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[Entertainment] LOST discussion thread


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What gave it away? Claire saying "she took my baby."



That doesn't make her one of the Others. Maybe she's going offer the baby to them to save everyone else? And Ethan's utter fixation on Claire and the baby becomes more clear in this light too....


I like the Jack - Sawyer exchange...glad those guys have come together.  The Sun - Jin reconciliation was very moving as well.  Walt giving Vincent to Shannon was a great scene...though after I saw what she did to Sayid at the airport, I'm hoping she becomes a casualty of the others.  :wacko:


Leslie Artz...the science teacher...new character to be built on next season...or a violent death in the struggle with the others next week?


Regarding alien slant...it would make sense given the fact that the hatch is such an anomalie, but again, I hope we don't go down that road.



The Jack-Sawyer scene was what makes this show so great. Very heartfelt, well written and well performed. And it showed a side of Sawyer that even tho he's a selfish bastard most of the time, when the chips are down, he does the honorable thing. He didn't have to tell Jack that. Walt saying goodbye to Vincent was probably not very important to many people, unless they've had to leave man's best friend. There is something very special in growing up with a dog, and Vincent trying to swim out to the raft showed that love is reciprical. Very touching for me.


"It's Arzt!! A whole class of ninth graders don't have a problem with this!" :wacko:


Aliens? That would be such a cop-out.

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I think something along those lines could be possible.


We should remember this about the hatch too, assuming that it is associated with the "aliens."  It was mostly buried, indicating that it had not been used in quite some time.



Maybe the ship has malfunctioned, and it is still collecting samples well past when it was supposed to return to where it came from. So over time the exposed parts have become overgrown and covered.

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not only that but sawyer kept looking back at kate's empty shelter. sawyer is a misunderstood person!


That doesn't make her one of the Others. Maybe she's going offer the baby to them to save everyone else? And Ethan's utter fixation on Claire and the baby becomes more clear in this light too....

The Jack-Sawyer scene was what makes this show so great. Very heartfelt, well written and well performed. And it showed a side of Sawyer that even tho he's a selfish bastard most of the time, when the chips are down, he does the honorable thing. He didn't have to tell Jack that. Walt saying goodbye to Vincent was probably not very important to many people, unless they've had to leave man's best friend. There is something very special in growing up with a dog, and Vincent trying to swim out to the raft showed that love is reciprical. Very touching for me.


"It's Arzt!! A whole class of ninth graders don't have a problem with this!" :wacko:


Aliens? That would be such a cop-out.


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Here's a theory - The island is a giant space ship that has been on Earth for thousands of years.  It is free floating (possibly with a preset navigation and some kind of cloaking device to avoid detection), so it floats around the world to different locations every X number of years to pick up a diverse number of Earth specimens.  The specimens are occasionally gathered up and brought "underground" into the ship for storage (possibly suspended animation).  So there could be sailors from the Black Rock stored there.  And since it moves around the world, that would explain how a plane from Nigeria could be there.  As far as the numbers, perhaps it is how the specimens are chosen.  Those that are somehow related to the numbers are given subliminal messages that "herd" them  together on the same mode of transportation that will crash at the island ship.


Very Twilight Zone.  It reminds me of an episode where aliens came to Earth, and they had a book I think was called, "How to Prepare Man".  At first the humans thought it meant how the aliens would prepare Earth for their arrival, but it turned out to be a cookbook.




The book was titled "To Serve Man" an of course was interpretted by the humans as clear indication of the aliens friendly intentions.

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"If you want something kept secret, don't tell the fat guy."


:wacko:  :wacko:  :w00t:  ;)



Am I the only one who didn't believe that line? I still don't entirely trust Leslie.



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not only that but sawyer kept looking back at kate's empty shelter.  sawyer is a misunderstood person!



See? I thought he was just looking at the tarp huts and realizing he was in for some serious sh--, maybe not safer than the island but still with its own dangers. I missed that completely. It was kind of a peeing war he and Kate have had in how one didn't like the other. E.g. last week, Sawyer told Kate he was leaving because there was "Nothing worth staying for" and he let those words sink in. In reality, he was baiting for some kind of response, from a woman who has "Shameless" as her personal torch song. I don't know about misunderstood so much as he's keeping a guarded distance; so many people have hurt him in the past that he has a very defensive front (Kate is the other way around --- she does the hurting).

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Am I the only one who didn't believe that line?  I still don't entirely trust Leslie.





I don't either, but my main feeling about him is that he's just being introduced to us to be killed off next week.

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I think I'm enjoying these posts more than the show itself!



This tread has taken on a life of its own.


WTF are we going to talk about between next week and the opening of training camp in July?!?! :wacko:

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Am I the only one who didn't believe that line?  I still don't entirely trust Leslie.




Don't forget that Hurley did a complete census of the survivors, and so he knows who was on the beach from the beginning, so I think Leslie is legit. That line may just have been for comedic effect.

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I'm with the crowd that thinks leslie was brought on the show to be killed...prolly next week, when it appears as if theres gonna be quite the battle...


Ramius, $5 says Leslie lives past next week.

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Ramius, $5 says Leslie lives past next week.



After he left the gang last night, I figured he was toast. He surprised me by showing up again. Ah, he cheated death once, but next week he won't be so lucky. :wacko:

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Don't forget that Hurley did a complete census of the survivors, and so he knows who was on the beach from the beginning, so I think Leslie is legit. That line may just have been for comedic effect.



The census doesn't prove anything - there's no picture ID, just a name. Who's to say that Leslie didn't find the name of someone and use it himself? Ethan used his real name (which wasn't on the manifest), but maybe Leslie was smarter?


And even if he was on the plane, doesn't mean he's on the level with eveyrone else.


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Ramius, $5 says Leslie lives past next week.




I'm on a three bet losing streak with Ramius, I need this one.



What fun would it be if i quit while i was ahead...sounds good...$5 says leslie doesnt make it to season 2...

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This tread has taken on a life of its own.


WTF are we going to talk about between next week and the opening of training camp in July?!?!  :wacko:


And lets not forget that deadwood is done on Sunday too.


Anybody watch that show House. Woo was on it the other night, couldn't help but think that "Swigin, San Fran C&%*9*er was about to come out of his mouth.

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And a found a screen capture.  It's definitely not a galleon.  Far too small, no gun ports, flush deck, two-masted, no stern gallery.  And it's out of Portsmouth (says so on the stern of the ship, it's evident in the capture).  Looks like a fairly good replica of a generic 18th century small merchant.


It's odd, too, in that the bottom's perfectly clean, the ship's in very good shape...and not nearly as overgrown as it should be.  I suspect that IS artistic license; a fully overgrown ship wouldn't have nearly the visual impact as it did.

Another thing I'm surprised no one noted...there's a nice congruence in them finding an old sailing ship a few miles inland while everyone else is on the beach launching the raft, isn't there...?



Heres a picture for those who want to see.


My only question is how is there a radio transmitter there. The black rock is where Danieele says the transmitter is.



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Here's a theory - The island is a giant space ship that has been on Earth for thousands of years.  It is free floating (possibly with a preset navigation and some kind of cloaking device to avoid detection), so it floats around the world to different locations every X number of years



You are on to a good theory there.

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