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Everything posted by HardyBoy

  1. Bills Pats last year was definitely played in a vacuum (cleaner).
  2. I watched that video a few days ago but don't they go into detail on how the dolphins made a great play call by exploiting a tendency they noticed on a previous play earlier in the game? It wasn't a blown coverage, the offense exploited the coverage to get waddle one on one with the safety and making it so the safety was a bit out of position. Not rushing 4 was a bit of a head scratcher, but now I'm kinda confused, because with the chiefs game didn't people crush them for rushing four instead of three, or am I misremembering and they rushed 3?
  3. Have you actually watched the giants play? I think they have a bright future, but for this season they're early season frauds. The only reason not to trade Barkley is if you are genuinely trying to evaluate Jones...but they just lost Sheppard... Trade Barkley for say a 5th or 6th, eat some of his salary, that gets you what, probably 10 draft slots higher at least? What did the bills have to give to to get Josh Allen from 22? The giants aren't making the playoffs this year, no way unless it suddenly clicks for Jones. Now if Jones is incrementally hitting success metrics they have in place and he's trending to where they need him to be, ok, but only the team knows that. Give him another few weeks, but if they're not resigning Barkley then why the heck are they not trading him? Goal is to win a super bowl, not back into a playoff spot and get blown out. Also, saying Barkley is injury prone is a bit silly this season. He had an acl injury that took him out of one season, and then you don't really come back from an acl fully until year two and any other injuries were likely related to the knee not being fully right. He looks great so far. That said, I agree the bills running woes aren't on the rbs this year, and the one game they actually had an offensive line against the Rams they ran it well. So I do think the running game is in better shape than the last two weeks, it's injuries. If you could get Barkley for a 6th or trade moss straight up and maybe even get a pick back, and have the giants eat some of his salary, would you do it?
  4. A fifth or a sixth round pick and the giants covering most of his salary? It's a slam dunk if they can get that type of deal done. The giants are not good this year and they need to tank.
  5. Depends, if he just does that in this context, awesome, if he does it because someone forgets to put ketchup on his plate when they serve him dinner...not so awesome
  6. The city council is intentionally sabatoging the place so they can say it's unsafe or what ever they are going to say and sell it to developers. They are actively trying to run a grift to turn it into high rise condos. It's super messed up and corrupt.
  7. You're talking mainstream pop right? I prefer Billy Eilish personally, but no doubt Taylor Swift can bring the hits. Sierra Hull is probably my favorite female artist right now if we're looking across genres. Sings as well as Swift and is arguably the best mandolin player alive right now. I had a chance to see her play a lunch time show in Boston area back in like 2010 when she was like 16 years old. She's absolutely amazing. How long till we see a Billy Strings halftime show? I'm half joking, he's got serious cross over appeal and is really blowing up (was it the popularity bump from when he played with Kreutzman?!). Big grateful dead fan myself, and I keep trying to remind myself to just enjoy all these moments fully this season (and in life in general), because: It all rolls into one and nothing comes for free There's nothing you can hold for very long And when you hear that song come crying like the wind it seems like all this life was just a dream
  8. I'm mostly talking about watching with people at home. Had a roommate that was a huge fan of a college team, and would literally yell "oh come on, what the $*&@ was that you gotta be kidding me!!!" on every play that wasn't positive. I'm not saying don't cheer good plays at a football game, I'm saying don't react the same way on every play. Also, as far as thinking you can do whatever in public and if others around you don't like it they can just go somewhere else. Part of being in public and in a social situation is caring and understanding if those around you are having fun as well, and if your actions are contributing from that or taking it away. Just because something is fun for you and the group of multiple polo shirt wearing crew you showed up with, doesn't mean you're making it fun for those around you. Now that of course applies to everyone, but everyone includes you too. Life is about dynamics and changing pace. Just because someone likes to jackhammer away in certain situations, doesn't mean everyone is getting something positive out of it and the fact that one person is getting enjoyment doesn't make up for the negative the other person is experiencing. It's always a good idea to ask if it is good for them to, and then make changes, because there is probably a middle ground. Of course if you're unwilling to change and just want to keep jackhammering away and pretend your some gift from the heavens as a result of how awesome it is for you when others around you tell you otherwise, well as the person unwilling to compromise, you're always welcome to leave. Btw, not talking about you personally when I say you, more of a general stand in I have for people who exhibit a certain form of behavior, which I have no idea if you personally do that or not...you may never have even wore multiple collars for all I know , other than as a joke on halloween of course. All in fun btw, this post is half genuine and mostly tongue in cheek.
  9. I cannot stand watching football with people who live and die with every play in a football game. They are quite possibly the most annoying people ever. Football is a game of cat and mouse and setting up things for later in the game. Plus, the nfl comes down to typically 4 or 5 plays in a game...the run for two yards on 2nd and 7 in the first quarter that people are complaining about loudly and angrily is not one of those plays. If I'm misunderstanding live and die as you meaning paying attention to every play, that's great, but having a loud vocal visceral reaction to every unsuccessful play...it's insufferable and my guess is a lot of people who do that at some point in their lives wore multiple collard shirts at the same time...
  10. Also why a place like Webster park in Rochester right by the lake would be sunny right? On Sunday mornings after a nice snow we'd go out there and walk the trails in the fresh snow stillness. Then go home in time for kickoff and drink hot chocolate. One of my favorite childhood memories, and it was always so sunny!
