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  2. @Gugny @ExWNYer That story reminded me a little of Nelson Figueroa. I always liked that dude and wished the Mets gave him a little more of a chance than they seemed too. Anyone catch the Strawberry retirement number yesterday? I missed being a Mets fan during his tenure with the team but retiring his and Doc's numbers seems more like a way to appease a certain amount of the fanbase. I just think they could have been a lot more than what they were with the team and I remember them more as Yankees than Mets. But it seemed yesterday Daryl kind of admitted as much apologizing for how thinks could have been different.
  3. Without quoting the long version of @Sierra Foothills post, I thought I’d add to yours. the bigger issue isn’t trying to manage playing time and touches for 2 young rookies. I look at it more like minimizing the chances of Coleman not working out. Forget THIS SEASON. I’m talking about the long term. We all know that Samuel, MVS, and Claypool are only here for 1-2 years each. Coleman is supposed to be on the other side of that bridge. If he doesn’t work out, we’re right back to where we were, 3 more years down and during our superstar QBs prime. I say this jokingly, but only a little bit. I would have seriously drafted 2-4 WRs in this draft regardless of other needs. Get Josh weapons he can grow with over years. Instead they took a shot at one, and if he doesn’t work out we’re right back to square one again. Except Josh will be 30+ by the time McDoofus and his gaggle of merry men figure that out.
  4. When I see something I don’t understand, I try to look it up and understand it better. It seems that some people prefer to just jump to a conclusion that confirms whatever prior belief they have.
  5. Egads... I see in today's Buffalo News that they're now saying he's 5'11" I really hope he has LONG ARMS... I'd like to boil it down to the original question that @Rampant Buffalo asked? Should a person who is drunk be held responsible for their actions?... or put differently does being drunk absolve a person of responsibility for their actions? I think that's a very interesting question. Some people have the strength of character to give up drinking because they cannot deny that it brings out something in them that shouldn't be brought out.
  6. You don’t have to go far back. Happened for the Packers last year. if you’d like to go back a little bit more, you can go to 2022 for the Packers as well.
  7. The bolded is what I believe as well. I'll go further and say that good luck is an ingredient in pretty much every Super Bowl winning season (there are never guarantees) and that the Bills as currently constituted are good enough to win the 2025 Super Bowl. Are they the favorite? No. Are they one of only a handful of teams with a realistic shot? Yes. Have they previously fallen short as favorites? Yes. Can they win even though they are not the favorites? Absolutely. Yes, there was an angry and emotional response from much of the fanbase when the Bills didn't double down on WR. Regarding doubling down, firstly as @Sammy Watkins' Rib pointed out, the Bills top picks in each of the last two drafts were receiving weapons for Josh. So there's that. One thing that I don't believe has been mentioned in the innumerable and endless WR conversations is how difficult it is to bring 2 rookie WRs up to speed in one offseason. Already the Bills are trying to assimilate two young veterans in Shakir and Kincaid as well as other receivers who were not with the team last year. A legit argument can be made that those precious snaps should go to young veterans with NFL seasoning (and accomplishments) more than they should a second rookie WR. I'd be curious to know when the last time two rookie WRs both had a significant positive impact on an NFL team. I think it's not even attempted much because of the difficulty and downside to building trust with two rookies during the same offseason... at the expense of others who may be more positioned to contribute. According to ESPN's Jeremy Fowler, Aiyuk wants a deal that would exceed the one recently given to Amon Ra St. Brown. The Bills cannot pay a WR $28-30 million per year and they certainly won't give up multiple high draft picks for the "privilege" of doing so. Any credible opinion about the Bills wide receiver situation should not include a mention of Brandon Aiyuk. Just as an interestingly side conversation, there is a Patriot who will be in the Hall of Fame soon and played 9 seasons with Brady but never won a Super Bowl. That player is Logan Mankins. If I remember correctly the Patriots won a Super Bowl just before his rookie season and also the season after he retired. As @LeGOATski and others have mentioned, you do need very good players BUT it's also the mix of skills which are important. Please don't misconstrue what I'm about to write but I found the following information in Sal Maiorana's recent D&C piece pretty interesting: "For his career, Valdes-Scantling’s average depth of target it 16.3 yards and his yards per reception is 17.0... for comparison, Diggs’ average depth of target is 11.2 yards and his yards per catch is 12.3. A closer comparison would be the career of John Brown who was with the Bills in 2019, 2020 and part of 2022 and was always considered a vertical threat. His career depth of target was 15.5 yards and his yards per catch was 14.9." In the leadup to the draft, selecting a player that could "take the top off a defense" was BY FAR the biggest trait that all of us wanted to see from a rookie wide receiver. Again I'm not heralding the addition of MVS and Chase Claypool as saviors for the Bills passing game BUT the Bills now have 2 players who have proven in the NFL that they can take the top off a defense. Last year, the Bills had zero players of that type. I'm probably in the minority but I'm happy and satisfied with the moves the Bills have made this offseason. I accept that we're not going all-in this offseason (for the first time in several seasons) but I know with the salary cap projections and the stockpile of high draft picks that the Bills will be loaded for bear next offseason. People can understand differing viewpoints without necessarily agreeing with those viewpoints.
