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If what Felser says is true


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I think it refers to the NFL's protocol with head injuries. Coaches are not aloud to communicate with players to avoid the situation of having pressure to rush your recovery and come back.


Concussions are serious business. One or two more and

TE is probably done for good. Felser needs to give it up and go tend the rosebushes.

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Jeezus H. Krist - why is it you people don't get it?


The Buffalo Bills don't need a new starting QB.


The Buffalo Bills don't need a new head coach.


The Buffalo Bills need a new OWNER!!!!!!


Get it now???






They need all three. :lol: :lol:

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I think Felser is the one suffering from the concussion. What Jauron said was he wasn't speaking to Edwards while he was recovering from his latest concussion. "That is the protocol...no calls, no messages, no texts." Meaning they don't want Edwards taxing his head while he's trying to get over the effects of having his bell rung. I can't believe a) felser would write something that wrong, and b) that no editor at the Buffalo News would have caught it.






This is exactly right. As much as I respect what Felser was, it is sad to see how out of touch he is. The News would be advised to have him right historical pieces because he is embarrassing himself week after week. His pieces on the Bills are bad enough. When he ventures into other sports it is truly sad.

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Jeezus H. Krist - why is it you people don't get it?


The Buffalo Bills don't need a new starting QB.


The Buffalo Bills don't need a new head coach.


The Buffalo Bills need a new OWNER!!!!!!


Get it now???



And a New location


I really hope you get what you want though, a new owner, cause that also comes with a new location, unless Buffalo becomes an economic powerhouse of the US

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Maybe Edwards with his head injuries forgot Dicks phone number?




More like it is Felser with head injury. Ever since Ralph was nominated to Hall of Fame and Ralph did not ask Felser to represent him he has been extremely vindictive of Bills, coaches, front office, and Ralph.

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I can't believe how many people are misreading that Felser blurb. It's about how things have changed in the NFL, especially in regard to concussion awareness. Felser is painting it as a shock to the old school ways. His title is misleading and incorrect.


But "misleading and incorrect" is typical of Felser. Seriously, the guy should retire and let better writers and thinkers do his job.

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Maybe Larry and Ralph can have a Metamucil or oatmeal party and make up their differences.


Ummm--Hello Buffalo News -- the protocol our incompetent and hopefully lame duck coach was referring to was the NFL's protocol on head injuries. Trent is not supposed to talk on the phone....but let's just make **** up to criticize now -- Isn't there enough to squawk about with what's happening on the field?


Next article.....


Trent's arm couldn't reach the phone so he checked down and didn't get to the phone on time...

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It's nice that people don't read. Just skip to the end folks...no need to realize it's NFL policy and the Bills would face penalties for violating it. You may now resume your regularly scheduled PANIC!


The question that is begging to be asked and answered:


If it is NFL policy (protocol) for a concussed player NOT to have contact with the team, than why in hell is Jauron trying to contact Edwards?


You would think Dickie, as a HC, would understand contact is a no-no, especially when said same QB suffered a concussion last year.


Is this just another example of Jauron's ineptitude and stupidity?

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It's nice that people don't read. Just skip to the end folks...no need to realize it's NFL policy and the Bills would face penalties for violating it. You may now resume your regularly scheduled PANIC!


It's also a standard medical protocol. It has nothing to do with any single team. It's a league wide rule. As one previous post points out: Concussions are serious. They need to be taken seriously. Just ask Al Toon. He had seven of them during his career with the Jets, and now he's permanently disabled. Felser knows better than to write like this.

We all know Jauron's a bad coach, but trying to take this out of context and turn it into something it's not is bad reporting.

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Felser is making a mountain out of a mole hill on this. Jauron is just somewhat cryptically saying he has not communicated with Edwards in the first person and is following the rules and therefore dodging the question as to Trent's actual progress. Why he didn't say the medical staff is monitoring the situation, etc. like most other coaches would have is anybody's guess. An NFL head coach gets a daily medical update on his team.

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I think Felser is the one suffering from the concussion. What Jauron said was he wasn't speaking to Edwards while he was recovering from his latest concussion. "That is the protocol...no calls, no messages, no texts." Meaning they don't want Edwards taxing his head while he's trying to get over the effects of having his bell rung. I can't believe a) felser would write something that wrong, and b) that no editor at the Buffalo News would have caught it.





that was my understanding of the situation as well

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