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Last post wins!


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Had the 49ers scored a TD on last trip I would have won 3,500.

Had to piss a lot of people off with the safety .


Conversely, my wife won $500 with that safety. She didn't fully understand her potential for winning until I explained to her why the Ravens might take a safety to run some time off the clock. She then said "why would they give them 2 points if they are trying to win?" I told her "just because" and then we celebrated her win. Women...

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Pshaw! You sir, are a rank amateur in that department.

Several years ago wifey, kids, and me visited her sister's family in Bethesda for Thanksgiving. Dinner in our families always entails candles at the table. Dinner table was too small to accommodate everyone - including Father and Mother-in-laws, so the four kids had their own table - complete with long tall candles. I pulled serving duty for the kids and reached over the table to get a plate of something. Kids started laughing. I had caught my sweater sleeve on fire and it was dripping flaming globs of goo onto the table.

Well, we put the fire out pretty quickly, but the sweater was cooked - literally. My wife whispered to me that it was a gift from her mother last Christmas. I whispered back, "Can you make a vest out of it?" The cold icy stare I received in return would have been enough to put out the flames by itself.


True story.


Years ago I was at a charity dinner, round tables, 8-10 people at each table. They had a benediction/moment of silence before dinner started. Well, we had been passing around the basket of rolls, and someone sat it down. They did not notice the cloth in the basket was sitting on one of the votives scattered around the table, and of course it caught fire. I was seeing this out of the corner of my eye, but it was out of my reach. And of course I couldn't remember the word "fire" at that moment. So the person to my right thought it was really strange that during a moment of silence that I wanted the rolls, since that was the only word I can think of.


Just got done delivering the Stromboli. Now off to vist my aunt up at the home.15,001


What home? I wonder if I've done work there.

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Years ago I was at a charity dinner, round tables, 8-10 people at each table. They had a benediction/moment of silence before dinner started. Well, we had been passing around the basket of rolls, and someone sat it down. They did not notice the cloth in the basket was sitting on one of the votives scattered around the table, and of course it caught fire. I was seeing this out of the corner of my eye, but it was out of my reach. And of course I couldn't remember the word "fire" at that moment. So the person to my right thought it was really strange that during a moment of silence that I wanted the rolls, since that was the only word I can think of.




What home? I wonder if I've done work there.


The avenue on Altamont Ave. Schenectady .

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Doesn't look familar to me. Must be substandard facility. Guess you don't love her enough to put her in a good, expensive, home.


They are building a new place right behind this one. She will be moving to it late summer. She is only an Aunt. She keeps asking how long she has to stay and I keep telling her that I will buy her a ticket on a slow boat to China when she turns 100. Only 11 1/2 years away.

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Mods? Can I get a ruling?

Jack won a long time ago.

As a Mod, I approve Meads answer.


They are building a new place right behind this one. She will be moving to it late summer. She is only an Aunt. She keeps asking how long she has to stay and I keep telling her that I will buy her a ticket on a slow boat to China when she turns 100. Only 11 1/2 years away.

Some instances are sad like that, others dive right in and take advantage of all the activities facilities have to offer. It's nice they are building new. Two national chains we did work for....






Sunrise always built new, so a lot of their facilities were cookie cutter. There may be minor changes here or there with the layout, but overall they all had similar designs, a central core, with residence rooms shooting off as spokes on a wheel.


Atria would buy buildings and convert them, so the fun was when you first pulled in, try to guess what the building used to be. I've seen schools, hotels, and office buildings they used. The problems for them was trying to shoe horn everything into a building without doing major renovations.

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