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Everything posted by HardyBoy

  1. I do think you can extend the window though, both through keeping draft capital to maintain the flexibility to get players with the flexibilty to play in the system, but even more by carrying over cap space. The cap space carry over is really the key in my opinion. Reason is that let's say JA's cap hit is $50m/yr with the new deal over the 3 years before they restructure (making up the numbers). However, you carried over $120m in cap that was built up during the time when you had qb savings. That cap hit, if you spend all the savings over that three years suddenly goes down to $10m per year. You are still technically paying your qb rookie deal money. (Sorry my reply isn't better written or ackowledges more of your points, I only had a few minutes to write on my phone before heading out to do some stuff with the family. Let's keep this convo going though because I'm super curious to see how it plays out, because I think it's pretty clear that Beane has a plan (not saying it has to be the right one necessarily) and really excited to see what that ends up being).
  2. I agree if Josh and the offesne stay hot they have a real shot this year at doing something great. That said I have loved this regime from the start, and did not think this year was going to be the year. The (first) window for this team to me always really started next year, and the primary goal of this year was seeing growth in JA. If they have a hope of extending that window, they must keep those assets though and not add through trades unless they are for quality players on cost controlled long term contracts, which you really aren't seeing available on the trade market (yes comp picks for one year rentals potential, but this team is bringing in too many FAs next year most likely to qualify). I would much rather have had a down year this year, and see JA struggle to start and then improve in the short/intermediate game than to just stay in his comfort zone and succeed, but not jump levels and be pushed to really grow (basically what happened). That leap, fingers crossed, seems to have happened, and the easy early schedule and elite defense has allowed this team to win games while that development happened. I believe the window truly opens next year, like multi year super bowl contender window, but it might have opened a crack now. So I love the regime, did not think, or expect this year to be the year, and personally happy they didn't cash in any future assets to improve the team this year, because you need those to maintain extended success after paying a qb. I appreciate your post a lot, agree they could have made this year better. That said they didn't, which almost makes me think Foster's injury was worse than we knew to start the year and he is about to be the piece you were hoping they would have added...on the roster the whole time.
  3. How many people in this thread actually know what is happening on the field, has watched every one of his plays on A22 and aren't just basing things off the stat sheet? Just need to know who to actually listen to.
  4. How many blocked PATs are there in a season?
  5. All while the nfl was sending the military a bill so they can recruit minors in the disguise of patriotism.
  6. I really hate Cox Oops, I think that came out wrong Not any better...
  7. Great, you're grading them on a curve then. The fact that the callers suck, doesn't mean they don't suck as well. One of them admitted on the post game last game that he just takes other people's takes and repeats them if they align with how he "feels." Know nothing gas bags imo. They are the definition of Stugotz from the Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz, except he is a parody of those gas bag sports radio host, and these guys are his model. Tick, tick, tick until Geary and co take the post game, which is the only time I listen to those two. I find them horribly insufferable, with low knowledge. They literally add nothing to my understanding of what I saw amd just aim to elicit emotional reactions in people.
  8. Because I wouldn't have gone into a many page long thread most likely, and certainly wouldn't have posted in it. New threads make it more engaging for people who aren't posting all the time...what is a slight annoyance for you, makes it significantly more fun and engaging for a lot of other people. I understand there is a line of having a lot of threads clogging things up and being repetitive, however, a thread based on an interesting stat, with a solid point that can be debated with other interesting stats is not one of those threads...let some other people have some fun too. Of course you're probably trolling to get this response, so crap
  9. Thank you! Yeah if that's the rule I'm wrong. Definitely was hit in the head right in front of the ref, who very clearly saw it, and he was for sure a passer still.
  10. No, I said it was a bad call on Brady, but from the angle of the ref behind the play I can see how he would make that call, and he gets a pass...unless you put an official on every inch of the field, calls being missed because of line of sight issues are always going to be part of the game, just is the way it is, and it's not a conspiracy when it happens (assuming it is a genuine line of sight thing of course). I also said Allen was scrambling, so he becomes a runner in terms of hit to the head (I'm pretty sure that's the case). Now had he thrown the ball and then the guy hit his head, it would be a penalty, but he wasn't a passer anymore at the time of that, and the guy didn't grab the face mask, good no call imo. I was screaming at the tv when Zay was standing out of bounds touching the ball though, and was really annoyed Steratore didn't come on to give his input for almost a quarter after the play.
  11. Right, but you can see how the ref behind the play may genuinely see his head getting hit? Plus he's in the pocket. That would be a missed call, but 90% of the time a ref sees it from that angle and it looks like that, there is actual contact on the head, which is flat out illegal to tap a qb on the head. Allen was scrambling and the defensive player never actually grabbed onto his facemask. Completely different and the right call imo. Would Brady have gotten that call? Maybe, don't really know, but this example isn't analogous really at all. That said, I'm glad you posted it, it definitely furthers the convo, just not sure it proves what you are hoping it would.
