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  2. None of you libs need to mention Trump. But he's always in your thoughts.
  3. I've been doing genealogy for over 30 years now and I have never thought about posting here until now, but here goes. If anyone is curious about where their family comes from, let me know in a PM. I have done much work with UK, Irish, Scandinavian, French, German, Italian and Canadian records and have uncovered some really interesting stories for some I have helped.
  4. The ***** …. How else would women survive and Bills fans communicate their love for Tom Brady?
  5. I discovered this a couple of months ago... what a great track! As Jim Croce did a year earlier, Bill Chase died in a plane crash in 1974. CHASE - GET IT ON (1971)
  6. I always laugh at the a la carte crowd....whey dont they do it? Because the vast majority of subs are buying it for their team only already. The fact you get a second window to watch whatever is on is nice but most would not pay for that.
  7. I'm sure the Charges already have a plan at C. Lindsey's been know to be retiring for awhile now, well before FA and the draft.
  8. Gabe Davis - was great for a backup, but not so great as a starter (overall).
  9. Yeah but the real test will come when he thinks “he has made it.” The fight in him has too endure for the full season. Let’s hope it does.
  10. I do it to be very sarcastic in a Jersey Shore voice like "whatevuh, bro" or "yeah, bro" for comedic effect sometimes, but not that often 😁
  11. I'm more excited to see what Solomon can do.
  12. In California, you must be 18 to get a divorce. But there is no minimum age to get married, as long as a parent or guardian consent and a court gives permission. California is among just seven states, including New Mexico and Oklahoma, that does not have a minimum age for marriage. https://calmatters.org/politics/2023/06/child-marriage-california/#:~:text=In California%2C you must be,a minimum age for marriage.
  13. ACR... A/C and refrigeration FOR SURE, because it allows our food to be stored safely and comfort.
  14. 44-19. 7-game winning streak. 8-2 in their last 10. I don't know if they will get 28 but if they stay healthy then this feels like their best in a long time. With that said I expect they will slump at some point. Over 162 every team does but I am getting a "28" vibe from this group. Let's Go Yankees.
  15. Why does anyone think posting a clip of some shill yapping on Twitter does anything? The only takeaway I get is you have no ideas yourself and you spend your whole day injecting yourself with crap. Do you even know who these posters are and why anyone should care what they say? Hell…half of them have memes as posting names….
  16. This. Last year there were only 5 Bills games that weren't on local (Boston) TV. That's when you head for The Harp and join your fellow Bills Backers chapter.
  17. I remember there being a real offseason buzz around him building on that year, then he showed up very out of shape and never lived up to the hype again—but yes, for some time in ‘15 it looked very promising! Especially glad to see such good performance against the Fins.
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