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Biden Issuing Pardons For Simply Pot Possessions --

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4 minutes ago, reddogblitz said:


It was a presidential pardon.  Please explain how Republicans can obstruct that?

He was busy with other stuff that could of been taken care of earlier. 


Hey, he got it out of the way before the GOP House--if that happens--impeaches him for being so great, so there's that 

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29 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

Ya, helped a lot of people. You are so full of hate that you try so hard to make this a negative. That's sad! 

I'm not full of hate Tibs, I don't hate anyone.  And I agree that possession of marijuana shouldn't be a federal crime.  But I'm also not naïve enough to think that this was done altruistically, if it was, it could have been one of his gajillion EOs he made on day 1.  It was not so it isn't.  But gross motives don't always have bad outcomes. 

Oddly, no one is even in jail for it federally:

"Officials said there are currently no Americans serving prison time solely on federal simple marijuana possession charges. But they said the number who had been charged with that crime was north of 6,500."  


https://www.cnn.com/2022/10/06/politics/marijuana-decriminalization-white-house-joe-biden#:~:text=Marijuana is illegal under federal,a high potential for abuse.”

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4 hours ago, Tenhigh said:

I'm not full of hate Tibs, I don't hate anyone.  And I agree that possession of marijuana shouldn't be a federal crime.  But I'm also not naïve enough to think that this was done altruistically, if it was, it could have been one of his gajillion EOs he made on day 1.  It was not so it isn't.  But gross motives don't always have bad outcomes. 

Oddly, no one is even in jail for it federally:

"Officials said there are currently no Americans serving prison time solely on federal simple marijuana possession charges. But they said the number who had been charged with that crime was north of 6,500."  


https://www.cnn.com/2022/10/06/politics/marijuana-decriminalization-white-house-joe-biden#:~:text=Marijuana is illegal under federal,a high potential for abuse.”

So you must be outraged by all these Conseravtives, politicians, states, that still have it as a crime. But you ONLY criticize the guy who took action. 


Is that your stance? Hate the guy that fixed this? Not hate the movement that is still oppressing people? 


Really? That's what you are coming at me with? 


That's silly

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36 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

So you must be outraged by all these Conseravtives, politicians, states, that still have it as a crime. But you ONLY criticize the guy who took action. 


Is that your stance? Hate the guy that fixed this? Not hate the movement that is still oppressing people? 


Really? That's what you are coming at me with? 


That's silly

I hate that Kamala Harris prosecuted marijuana offenses so zealously. Sad. 

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8 hours ago, Tenhigh said:


Interesting article. Thanks for posting.  From the article:



“The process will take some time because it must be based on a careful consideration of all of the available evidence, including scientific and medical information that’s available,” one senior official said.


"The process" will take 24 months to be announced and legalized October 2024.

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On 10/7/2022 at 6:39 AM, Tiberius said:

Republican obstructionism is to blame. If they had not been throwing roadblocks up about everything this would of gotten done sooner 


How ya like that? 


Wow that's something seeing as the first law prohibiting Marijuana law was written by 2 democrats Harry J Anslinger & Robert L Doughton back on April 14th of 1937 HR 6385 John Marshal Harlan a Justice fought against the 1937 marijuana tax act & he was a republican .


And the US gov't has had a patent on cannabis since 2003 they have been sitting back in all of their hypocrisy waiting for it to be made legal so they can be the first to corner the market on it's medical applications talk about a bunch of hypocrites .


It's like legalizing alcohol, opioids, & one day marijuana if the US gov't can see a way to make money off of it they don't care what repercussions come form it !


How ya like THAT Tibs ??? Take your BS elsewhere ! The gems start all the BS then try & turn it around to look as if it's the other guys fault & that's what they have lived on for 100's of years and you have fallen for it ...


And the only reason why he is doing this now is because he's looking to buy some more votes during the mid terms & that's all he's looking for !!

Edited by T master
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As I’m sure everyone’s seen, there are precisely ZERO persons now in the federal pen for “simple marijuana possession.” 
I support federal legalization. Not just “decriminalization” but actual legalization. With a regulatory system similar to alcohol. 
I also support pardons/expunging the criminal records of many convicted of marijuana crimes. On the federal level, think “caught by a Park Ranger with weed in a National Park.” Seriously, that’s what simple federal MJ possession charges often are. 
What I don’t support is the wholesale pardoning of ALL simple possession offenses. Historically, many were pleaded down from more serious trafficking offenses. This takes us further down the silly road where we’re talking about giving a preference in getting legal weed distribution licenses to those who previously had weed convictions—in other words, since you have experience in circumventing the laws we should especially trust you to comply with all the new rules in the highly regulated legal industry. It is idiocy, but today people have a hard time drawing the obvious lines. 

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31 minutes ago, The Frankish Reich said:

I support federal legalization. Not just “decriminalization” but actual legalization. With a regulatory system similar to alcohol. 


This is exactly what we have in Washington state right now.  And in a lot of other states.  And it works. 


What is the point of “decriminalization”?  Allow the criminal gangs to control the market and continue to shoot each other and innocent bystanders.  When was the last time  Coors delivery truck driver shoot a Budweiser one over turf?


Why does it have to be federal?

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31 minutes ago, reddogblitz said:

Why does it have to be federal?

Because it’s still a federal crime, and being convicted of it has some major consequences: eligibility for student loans, subject to drug testing not related to job performance (eg, not drug testing a truck driver or pilot entering on duty, but randomly drug testing an accountant or prospective federal employee). If we are not enforcing the law by charging a crime, we need to go the next step and make it not a crime at all. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/6/2022 at 4:05 PM, Tiberius said:


Gees, which governors won't follow this lead? Red state governors, that's who 





All in the name of being more votes if he had done this in the very beginning of his term then i may have give him a atta boy but this is pure democratic posturing to get more votes sure & simple i believe i have responded to this before but can't point out a BS political move just for votes enough times .

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