  12. I agree with you, but the Premier League has a lot more games, and the sense of urgency is there. Granted they have relegation, split the season in half and have a bunch of side tournaments throughout the season. They don't have playoffs though, so regular season is super important.
  13. Was going to say exactly this. The EP offense requires receivers that know what they are doing, and their responsibilities are based on where they are in the formation. So the far left receiver runs a certain route, but the far left receiver changes as players go in motion. That is one reason they motion so much imo, it's basically an option play by Allen on when he starts the play. Depending on where the motion guy is at the snap changes what the other receivers do. It's structured improvisation on every play. The routes themselves are relatively basic, but can be combined in creative ways, and Allen can read the defense and can choose which receiver he wants to run which route based on mismatches he sees presnap. It's crazy exciting, especially having a qb as smart as Allen running it...very Pats like in a lot of ways.
  14. My favorite is we have Webb on our practice squad (I am assuming he's still there). My father in law is a Giants fan and wanted them desperately to play Webb at the end whenever his rookie season was when the year was lost to see how he could do, but they never did. Then they end up drafting Barkely and doing that without knowing really how Webb looked/if they had a legit second tier game manager plan for post Eli in hand, and then they drafted Jones and lost Webb. Small thing, probably not important other than speaking to a front office that is potentially closed minded (ya think), and I'm looking forward to having an extended conversation about it next time we get together in a few months. Seriously, I think I'm just going to have to say Davis Webb and that will start a glorious rant. Edit: wait Davis Webb was a third round pick in 2016 and they cut him sometime between 2017 and 2018 (I had to have know the this no question)?!?! Oof, did they miss on him or was it regime change? Obviously doesn't seem like he's ready for a backup role, but that's squandering a lot of draft capital on likely known developmental project early.
  15. Look at the pathetic tool over here looking for attention...lol, thinks he's edgy, but nope, just a dbag
  16. That hit looked exactly like every example video of what is not allowed, except he turned his head at the last second, so he hit him with the side of his head. It was a bad hit. Don't think it was dirty, because he did try and turn his head, but he launched forward with his head for sure. If someone hit Brown like that, we'd be going crazy.
  17. Did you actually see the catch yesterday? It was full extension, up and away from his body on a lazer across the middle that he caught with his hands. Go to 3:26 in this video:
  18. Zay had a real nice, tough catch over the middle today and a huge catch last week during the comeback...
  19. Noooo! That was going to be my joke! Well done! I think the Gase hate might be overblown, Ross was a really bad owner who refused to rebuild...I say was because it looks like he gave the green light on the rebuild finally. I personally think the Jets roster is really top heavy...we'll have to see how it plays out, but I think the Bills will go on a mid season run as depth comes into play, and the Jets might fade. This move should be encouraging to a Jets fan for the following reason in my opinion. If I'm right and the Jets are top heavy, and the season goes sideways if the top players get injured, or are ineffective, this move leads me to believe the new GM would not try and keep it together by mortgaging the future (sort of like what the Texans are doing). That said, I'm not sure what's possible based on their salary cap situation...ex gm might have set you guys back a few years if these moves don't work out...btw, I'm rooting for the Bills to beat the Jets because the Bills are good, not because the Jets messed up their cap potentially and have a prolonged, but delayed rebuild as a result.
  20. Or you let anyone create threads during games, which I know is a non starter What if as the game was going on, certain big topics would get threads created, and as soon as the discussions slow on them, they get sucked into the main thread...or stay as individual threads if they're a really big deal...would take mod involvement, but could be pretty cool engagement wise...you could have a game day thread builder who rotates week to week and only they would be allowed to create threads.
  21. Absolutely, I'm saying just those three. So ignore ff, but just two threads...ageneral thread and a place where people can ask specific football strategy related questions. So something more involved than "look at that pass!" More football strategy focused (the lineman are kicking out or something...I dont know what to give as an example, I have no clue what I'm watching!). I like the idea of different threads to help differentiate the convo, but think I dislike the idea of having to jump back and forth (i think, but I don't use the threads game day that much, just more thinking from a design/flow perspective...most information with the fewest clicks). Is there a way for you to give different profiles different views? You could do some AB testing using the last preseason game and see what got the most engagement.
  22. Maybe a few more general threads, but on topics and not position groups. 1) General game discussion 2) Football Xs and Os questions and observations 3) Fantasy football Maybe one or two dedicated threads to key things to watch, voted on by the board in the days leading up to the game. Is there a way to let people put a tag on the post if they post in the general thread and it subsets into the side thread, and then people can post from the side threads and it auto goes into the main thread with the tag on it? Note that if there was a way to navigate based on time posted (so go to page where the post was closest to X datetime) that would be so cool and might solve a lot of issues where people have to scroll through a bunch of stuff.
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