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Preston Ridlehuber

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  1. Harrison pulled a gun on Lyle Azado while they played in Denver. Worst part about injury was that it was a pre-season game.
  2. Thanks. I appreciate it and it means a lot coming from you.
  3. In a game that saw Namath complete only 2 of 18 passes, the Bills were the last NFL team to go an entire game without completing a forward pass. My best memory, I gave my tickets to my parents who got soaked in what some have called the hurricane game.
  4. Nice guess, but not what I was thinking.
  5. I suppose its time I ask a question. In a game against the Joe Namath and the New York Jets, the Bills accomplished something that hasn't been done since. Can you name it...
  6. Bennett was phenominal in that last game in 1987. He was all over the field and recorded close to 20 tackles.
  7. I think Bruce Mathison played then, maybe Matt Kofler?
  8. I'll defer to you. I remember sitting in end zone later when Enyart missed a block on kick off and OJ ripped apart his knee as a result.
  9. Always thought Anderson purposely tanked in order to get cut after prolonged hold out. Not resigning Rashad after he missed all of 1975 season with knee injury was a major mistake although technically not a cut.
  10. You sure Harris and Enyart started in 1969? I thought Kemp and Patrick started before giving way to Harris and "Earthquake"
  11. First question they has me racking my brain, waiting for answer. Nicely done.
  12. As I said earlier, I believe the questioner was going the trick question route. Kelly's first opponent at Rich was Syracuse when he played for University of Miami.
  13. Steve Freeman Bobby Moore a/k/a Ahmad Rashad
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