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Everything posted by bigc14120

  1. I thought they might be sneaking him through by early release to get him to PS, but apparently not.
  2. Actually, I am not sure you are right about who comes in after Edwards goes down. If it s early season, perhaps we will see Fitz (again) But, if its second half of season, we will see Brohm finish out the season. Reason: All three QB,s contracts are up after this year, and they need to know if any can make the grade in the NFL. We know Fitz is a good backup....but neither Edwards or Brohm has shown they are starters yet, in my view. So, I say, Brohm will get his games this year...to find out what they need to know before spending bucks again for the next season played. (notice I did not say next year) Personally, I think Brohm has a better arm....and I have a back of my mind inckling that Ralph Wilson still thinks he helped draft Trent....and that Trent is being given the chance he now has with a little help from ownership. In the end, our best outcome is to know based on Gailey/Nix's full season assessment who to sign/retain for next year. I have to admit, the comparison to JP Losman is interesting...Brohm does have a big arm like JP does.....he can't be as weak on the mental part of the game as was JP. In any event, Edwards arm is perhaps "adequate", but not of the NFL gun variety. (thinking Joe Flacco)
  3. Actually, I see a great reason to keep Brohm. All three QB's contracts are up at the end of the year. And all three will play this year, NO chance Captain Checkdown will stay healthy for 16 games. And, at the end of the year, they will know who the best long term prospect is....with live bulllets and QB's who know the offensive system. Maybe none...maybe one. I personally think its more likely than not that Brohm will outplay Edwards...and Brohm has a better arm than Edwards or Fitz....the ARM is the number one requirement of an NFL QB...all the other stuff is secondary. (of course JP had the ARM, but not the head)
  4. Come on now, did you really expect Brohm to replace Aaron Rodgers? And, we did steal him off the practice squad....Green Bay matched the Bills offer, but Brohm came because he tought he would get a better shot at the #1 job here. After Trent crashes and burns (again), he will get that shot! Finally, the big arm that Brohm has is the #1 requirement of a great NFL quarterback....Trent's arm is below average!!!
  5. Actually, Trent does not have a good arm....I saw him warm up next to Losman many times, and he is 10-15 yards shy of Losman in terms of arm strength. That makes him sub average.....
  6. I have been trying to sell a couple of games tickets. (when out of town) Planned to use the Bills/NFL setup, which says, on line, that its down for maintenance. BUT, the Bills ticket office tells me that it has been determined that the setup, which has been in use for a couple of years, has been determined to be in violation of NYS law, and they are hoping our (disfuonctional) state legislature is going to fix this for them. (that certainly is "down for maintenance", right) Remember, the other NYS teams are really New Jersey teams....so Billls fans will apparently not have the use of this forum to deal tickets. What I want to ask is to where else to go with this transaction....I know STUB HUB, and the local folks (VIPSeats), but I am wondering where I might get the best results in terms of price and ease of transaction. Any thoughts out there?
  7. Slow feet.....never can get over than. My prediction is he will be a last cut......BUST.
  8. There should be no negotiations. He either shows up and honors his contract, or he does not. If not, let him sit out until well freezes over. That should give pause to all the others thinking of pulling a Peters like act. Same with Marshawn.....if he doesn't attend mandatories...25K per day...and NO, NEVER a trade.. Honor your contracts, or go penniless. Any trade of these two would be "penny wise and Pound foolish, as they say. Time for the front office to establish their turf, finally.
  9. This is the owner's call. He owns the team, the seats, etc, and can sell at whatever price he wants. AND, if that means a blackout in NYC....who cares, certainly not me. And, I expect that will happen again in Buffalo at some date, us grey heads remember that blackouts occured in Buffalo back in the Kelly era. But, I am a capalist at heart....that Woody guy can do what he wants...and stupid is not against the law.
  10. Amen, he is brittle. And that makes me wonder if he really is an NFL linebacker....duribility is a requirement...and that has not yet been demonstrated in my view. To much lost time.....makes him of questionable value.
  11. I was at Bon Ton store tonight, and I noticed the Bills jersey on the super clearance racks. Owens and Lynch jerseys!!! Do you think they know something???
