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  2. Well, I don't claim to know, I'm on the incredibly curious side of the tracks.
  3. Why didn't he sue Cassidy Hutchinson for lying about his assaulting a SSA and trying to grab the wheel?
  4. The linked below is obviously a false statement, but when Marxists view Whites (and Jews) as colonists and leaders of the current power structure, they must be demonized, torn down… and replaced. The goal of Marxist delusion seems to be a multi-cultural humanist utopia, which can’t be achieved with those pesky nationalist whites standing in the way. Theyd never stand for open borders .. an idealistic goal of globalists. Fortunately.. they didn’t realize, in America, that assimilated Hispanics also don’t fw open borders. Problem is, not all cultures are compatible, and when you push too hard, too fast, people push back. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/05/14/biden-white-supremacy-howard-university/
  5. The kneeling thing was a silly political stunt. Now, I would like the other posters here to explain why they believe white people are being replaced and what the end goal of this is.
  6. Yep - still odd why Trump isn’t suing these people. https://apnews.com/article/election-2020-ap-top-news-politics-b823f2c285641a4a09a96a0b195636ed
  7. We will see. It wasn’t an insult. The point was, you shouldn’t be surprised that he is getting locked up in shorts. That was to be expected.
  8. Whats the end goal of this ***t? We have successfully marginalized racism in this country. The few in power are white liberal women that govern places like New York. The BLM and Kapernick movements set it back true progress for decades. Over a thug the entire country agreed should absolutely not be dead turned into “all cops are racist and so is every institution in the country. You are actually all racists. Everyone is racist.” Now everything is forced and not authentic.
  9. Burden of proof is on you, big boy. I don’t believe in that conspiracy. Thanks for coming right out and saying what I thought you would. Helps to know what I’m dealing with here.
  10. Rapp came on , during back half with smarter play. And has mentioned that being mentored in McDs system by Hyde and Poyer has really given him the understanding and mental tools to play well Edwards was brought in to replace Hyde ? That was my expectation Lets hope Bishop can get solid reps early. And i might expect he does. Hamlin can play situational etc Hyde is still a wildcard I think we are all spoiled by the dynamic duo of Hyde and Poyer being such smart players calling defenses ! Not sure i feel it's the weakest. But it sure is something to watch develop
  11. You tell me, globalist. Why are majority white countries inundated with government propaganda campaigns where whiteness is bred out, coinciding with mass importation of immigrants … specifically migrant men in places referenced in this thread. You can make inferences all you want, but don’t get upset at people for noticing things and then reacting to what they notice.
  12. lol… I will say, once 17 finally raises that Lombardi after this seemingly insurmountable obstacle in KC is dispatched, it’s gonna feeling fawking epic.
  13. How many people tip in cash anymore?
  14. They’re the silent majority! We promise you guys!
  15. Elaborate because hoo diggity And the end goal of the “forced integration” is what, exactly?
  16. Has nothing to do with that. Has to do with things occurring organically vs forced/planned integration to change a country’s demographics.
  17. If more of the top players are staying in school rather than coming out early, it could hurt the talent level at the top of the draft for a year or two, but it will balance out. In a year or two the effect could end up being fewer underclassmen in the early rounds of the draft. I don't think that is a huge deal.
  18. I don’t mind black people. I think they have a right to their ancestral home. Which is more than you can say for whites.
  19. “We don’t want Black people around” Priors confirmed!
  20. I don't know if there will be a "top dog." I think it's going to be "get open and I'll get you the ball."
  21. I order: Me pointing out your lie is not "cleaning up" it is showing you are a liar. Google Your comment
  22. The subliminal attacks of white Europeans has been beyond next level. Majority white countries like Poland inundated with government propaganda campaigns where every white woman is with a foreign born man. At some point you need to step up for your culture. And id expect African countries to do the same if the situation was reversed. Colombian men pushing back on passport bro tourism pushed by their government. Good.
  23. Does NIL Really solve this or does it just start paying those who were going to make it anyways earlier? Honest question?
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