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Everything posted by bigc14120

  1. Actually, the free agent Non resigning issue is sticky, because I think the Bills have done well passing on certain ballplayers. Lets see, the only one I regret losing is Pat Williams. Passing on Nate Clements (a B player), Jonas Jennings (an injury prone A player) Sam Cowart (injury slowed) and even A Winfield (talented but no INT CB) seems right in retrospect. Just who is it we ought to have kept...other than PW? And the release of Edwards...was late, not early...he should never have had a shot this year...but, in that case, I am positive the ownership dictated that to Gailey.
  2. The problem with Vick as the QB on any team....despite his on field capabilities, is that he is a low class unreliable guy, who surrounds himself with troublemaking friends. Philly will never know when somebody will, again, slap the braclets on Mike Vick, and then Philly will be without Mike Vick. I myself would not pay to go see a guy like that play in any event....a real low character guy....I am not obligated to spend my money to see him succeed. So, he is back, and playing well, but those who welcome him....I suspect will be disappointed severly sometime in the future...as Mike Vick has shown he is unreliable.
  3. Actually step one was to start Edwards at QB for two games.....and then release him. Lets hope Kelsey gets the same two step soon. He was awful!!!!
  4. Lots of worse problems on theis team than QB play....LB's Defense line, O line....offense QB ply is the only area that looks substantially better than last year's effort. Not sure they draft a QB at all.
  5. Or the move to start Edwards the first two games. (I really thnk that was ownerships call)
  6. Actually, I am thrilled at how Fitz is playing right now...he looks better than last year. I attribute that to haviing a real offense to run with chan puting the system together. But, any team needs at least 2 and maybe three capable QB's...and we don't really know about Brohm or Brown. An interesting quandry will arrise is the Bills are 1-9 coming up on the last 6 games...that is, the Bills need to find out if Brohm can play....obviously he did OK in preseason to have Chan cut Brown, a Chan draftchoice. Question is, is he a pro QB...and the last 6 games of a lost season are the time to find out IMHO. If Brohm played well , then you would know you have two capable QB's, and some of the other glaring needs could be targeted in the draft...name the position. (LB IMHO) Anyhow, the only reservation I have about this line of logic is that somehow we ended up with Edwards as starting QB for the season, thus bringing into question the judgement of Chan & co. But, my answer to that is that it was ownership that dictated that solution....and it was only after ANOTHER major failure that ownership gave up on Edwards. Says me, Chan was never a true believer in Edwards...looking back on all his neutal statements in the preseason. Sooo. unless some sort of miracle occurs...I think we will see Brohm this year...perhaps more than a little..since the season appears to already be a throwaway.
  7. Yeh, and after Rosode coughs up the ball, who covers the ball. All the tough guys on the line...hell no...the QB....he hasgame, no doubt.
  8. Lets see...AAron Rogers sat two year behind Farve..or was it three. Philip Rivers sat at least one behind Brees at SD or was it two? Only in Buffalo...we put Losman in after 1/2 a season (he was hurt first year, recall)...and we ssaw how that came out. I am thinking even a top 1 like Rogers got two year to learn.....so what makes you think any number one will succeed after one? Lets see...Mathew Stafford...Oh yeh, can't stay on the field....and lets see if Bradford makes it through the first year. Later
  9. Amen, Meriwether's hit was flagrant...give him 8 games off to think about it. And, the next time, FINIS, end of career. That will stop the worst of the hits. Some of these are incidental....some non thinking , but on purpose in the contest of a big hit. But, the Meriweather hit...was flagrant..the objective was head to head contact. Another one from him should be a lifetime suspension.
  10. Please note the four touchdowns that Steve Johnson has.....Steve is a #2 receiver who is getting some results because....Lee Evans is a good enough #1 to demand the principle attention from the defense. QED (means demonstrated without errors)
  11. KO was always a step slow...played here is desparate times. All our current safeties are better than he is. I would say that trading straight up for AJ Howk would be a good deal...but won't happen. AJ makes about 4mil, and Ralph isn't going to pickup that bill.
  12. Will Brohm play? You betcha fellow!!! His contract is up at year end (he is cheap today), and they need to sign him again if he can perform. But, if its only , say, half a season...they won't have to pay as much to get him again. Is there anybody who believes this kind of thinking isn't going on at OBD?
  13. This about right....with the right coaching and situation, JP could have made it. Never played in a system designed for his talents....always a square peg in a round hole. And, his decision making was always the weak point in his game. But, he could air it out. Did not give anything away to Bledsoe on the arm strength. Bledsoe could have played another year...MM and Don..were way to impatient.
  14. Yep, I saw him against UB (was it just last year?) Stunk the place up, no room for him on an NFL squad in my view.
  15. There are some bothersome signs. Although CJ SPiller is the real deal...and better than either of the other two RB's, I am bothered that Troup and Carrington are not playing. Carrington is not even active. Taht smells like a dud 3rd rounder to me. Another one like Maybin. So, Buddy isn't tearing up the turf here. Getting rid of Edwards is TARDY at the least.
  16. Yep, he got it wrong on the starting QB thing, but now he realizes it. So, he made the change...we won't see Trent again a a starter......he has head problems....just like JP did. Not NFL QB material, very obvious after last year, but I forgive GAiley for trying again. (under strong suggestion from the owner, I believe)
  17. Actually, we really don't know about Brohm...but that is the point...he has the big credentials out of Louisville, and was a #2...I liked him in college. So, we find out if he can play. If not, your right, three new guys next year. If he can play...well, then he is worth signing for the next season, whenever that is.
  18. I agree with you, said the same thing on another thread (good Fitz vs bad Fitz)
  19. Yes, a legitimate NFL backup for sure...played well last season after Edwards was relieved of his starting role. Gailey has pulled the trigger on that early, the right call in my view. Fitz will get a few games....if the season is gone, then they will find out about Brohm...so they know if anybody is worth signing for the next season, whenever that is.
  20. No, when he arrived in Buffalo he made it clear he was here for a few weeks.
  21. I watched Mallet on TV a couple of times. Pretty inaccurate....not a choice I want to see the Bills involved with.
  22. I don't agree with the racially based heckling, but I support his right to do that, as long as its not violent. (1st amendment etc)
  23. Don't know if Brohm can play, but I know from prior seasons that neither Edwards or Fitz are the answer. Lets find out if Brohm can play....and if not, get a new trio for the next season (notice I did not say next year)
  24. How great is it that the first round pick can start.....!!!!!!
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