  8. That plan to give a larger role didn't work for Robert Foster in 2019, did it? It was supposed to be Foster and Brown on the outsides and Beasley as the slot. Foster fell flat on his face and they ended up needing to trade for Diggs the next offseason. Then it didn't work with Gabriel Davis or Dawson Knox in 2022. Both failed to live up to promise and that lead to the Bills needing to use their first selection on Kincaid in 2023 and then Coleman in 2024. But all 3 of Foster, Davis and Knox had incredibly efficient seasons in limited roles that made it seem like they were locks to become stars with more usage. Just like Khalil Shakir last year. I tend to buy Kincaid improving because he has special traits and no real glaring weakness like Shakir's lack of arm length. But also his numbers weren't very good. 9.2 yards per reception is pathetic for anyone not lined up at RB. If he repeated those the term "bust" would start getting tossed around.
  9. I'm telling ya. Like flat earthers. They don't understand something? They find conspiracy.
  10. Lots of weird stuff happens in wrestling locker rooms
  11. The 40 aint the 100. I have no idea who would win a 40, but someone like Usain is still accelerating and has not reached his top speed until the 60 to 70 meter mark. That is why world class sprinters, when running the 200, will run their second 100m faster than their first 100m. I guarantee Usain has a much higher top speed than Tyreek and so would kill him in the 100 (obviously). The 40 would be closer. I think it literally could be a coinflip, especially since Usain is getting older.
  12. Let's say a car salesman gets someone drunk. Then he gets them to buy an overpriced car they didn't need. Later, the contract is declared null and void. That's just putting things back to the way they were, except that some of the car salesman's time has been wasted. That's the outcome which does the least harm, and the person who's getting what little harm there is (car salesman) is also the one most at fault. Now let's say a woman acts as described in my earlier example. She knows that if she's drunk she's more likely to have sex with some random guy. She routinely gets drunk around guys she's attracted to. Sometimes she has sex with one of them. If she feels bad about it the next morning, she presses rape charges. That makes it someone else's fault. She was not the one to blame. A man's life is now ruined. But the woman was not to blame. She should continue doing what she's doing. We live in a culture where women are often told it's completely acceptable for them to act this way. But is that the message we should really be sending to women? Do we really want our legal system to uphold and enable this type of behavior? If a woman is going to feel bad about having drunken sex with men, then maybe she should control her drinking when she's around men?
  13. Found the Neil Peart article. You took in that Genesis Buffalo show with Neil only a few months before he joined Rush in '74. Peart went on to say that he was fortunate enough to see Collins play with Genesis in 1974 at the Century Theater in Buffalo, New York. “It was simply a galvanising performance by him and all of that excellent band,” he said. “The music from that night’s show echoed in my head long after”. https://faroutmagazine.co.uk/phil-collins-influence-rush-neil-peart/
  14. Today
  15. Hill is absolutely stupid To think he has a chance.
  16. If they decide to do it, it surely will be entertaining.
  17. Peterman should be considered with higher regard in Bills history, his awful, terrible play gave Josh a way earlier opportunity
  18. Intersectionality is our strength. Until the inevitable eating of your own happens...
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