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Everything posted by bigc14120

  1. Frankly, I was negative on Poz up until the last few games...have watched him closely...he is actually improving, and may yet be a serviceable middle backer. I have seen plays that were not there first half of the season....and at increasing frequency. Since he lost a year....this is his second year. I think there is a good chance he will emerge totally next year. I am not yet giving up....my big concern, yet, is whether he is BRITTLE...and if he can stay healthy.
  2. You bet. I have great memories of my grandfather taking me to his haunts (bars), getting me a birch beer and sitting down at the table with me with his beer. And the folks there were always friendly to me. When I was growing up, I could never understand those who said such places were a bad influence. Seemed like nice folks and a nice place to me. SO...take your kid to the "right" sports bar....as suggested above!!! Education is more than book learning.
  3. I also have direcTV. The reason your bill did not go up when you got the NFL Channel was that you got that and some MSG with the Sabres in return for losing the bankrupt Empire Sports netword. Nothing is for nothing.
  4. Yep, Clemens was a B player, and got A plus player money. Bills did right taking a pass.
  5. We need to remember, they have the right to their own views on these subjects...society cannot dictate. Now, his employer, they can demand political correctness. Larry needs to keep his mouth shut when he is collecting the big bucks. Nobody says he has to support gay rights....he just needs to MUTE.
  6. Despite the limited production in his first year, Hardy will never make it BIG as a pro. I was disappointed in him...as he has SLOW feet, and will never be a big receiver factor like Keyshawn Johnson was...KJ was a giraffe per Parcells...Hardy cannot get out of his own way in even a minimal sort of way. So, for this debate.....the quick receiver has my vote...not even a close call.
  7. Actually, with all the injuries in the secondary this past week, keeping all those d backs seems like legitimate anticipation of need. Drayton Florence is an A player...off the bench...San Diego wanted him bakc, but he came here. And, I am guessing that Wilson, Byrd will do a good job as well...with the risk of rookie mistakes by Byrd..he missed most of camp. Also, I am not convinced that you can develope beyond the first year, just being around the practices. And they have the practice squad for that plus 7 slots that are inelgible to play every week. So, I don't think that the management of the roster this year has been one of Jauron's flaws...there are others, but roster management isn't one of them...IMO anyhow.
  8. NEed a new MLB. LB's must be durible...POZ fails that test two broken arms in three years here...and the knee while at Penn State. I think he is brittle, and cannot be counted on to play year in and year out.
  9. Since one of the requirements of a LB is duribility, POZ is now looking sort of brittle. Two broken arms in three years.....time to look for a long term solution at MLB,,,POZ appears , at best , to be a part time player until we get a more durible player. Didn't Mitchell play MLB with KC before his stint at NYG? Anyhow, the Maybin idea might work...Green Bay converted one or more of their DE's to OLB when they went to the 3-4 this year. Maybin is young and rangy....I like the idea. And Ellison was burned twice by Watson Monday night...he was 10 yards late on the first one...and made the late tackle in the end zone on the second TD....he played well otherwise...but defending the pass means knocking it down or lose. And the OLB has to cover the TE upon occasion. Need help at LB for sure.
  10. AVP nowhere to go but up....not a bad position for him......If they do anything...positive, he is ratified to some degree. Of course, they may do nothing.....
  11. About #6 above. I heard the announcers (Channel 7) talking about the no huddle "difficulty" rlative how the officials put the ball in play. Apparently the official are placing the ball in play as if the team is huddling...thus defusing the (alleged) advantage of the no huddle...that is hurrying the defense and allowing no personnel changes. That the "quick " placement of the ball only when a "two minute drill" at the end of the game or half is in play. Any thought about the zebra's not cooperating...that is hustling to let the no huddle play to its best advantage? I could see that...old men out of shape not able to handle that for 60 minutes.
  12. Rhodes was signed in case Marshawn has another brain cramp, and gets a year suspension the next time. This is definitely not out of the question, based on our experience to date.
  13. Of course, we need to recognize that negotiations would not be helped by a militant view from the head coach being aired publically. So, he HAS to say what he said, in my view. He may very well be thinking otherwise, and developing plan B....(WALKER to the left), but he is not going to disrespect Peter publically while trying to negotiate. My view, he is running is part in this play.........the way the plan says he should. We will see..
  14. Simpson is at least a half step slow to play in the dbackfield...I was not a believer after 06, and was not suprised when he got yanked in 08. With Whitner not packing the gear to be a more physical player (a 5'9'' safety?), he gets the speed slot back there, and a bigger hitter will play Bryon Scott seems adequate...maybe Wendling will develope beyond special teams...he is a specimen...ala David Brandenburg (who never developed as a LB) Kelsey is problematic....yep...release and sign for less money...he is not good value today for sure. Losman....a wasted opportunity for this franchise....he still needs development....but he has the tools in the right offense. To bad Jauron did not put in an offense using Losman's skills. Jauron wants slow non home run football. He does not understand you have to break a few eggs to make an omlet. Lets hope we get both a DE and a tight end this FA and draft! Royal can catch, but is not a receiver if you know what I mean....we need a receiving tight end. Fine and Schouman do have skills...maybe the answer is there....I don't know. So, Robert Royal...good locker room guy...adious amigo!
