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  2. I don’t care what your last name is, you can’t speak against the leftist agenda RFK Jr. calls Trump’s trial ‘profoundly undemocratic’ The Democratic National Committee called Kennedy a “useful idiot” for his comments. https://www.politico.com/news/2024/05/31/rfk-jr-trump-verdict-undemocratic-00161065
  3. My understanding is that the woman gave consent at the time. After the fact she wished to withdraw consent and file rape charges, on the basis of having been drunk. I'm focusing on her drunken state because, as far as I'm aware, that's the sole basis for her rape allegation. That said, the reporting I've seen of this hasn't exactly been world class. The reporters in question have been more focused on helpfully providing their own interpretations and accusations, than they have on sharing the facts of the case. If there's more to the story, I encourage others to show me where my knowledge may have fallen short. I agree with you that blame should never be placed on the person being assaulted. There is never a substitute for consent. In this particular case, however, it's my understanding that the woman provided consent, and that therefore no assault occurred.
  4. I agree with a previous sentiment you expressed regarding, paraphrasing, us as a country getting soft. You're missing some key components though on the mentality part. You can work out 8 hours a day and be the swolest dude in your gym but if you think everyone is against you, that all your problems are caused by others, you are soft. Regarding your covid point i can easily turn that around and say the people who suffered in silence are the more masculine. The loudest people during covid were often the most ignorant, are you putting them on a pedestal? The ones who "bravely" refused to wear a mask? I don't give masculine points for ignorant temper tantrums, maybe you do. The loudest person in the room is the weakest. I'm not mocking working out. I agree that people who eat healthy and work out are more likely to be disciplined. They are more likely to be masculine. But any masculinity you claim gets thrown out when you cry not fair like a 6 year old constantly. Same goes for going on a tirade about a freaking smile from an old man you claim is senile, who certainly looked senile in that moment.
  5. I'm pretty sure McD is going to challenge this guy in the Fesitvus "feats of strength"
  6. You need to change your screen name to Cowlings.
  7. Why can't the Bills pay market rates for a top tier WR? It's been an excellent working strategy to date. Just because they shipped Diggs out doesn't mean you abandon the winning strategy. The Bills have adopted an inexpensive RB room, in part to allocate funds to the WR. With a backloaded contract a WR like Aiyuk could be done. The Bills currently have very inexpensive offensive playmakers under contract for several years so having one expensive playmaker should be able to be budgeted. It had been in the past. Prices for good WRs is on the rise. Lets not shut down reasonable discussion of the Bills wide receiver situation just because you have a preset bias. You believe the Bills won't add a WR and can't afford it under the cap. I don't fully buy into Beane's off-season words, think the strategy all along has been to add one, and believe it is entirely possible cap-wise.
  8. As long as it it is from one of your “approved” sources. 😆 God forbid you read an author that is conservative or even worse, went to the wrong university. 😂
  9. Even if Coleman has a good rookie season this year, we enter 2025 with our biggest need STILL being WR. That's the real rub. The position group hasn't been fixed. And it feels like a really big missed opportunity with a historic WR draft. And sure, there's some risk in rolling out two rookie WR's to get significant snaps, but when the entire justification for the 2024 year is not going "all-in" but instead having a re-tooling, what better time to let the rookies make some mistakes and prove they can be better players than JAGs like Hollins or MVS? To me, it made total sense to come out of the 2024 offseason with 2 young WR's AND set the team up to be back to an upper echelon contender in 2025. Then you have two second year WR's with different skillsets with a year experience in the offense under their belt, a third year Kincaid who should be blossoming, and a contract year Shakir. That could've been special. Instead, we're hoping that Claypool and MVS can stave off their careers ending for one more year to end up back where we started.
  10. So many more that flame out at power 5 schools too. High school quarterbacking in Southern California is big business.
  11. So you mean to tell us that after the sane people wake up and don't play your oppressed vs. oppressor games anymore and simply mock you instead... that these movements are always left to just eat their own? Love to see it. Love. To. See. It. F U marxists.
  12. the thread has gone away from the sports tangent so I will bow out after this reply. A person who is drunk of course can be held accountable for her actions and if appropo charges like Drunk in Public, drunk and disorderly, DUI etc. The common denominator there is alcohol. People are responsible for how much they drink and ramifications of that may mean charges, a bad hangover, a bad headache. etc. a person (man or woman) who decides drinking is not for them for any number of valid reasons is great. women who yell rape and weren't raped are as despicable as a rapist. Scum of the earth type crime for the mere accusation taints a person wether truly innocent Or guilty. False claims make legitament ones suffer. But this doubling down focus on her drinking sways focus away from a sexual incident it still placing blame and guilt on the person assaulted. Women can be evil and so can men bottom line.
  13. Lighten up Judge Francis. System is rigged. Let him go. He ain't hurting anyone. 😏
  14. @Gugny @ExWNYer That story reminded me a little of Nelson Figueroa. I always liked that dude and wished the Mets gave him a little more of a chance than they seemed too. Anyone catch the Strawberry retirement number yesterday? I missed being a Mets fan during his tenure with the team but retiring his and Doc's numbers seems more like a way to appease a certain amount of the fanbase. I just think they could have been a lot more than what they were with the team and I remember them more as Yankees than Mets. But it seemed yesterday Daryl kind of admitted as much apologizing for how thinks could have been different.
  15. Without quoting the long version of @Sierra Foothills post, I thought I’d add to yours. the bigger issue isn’t trying to manage playing time and touches for 2 young rookies. I look at it more like minimizing the chances of Coleman not working out. Forget THIS SEASON. I’m talking about the long term. We all know that Samuel, MVS, and Claypool are only here for 1-2 years each. Coleman is supposed to be on the other side of that bridge. If he doesn’t work out, we’re right back to where we were, 3 more years down and during our superstar QBs prime. I say this jokingly, but only a little bit. I would have seriously drafted 2-4 WRs in this draft regardless of other needs. Get Josh weapons he can grow with over years. Instead they took a shot at one, and if he doesn’t work out we’re right back to square one again. Except Josh will be 30+ by the time McDoofus and his gaggle of merry men figure that out.
  16. When I see something I don’t understand, I try to look it up and understand it better. It seems that some people prefer to just jump to a conclusion that confirms whatever prior belief they have.
  17. Egads... I see in today's Buffalo News that they're now saying he's 5'11" I really hope he has LONG ARMS... I'd like to boil it down to the original question that @Rampant Buffalo asked? Should a person who is drunk be held responsible for their actions?... or put differently does being drunk absolve a person of responsibility for their actions? I think that's a very interesting question. Some people have the strength of character to give up drinking because they cannot deny that it brings out something in them that shouldn't be brought out.
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