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I'm glad Royal's gone but...


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...did you see that catch? I don't wanna give the drop-a-saurus a thread but that was a nice catch. Still hate him though.



He's one of those classic "make a great play that makes him look like a superstar one minute then make a bonehead play to make him look like a rookie the next minute" kind of guy.

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He's one of those classic "make a great play that makes him look like a superstar one minute then make a bonehead play to make him look like a rookie the next minute" kind of guy.



The Bonehead plays far outweigh any occasional good plays he makes.

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He's one of those classic "make a great play that makes him look like a superstar one minute then make a bonehead play to make him look like a rookie the next minute" kind of guy.



The Bonehead plays far outweigh any occasional good plays he makes.



Indeed. He had me fooled for a while, too. If he was reliable he's be a hell of a TE. But that's a pretty big "if".

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Who's (truly) worried (that Royal is gone), WEO?

Considering that he was the most physical player on the offense, a team leader and the only TE on the roster who could and would block anybody, yeah I'm a little worried about how soft the Bills suddenly are on the edge.

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Considering that he was the most physical player on the offense, a team leader and the only TE on the roster who could and would block anybody, yeah I'm a little worried about how soft the Bills suddenly are on the edge.



This team has been pretty soft all the way around, for a few seasons now... time to give one of these younger guys a chance...I never hated Royal as much as some, but there isn't a position on this team, except maybe RB and K, that couldn't use a face lift. What kills me about Royal, he came to Buffalo with the reputation of being a very smart player, who had limited chances to show his offensive prowess in Washington...but, for me, it wasn't so much the drops (there are more TE's in the NFL that have Royal like receiving skills, than, say, Tony Gonzales skills), as it was the mental lapses that seemed to kill drives...

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This team has been pretty soft all the way around, for a few seasons now... time to give one of these younger guys a chance...I never hated Royal as much as some, but there isn't a position on this team, except maybe RB and K, that couldn't use a face lift.

Royal was certainly a one-dimensional player but he was one of only a couple/three players on the offense that you knew was going to come out and play his ass off every week. It just bothers me that the Bills would be so cavalier about letting a guy like that go.

I agree that they're pretty soft all the way around (I chose Jauron's Marshmallows as my FF team name this year:-), but it's decisions like dumping Royal that have played a large part in making them that way.

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Come on we've got Fine and Nelson---what's everybody worried about?


Considering that he was the most physical player on the offense, a team leader and the only TE on the roster who could and would block anybody, yeah I'm a little worried about how soft the Bills suddenly are on the edge.

Okay, make that 1 definitely worried (Simon) and 1 possibly worried (WEO).

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