  15. This is a really good comment. Let me add a little. when Jauron came on, he made statements to this effect. But, he has certainly not practiced this....(or else Losman would have been in a roll out offense) Success I have had in other fields has used this doctrine.....square pegs in square holes does work......I am afraid that Fewell can't get off script...that is Tampa 2....that is why we don't change in the manner suggested here. (Turk doesn't have a script) anyhow, this is one of the big failings of the Bills......and why great talent may not always prosper here in Buffalo.
  16. Sign the guy from Cleveland...Anderson...he is available and can be a winner....Leftwich has had to many chances, he can't get it done ......whereas Anderson is supplanted by a favorite son....Brady Quinn. But, you bring him in to COMPETE for the starting job.......and recognize that Edwards has not shown enough to be the going in starter next year. Two last season swoons in two years is to much for me...not to mention the lame arm that limits the offense game.....Of course, that is Jauron's game anyhow....no home run game at all. Actually , Edwards is a great Jauron QB, no need to worry about him throwing the 50 yard bomb.....and not valued for that anyhow by the head coach. Anderson will not be cheap, but a legitimate starter in my view.
  17. Get that guy Anderson from Cleveland, he is available
  18. First of all, did know that the Two Bills Drive cookie is browser specific?..Had to go to Mozilla to get this reply in.... JP problems are fixable as well, he needs a system that puts a square peg in a square hole....that is uses his wheels...that means he needs a roll out offense...and a verticle game/mentality...he has the great long arm...and Buffalo does not use it enough...perhaps because of lack of a second/third burner like Evans. I expect JP to end up as a starting QB in this league and play another 10 years. He has been somewhat ruined here by bad coaching....he is learning all the time...from the time that Troy Vincent roughed him up in season 1. Yep, he was really green.....but he isn't anymore. If I was a GM needing QB help, JP would be on the top of my free agent list this winter. And Trent...well....a below average but "acceptable" arm brings him closer to Chad Pennington than JP in that regard. Finally, all this talk about Kelly's indorsement. Jim's picks like that...well, I remember he did not have the mentality to move to #2 and be the backup....Jim has other issues...maybe JP did not want to be mentored by Jim....anyhow, personnal chemistry is a funny thing...and it just isn't there for that pair.
  19. If Losman starts, it will be good to see the Bills have a major league ARM at QB again, not Trents weaker minimally acceptable arm. That is why JP will be around the league a long time....and I clearly don't agree he is the worst in the NFL. What JP needs to succeed is an offensive system that uses his strengths. That is a verticle game plan to balance the run, and a roll out mentality to the game....JP strength is not in the pocket...he has great wheels, and none of his coaches have chosen to use them! Its called putting a square peg in a square hole.....a known management technique for success in any business, including football. Lets hope he can "Squish the Fish"
  20. Yep, next week the team goes to Toronto to play in the "Meaningless Bowl"!
  21. Mike Vick is a slime ball, convicted felon. Lets keep him out of Buffalo. I don't care if he pays the price in Jail time....I don't want to see that guy here or anywhere. And, as a businesman football owner, MV would be a P/R diaster. Question Michael: Now that your out of jail, will you be killing and torturing any more dogs" ?
  22. Sorry Peter, wrong on Trent being better than JP down the line. JP's ARM will make him a great #1 in his future team. Bills have tried to ruin JP (ala Todd Collins, the best QB Marv ever ruined,still in the league 15 years later) JP will end up having a great career.....Trents arm is much weaker, and not necessarily even adequate always. Trent can go 40 yard downfield....JP can go 60. Trent beleivers used to make the argument he had a great head for the game. The last 6 games refute that argument...Trent's head is no better than JP at this point. MY view...the season is not yet gone...every season is about winning games. Player development is a secondary objective. JP is the 1.9 Mil relief pitcher here, so what if he will be gone.....and if JP can't turn around the recond in two or three games, then lets see Hamden and find out about him this year. I have already seen the weak downfield throws by Edwards...and know the potential is LIMITED,
  23. JP should gert the next couple of games......he is the relief pitcher here at 1.9 million a year...and this should be about winnning this year. We are not building a young QB as a primary objective, the primary objective is winning, the secondary is training Edwards. Having said that....the season is gone if Edwards remains in the saddle. And if JP can win now...give him two shots.....then put in Hamden and find out if he can play. He can be named #1 or #2 any week they want. Edwards has lost it this year. Reminds me of the Todd Collins saga, the best QB that Marv ever ruined/
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