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Running up the score


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If the Kansas City DC wanted us to run the clock out in the fourth quarter he could have played his base defense instead of putting nine guys in the box. That would have guaranteed a run on just about every play.


Besides, it's a fallacy that passing = running up the score. More bad things can happen when you throw the ball than when you run it.

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Good teams run up the score. Bad teams that are winning by a lot are playing the whole 60 minutes to win the game. I have absolutely ZERO issue with the 3rd and 4th quarter scoring. If brady to moss happened in the 4th quarter, i'd be super pissed off at them. If Shaun hill completes a 60 yard bomb to bryant johnson next week in the 4th quater, with the 49ers up by 30, i'd be pissed at the bills defense for blowing yet another game.

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I don't think it was running up the score at all. If you sub your starters and you get a pick for six or good field position for KC then you give them momentum and what should have been an easy game turns into a dog fight. I think we all know who wins that dog fight (hint their name is not Buffalo).


P.S. I was rooting for Dick to break the team record of 57 points. But I'm happy with a win.

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I don't think it was running up the score at all. If you sub your starters and you get a pick for six or good field position for KC then you give them momentum and what should have been an easy game turns into a dog fight. I think we all know who wins that dog fight (hint their name is not Buffalo).


P.S. I was rooting for Dick to break the team record of 57 points. But I'm happy with a win.

Team record is 58.

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Anyone here who thinks the bills ran up the score need to chill out. This team needs it. They've been beaten up on the last few weeks and it's time they do that. It was a statement, not being classless. I never like when a team runs up the score, especially my favorite team like the Bills, but I think yesterday it was totally needed to use as a springboard for the last stretch of games. They needed the confidence. They got it. I'm glad they did what they did.

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Throwing the ball up by 30 in the 4th quarter?? Pretty bush..





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Actually I dont think it has anything to do with running up the score. The offense plays the game to score. The defense must stop the offense from scoring. Did you know that? It's in football 101. The Bills opted on 4th down late in the game to not kick a field goal. They went for it on 4th down. How is that running up the score or classless. You have to run a play and instead of adding another 3 points they gave the Chiefs defense another shot at stopping them. That would show class. Besides, these are professionals not your local recreation area flag football squad.

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You play until the game is over. Were the Chiefs trying to score when they had the ball late in the game?


Excellent point. Unless the losing team is conceding by running on every play to keep the clock moving, it is bullsh-- to complain about the winning team continuing to run their standard offense.

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Throwing the ball up by 30 in the 4th quarter?? Pretty bush..

I know you're kind of like the resident clown here lately, just trying to stir things up. But I'll bite since I am in a pretty good mood. First of all it's not running up the score when your last score comes with more than 9 minutes left in the game. The last real downfield pass was with 8 minutes to go in the game, but there was a little 2 yard screen pass with a little less than 5 minutes left. If KC is going to play to the final second, why should the Bills stop? But they really didn't attempt to do anything once inside the KC 50 after their last score. I was hoping for 60 to tell you the truth. If a professional defense isn't good enough to stop an offense, it's not the offense's fault for scoring. The Patsie's did it to the Bills on more than one ocassion, let's enjoy the other side of it for a change. I absolutely love seeing "Did the Bills run up the score?" posts on this forum though, it's so nice to see....GO BILLS

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I am sorry... I thought the last TD pass was a little excessive. At least they could have brought in Losman by then.


I wish I did not care, but I was pissed at the Pats' behavior on that Sunday night in 2007.


You were pissed at the wrong team. I was pissed at how badly the bills rolled over like obediant well trained lap dogs. This team needed an idenity. Needing some damn fire. A Killer instinct, and some confidence building momentum. If it means putting a 50 spot on the sorry ass chiefs. Then so be it. I slept better last night, knowing there are some positives to this team offensively. It slowly reaffirmed my belief. We should go defensive heavy in the draft, and free agency. That's not to say the offense is a finished product, and we'll light up scoreboards. There's flashes of talent there. Besides the last time we put up 50 was 1991, and 1960 something before that. If anything we were due. "Class" be damned. Having Class is a sorry excuse for a team with a loser mentality. Here's to more "running up the score" beatdowns in the future. Curtesy of the Bills, and not against them <_<

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I remember last year when the Eagles Westbrook acutually stopped on the 1 yard line rather than score. That was classy.. Jaron not only can't coach but he has no integrity.


Your remarks are totally misguided and irrelevant. Look at the last series the Bills ran. We took a knee three straight times and gave the ball back to the Chiefs. Who than tried to throw the ball with their last few plays. The previous series on 4th and four we ran Marshawn straight into the line instead of trying a forty something yard field goal. If we wanted to run the score up, we could have thrown for an easy first down. Didn't you enjoy running the score up on another team for a change? I sure did. Good god, we have been on the other side of blowouts this entire decade.


I was hoping we would score 61. But, I do agree with you that Jauron is still a lousy coach. Lets beat the 49ers, and Dolphins, and see what kind of gameplan we put together for Brett and the Jets. Than we will know if Jauron has any coaching ability left.

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