  12. I saw Hardy the season he played. Yep, he is big, but, he is SLOW and has SLOW feet. I don't believe he will make it as a receiver. JMO
  13. Actually, you are almost exactly right. The Ralph (was Rich back when) has notorious windy days. They should have stayed out and practiced in it....to get used to playing games under such conditions. I was at (the Rich) the day that Joe Willie Namath came out with the later world champ jets.....and he threw 3 for 23 with 5 interceptions.....the Jets only lost a couple that year.....but one was to the Bills in that kind of weather. So, practice in the wind...and the snow...because on game day, you can't retreat to the dome. Its the advantage of playing in Buffalo, you are supposed to be ready for this stuff. (OK, maybe the rookie camp should move inside...just to see their moves)
  14. Edwards will be gone in a year, no mater what! Why play him this year? IF he has a bad year, he will be let go...as he should have been this year. If he has a good year, he will be a free agent...and in demand. We all know about Mr. Wilsons's willingness to pay the big bucks.(to a one year flash) Anyhow, if you are going to invest in a young quarterback in terms of playing time, you need to have him under long term contract so you can benefit should he come through. Somebody else, including Trent , will benefit if Trent come through, IMHO. More stupidity from One bills drive...business stupidity in this case. (not mentioning Trents weak arm, you should notice)
  15. Since Hardy can't play a lick......SLOW feet.....I think he should be GONE!!!. The local talent here is also a lot cheaper the Parish....and Parrish's return skills are not needed with McKelvin, Spiller, Jackson etc.....So, the 4th pick makes it, and some likelyhood our UB local as well. I personally like him a lot. Four solid years, lots of production.
  16. A loser of a QB, and a THUG. I won't pay a cent to see him play in Buffalo. (40 year season ticket holder)
  17. I am a fan dating to the 60's aswell.....and, hard to believe...I have seen the situation a lot worse than it is now. I remember the 2-12 seasons....I remember the Dolphins coming to town and throwing 6 passes for the game....no need to throw more.......so as discouraging as it has been this past decade...7-9's or whatever, that jumping off point for a new administration is a lot better than the starting point for a 2-14 franchaise. Jauron was clearly flawed in his philsophy...lets hope the new guy(s) have a better head...and that they can assemble a good team of coaches to do the job. I think the Bills lost some talent on the coaching staff....interesting that the guys I thought were competent..April Kugler in particular were immediately snapped up by other good teams.(Phil and Pittsburg) And a little continuity never hurt a coaching staff...that is to avoid the most discouraging types of mistakes...the repeat mistake.....I wish the new crew well. I will still attend, perhaps not every game anymore, the cold hurts more than it used to.
  18. Actually did happen, didn't kill that many people...about 10 I recall.....but, thats what you get when you design a tank using accountants......same thing you get when you put together a football team using accountants....hmmmm sounds familiar somehow.
  19. On the topic of wide receivers, Hardy is at best a role player...sideline/endzone where his size plays to his advantage. I saw him a number of times his rookie season, and he has slow feet, and really cannot run. He will never be more than a role player....never a #2 or a #3 in my view. Didn't anybody else see that he couldn't run?????
  20. I agree with this sentiment....unfortunately, I believe that better handling by the Bills would have resulted in a better result with JP. they never put a square peg in a square hole with JP...they always put him into their idea of a system. Success in this world is most easily accomplished when using the inventory of tools at hand. STill one of the best arms around. However, in the pit of Oakland, he will find it tough as well, with the management likely to also be turbulent like his time with the Bills (who are still churning unfortunately as well) At least as a West Coast guy he is back home in that regard...I think he was from Venice, north of LA a little bit.
  21. I was not happy with TO coming here originally, but have been forced to watch him this year. Basically, he has conducted himself as a PRO.......and my opionion of him is now positive. OK, he was not all world, but in this offense, he did what he could. OK, a few drops........but a few good plays as well. All in all, just an old PRO on the downside, but still valueable and useful.
  22. NEGATIVE is the right reply here. NO Vick in Buffalo! But, for the record....there is no way the Eagles will pay Michael Vick $5 mil for the role he has this year with them........McNabb is still the man there. SOOOOO...Michael will essentially be a free agent at some point unless some owner is so desparate as to employ Vick and give the Eagles compensation. As for Lynch....not as much as we would have liked for a #1, but, I would not take Vick, even for free......
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