  11. Any chance the hurricane is going to impact the game at all? South Florida is in the cone currently. How does insurance for the game work if they are in a hurricane cone? I know they won’t write new policies, but would they allow fans in stands within a certain amount of time before a potential landfall? edit: just saw the timing, not looking like it will be in the area until Tuesday or Wednesday. Would think given that timing they aren’t going to be too worried about potentially impacting preparedness by having the game, but having lived down there Sunday could be a mess in terms of people flocking to stores if it starts looking like it could hit the area, and it would be a pretty big evacuation day. It kind of looks like it has a chance to make landfall in Ft Myers and come across the Everglades into South Florida. That could mean a north east quadrant hit by a major hurricane on Ft Lauderdale with back side storm surge while intensifying over the Everglades…eek, gonna start going on the storm forums. I’m not 100% that this game isn’t going to be postponed.
  12. Le Batard is awesome in that video too. Felt like an old school Dan Le Batard Show interview. I was living down in Ft Lauderdale from early 2012-2020 and got to listen to the show before they went to espn. They did their silly stuff, but more it was very much an inside joke that once you listened enough you would get and you realize it was all a gag and they were mocking the establishment to their faces without them realizing how foolish they were being made to look by the show. It was subversive and smart and really quite sneaky edgy. Coolest thing was he would do interviews like this, literally 40 minutes long straight on the radio where they really dug into things and just let it flow where it flowed, and then have pretty much 20 minutes of commercials with a two minute segment to catch up on the ads. When they went to ESPN, they tried really hard to avoid it, but the show changed. Not because it got political, they always talked social issues, but because of the fixed segment times. Dan is all about nuance, and understanding points of view and not shutting down a conversation because he doesn’t agree, he genuinely seems like he wants to understand perspectives and have everyone grow. He gets people to be honest with his interview style, and then explores. Just couldn’t be done on espn unfortunately, and he could only be so subversive. I like their new show, but kind of feel like it’s become a bit too many people involved and they all need space. Anyway, long way of me saying that interview is good and people should give it an open minded listen even if they had a negative opinion of him from his time at espn towards the end.
  13. I'm a big Brandon Marshall fan as a player and person. He did an interview with Dan Le Batard when the Antonio Brown stuff was going on last year and his self awareness and taking responsibility and helping others...guy is an amazing example of continuous growth. Also, sounded like he had a bunch of coaches who didn't respect people and were stuck in a scheme vs figuring out how to use their players, and then blaming the players when it was really more so a result of bad coaching. (will edit and add the interview if I can find it) Edit: here is is! It's a really really good interview. Brandon Marshall talking about being diagnosed with borderline personality disorder and trying to help people.
  14. I've played a lot of sports (soccer and lax), and I can't remember ever getting a hamstring cramp...plenty of calf cramps though. I'm sure hamstrings can cramp up like any muscle, my guess would be that calfs typically cramp first and it's not like you can play through a cramping calf to get to where your hamstring cramps after. Hopefully his calf cramped and he was just grabbing at his leg, not necessarily where it was hurting. Coming back from a hamstring pull, in a week, I mean maybe I guess, but even a light hamstring feels like a 2-4 week type thing, but who knows.
  15. That would be "ala Fridge Perry" to be 5 syllables!
  16. I don’t really like it in the first half. I’d like it as an option, but I kind of prefer to watch full drives to get a feel for a game when it’s really just highlights early and nothing at stake. Second half, especially 4th quarter…oh boy! I honestly think CBS used to have the best thing with March Madness where they would pop between games for me, but stick on a single game for a while, then another for a while, and then start popping around more quickly as things got intense. Then they went to individual channels per game, but never kept a version where they went around and picked a view for me, like how am I supposed to know when to switch, or I get stuck on a boring game and forget I have the option of switching. It’s kind of like the sports center argument that people can just go find highlights on Twitter, but it’s the curated aspect that was the value more than the fact that it could be found elsewhere. I’m not going to go check 20 Twitter posts for each mlb game from the night before. Red Zone is more curated, but yeah it switches too much and is hard to get into a flow for me until the end when there are stakes that I can use (they show each play of important drives that are important because it’s the last drive of the game, so you get a sense of the narrative). I’m weird though, I prefer long form narrative articles to short articles that give me just enough info to falsely think I know something…give me that nuance!! I like to read long posts on message boards that are interestingly written or teach me something too (I’m addition to enjoying writing long posts obviously)!
  17. There have probably been something like 50x the number of drop backs compared to designed runs this season (random number, but directionally you get my point, and I’m probably too low).
  18. I hate this argument, just sample bias all over it. This is also true: most injuries happen on the field. That’s because that’s where the game is played. Ugh, it’s just such a dumb argument (to be clear, I don’t think you or anyone making the argument is personally dumb, I’m sure I’m guilty of falling for these types of bias). Seriously though, it’s like saying cars are more dangerous than motorcycles because most accidents happen in cars. It’s not about raw numbers, it’s about percentages. What % of qb runs and scrambles end with injuries? What % of qb drop backs (that end in the pocket) end in injuries?
  19. Really well done and interesting to read, thank you! The league started going for it on fourth down and started frowning on punting from inside the 50 fairly recently. Any thoughts on how that might play into things? Ooh, any way to see the average yards per play from say 1990 compared to today? Going for it 4th and 6 seems like a better choice these days than it did in 1990 in terms of passing offense (or maybe rules)... or they could always try a 64 yard fg
  20. The thing that gets me on that play is Davis was probably even more open.
  21. Sounds like a good old fashioned reverse jinx attempt to me, don't be fooled!
  22. Well, when you buy everything on credit and have crazy outgoing cash flow, and suddenly something happens, like you get cut and start making way less and you can't make cash flow...that's a rainy day. Some of the stuff on its own isn't something that loses a ton of value either, like super nice cars, houses, gold jewelry, except it's super customized...so they go to try and liquidate and realize they can't sell it, because nobody wants a $300k car with your initials on it, or some custom paint job...so again, rainy day.
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