the last 50 years. (because there is some!!)
  18. Well, my view on this issue is that the players are a problem...in labor relations situations like this, it is always tough to keep all the puppies in the box. The union leadership needs to be able to deliver a positive vote to deliver the "handshake" agreement that the negotiators had. Unfortunately, Mr Goodell blew the situation totally. By doing the management vote like he did before the union, all those players with all the brains think they are being snookered. A classic screwup by Goodell. Should have waited...even if he had to cancel a few preseason games. I think Goodell had problems with the owners associated with the revenue sharing issue, and he had to get that nailed down...but it might cost him the overall deal. STUPID, STUPID,STUPID. Will the players approve the deal....who knows what those rocket scientists will do. But, the next cancellation, if there is one needed, will be a big one in my view....perhapsa couple of preseason games, and a couple of regular season games. (Who wants football in August anyhow), leaving enough of a preseason that a totally inferior product is not delivered when the regular season (shortened) is started. At the end of the last shutdown (80's strike), the games were played after four days of practice. I attended.(the fish) Many penalities on both sides of the ball, worse than high school football. I don't want to see that again...will ask for my season ticket money back. Oh well, Let it play out....these guys deserve each other.....
  19. Poz is a journeyman...of course, you need those types to fill out a team. Poz would not be on a pro bowl with any team. Way to BRITTLE for a LB. Lost most of two seasons with injury. GREAT lb's can stay on the field. This is his real downside imho.
  20. Poz is journeyman middle lineback...can start on some NFL teams. Never an all star. His biggest failing has not been mentioned. He is BRITTLE, that is he is often injured. I think that the combination of his level of play (just adequate) and his lack of duribility makes him worth less than some other LB's. He missed most of two seasons.....So, will he move on...I guess I hope not, but he is not the MEGABUCK LB that we would like in the middle. Bills should pay fairly well, but not excessively.
  21. Yep, its coming, without months of offseason work. No rookie prep, to speak of ahead of camp. I predict subpar football 6 weeks into the season. Lots of penalities, lots of excuses, vanilla football (no time to put it all in) etc etc. And we will be told, its the same for everybody. Yep, subpar football on both sides of the ball. Makes you feel really good about your season ticket investment. Will they be discounting the preseason and early games, not on your life!!! The fan base will be expected to suck up the weak product and : YOU WILL LIKE IT!!!
  22. Actually, you are on the right track here...but, not thinking big enough. As antiunion as my personnal beliefs are, the athletes in college football are exploited without compensation. AT the top BCS schools, they should be paid beyond the sham free education. (at least its a sham in many situations) I think a job action is required to set things straight....right now the NCAA and schools are taking advantage of these young men. I also believe that the same situation arrises wrt exploitation of graduate research assistants at research universities. there are now sporatic organizational efforts to stop that one...why not the big time sport schools. Anyhow, this really is a situation where the big time administrators for the universities are keeping a cap on the situation so far. Most young men of that caliber are thinking they might make the pro's, and don't want to rock the boat. Revenue sharing anyone?
  23. Try Newegg.com Actually, I have been spliting SD signals for 10 years to alternate TV's in other rooms. I am surprised to read here that I can do something like that for HD....did I read that right? I do have one great HD setup, but was discouraged from trying the splitting. Doable?
  24. Yes, attendance is there are ticket prices that are perhaps 1/3 of those charged in NYC, Washington, Dallas. The "small" market means the amount of revenue that can be collected from the locals. The per capita income in Buffalo is way below those big city areas. That makes Buffalo "small market...that is low pricing power for the Bills...they cannot charge three times what they now charge and still fill the stadium.
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