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Are you a bad parent for letting your kids watch:

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I've got an aunt by marriage that has two kids that are 5&7.  She doesn't let them watch certain Disney movies because of violent content.  I find it kind of ridiculous and look forward to watching those kids rebel like nobody's business later on in their lives.  As far as Star Wars goes I guess I can see why someone would feel that it's too violent for their kids, but I don't agree.  The greatest thing about Star Wars is that good wins in the end.  It's a good moral lesson for kids.



I won't let my 2 year old watch Finding Nemo, Toy Story or any other Disney movie for that matter.


When she's 4 or 5, I will.

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What a load of crap - I saw Star Wars when I was so young that I don't even remember seeing it the first time.  I was born in 1981 and I had ALL the toys from Return of the Jedi (1983).


It didn't make me violent - it just caused some really nerdy teenage years a decade later.




Me 2 - I had a speeder that ejected the seat when you pushed the button in the back

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Of course, a responsible parent would go see the movie first, then decide for themselves if it was okay for their kids.  But hey...I suppose Lucas knows your kids just as well as you do...  :w00t:


Ya got kids Monkey?

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I've got an aunt by marriage that has two kids that are 5&7.  She doesn't let them watch certain Disney movies because of violent content.  I find it kind of ridiculous and look forward to watching those kids rebel like nobody's business later on in their lives.  As far as Star Wars goes I guess I can see why someone would feel that it's too violent for their kids, but I don't agree.  The greatest thing about Star Wars is that good wins in the end.  It's a good moral lesson for kids.


Okay, now im gettin a little nuts here. If I am following this thread, if you restrict what your kids watch and listen to, they will grow up to make columbine look like a just another bad day.


However, on the other hand, if I let them watch or listen to anything they want, I am a no good lazy ass parent. Got a feeling here that people say who need to explain that this is just a movie are the sam who rail agaisnt violence in Video games and in hip hop music.


Come on guys, there is no one size fits all here.

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I had a brief conversation with a young lady just a tad older than me ( mid 30's) and I had asked her if her boys are looking forward to the new Star Wars movie, when she replied "Star Wars ? I wouldn't let my kids watch something that violent.  THey don't even know what Star Wars is" ...


Her boys are 7 + 9.


Does this strike anyone else as just plain sad?


She went on to tell me her kids only watch Animal Planet, and aren't allowed anything else...


7 + 9 ???? Boys ????


Does anyone else think this type of parenting is more damaging than letting your kids watch "normal" stuff ( Cartoon Network, Nick, etc ) and watching movies like Star Wars?


Wow, what a BLAND childhood..





lame. my son got turned on when he was three, and he's just fine. he's five now, and we're going opening weekend.

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Okay, now im gettin a little nuts here. If I am following this thread, if you restrict what your kids watch and listen to, they will grow up to make columbine look like a just another bad day.


However, on the other hand, if I let them watch or listen to anything they want, I am a no good lazy ass parent. Got a feeling here that people say who need to explain that this is just a movie are the sam who rail agaisnt violence in Video games and in hip hop music.


Come on guys, there is no one size fits all here.



Yeah there's no one size fits all. I'm not saying you should let them watch porn, but I find it a bit ridiculous that a 7 yr. old can't watch Disney movies. That's just my opinion on it.

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I was not a allowed to do a lot of things. Watching the Smurfs was one of them. If you care I'll tell you more, but my parents were strict on the TV watching, and I turned out fine (I think)


anyways, I plan on not having a TV at all when I have kids (or just dvd's) TV is just way too filled with bj00bies and sexual reference for me to want to expose a 7 yr old to that.

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I had a brief conversation with a young lady just a tad older than me ( mid 30's) and I had asked her if her boys are looking forward to the new Star Wars movie, when she replied "Star Wars ? I wouldn't let my kids watch something that violent.  THey don't even know what Star Wars is" ...


Her boys are 7 + 9.


Does this strike anyone else as just plain sad?


She went on to tell me her kids only watch Animal Planet, and aren't allowed anything else...


7 + 9 ???? Boys ????


Does anyone else think this type of parenting is more damaging than letting your kids watch "normal" stuff ( Cartoon Network, Nick, etc ) and watching movies like Star Wars?


Wow, what a BLAND childhood..





This will be the type of kid who od's his first year in college....


You can't protect your kids forever....I don't see anything wrong with Star Wars....


My kids (9 & 11) have seen all the Star Wars and we are planning on going to the new one.....STAR WARS!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME???? I live in a world called reality...imagine a movie about good vs evil.......this woman should get her head out of her ass. The kids hear alot worse language in kindergarden....Her kid will not grow up to be street smart at all.....She's destroying their lives already....thats really sad.....she's definately from the dark side....

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  The kids hear alot worse language in kindergarden....



DISCLAIMER (I am 24 and have no children)


That said, I get out of work and arrive home about the time the local school lets out, say 3:15ish. The language that comes out of their mouths makes me sick and I was in a fraternity in college. These kids are ages 8-12 I'd guess and they all walk home in front of my apartment. F this and F that. A girl who was maybe 10 describing 69 to an 8 or 9 year old boy she was walking with. That was just yesterday. Everyday it seems like I get a new lesson. I'm not saying it's the parent's fault or the school's but it certainly backs up what Tomcat said.

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Being surrogate GMs wasn't enough on TBD, now everyone wants to be surrogate parents  :w00t:


My boys are 7, 4 and 3 and all of you guys voicing opinions about raising other people's kids, especially the posters without their own kids, are fuggin idiots.


BTW, my kids will probably be able to see the new Star Wars - but not until it's out on video.  The movies are too loud and too "BIG" for my kids in the theater, even just my seven year old.  I know my kids and I make decisions based on my kids, their maturation and my beliefs.




Mrs. PKWWJD and I will be going to the midnight show on May 19.


We already know that this might be the SW that we don't take our 8 YO son to -- he may need to wait for the video/DVD. We told him that, and he'll deal with it. He's excited for the movie, but it won't hurt his life to wait a few months either. But again, it's up to his mom and dad to make that decision, not Lucas, not a paranoid mom someplace, not general consensus at work (and I work at a church).

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good opportunity for a parent to instill some moderation into their kids by just saying "NO" and not buying every Star Wars item you happen upon in the store.



Yeah, obie wan, I know what you mean...it just seems that every time one of these types of discussions comes up, everyone blames every thing on bad parenting. I agree to some degree, but once a kid leaves the house, and is in school with his/her peers, outside forces are affecting them, that a parent can't really control. I am not a parent, but have lots of nieces and nephews...I think all my sisters do a damn good job, yet they can't control everything. If they do, or try to, they run the risk of coming off like the crazy lady in the original post, and also run the risk of their kids being ostrocized for not succumbing like their peers. Just look at the responses in this thread, and you will know what I mean.


Hell, I loved the original "Planet of the Apes" and"Star Wars" flicks as a kid, and collected the cards, and a few action figures (nowhere near as cool as the ones of today), but that is where it ended...I think if I had been that same age now, and all of this merchendise was out, I would have gone ape-shti, and wanted everything. No way would my parents have gotten it for me, but the desire would have been there. It seems like nowadays, the quality of the movies doesn't even matter, the "pre-fab" element is built in with everything. It is almost like the action figures and pop-up books are all a necessary part of the whole "Star Wars" experience. Not picking on just "Star Wars", there are dozens of franchises out there that prey on the obsessive nature of folks. I succumb to them too, so I am not trying to be superior. It is just that the movies themselves are almost never as good as the hype suggests...

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Kids these days are spoiled rotten...have no discipline and NO RESPECT for authority....I am 31 when I was a kid..I had a toy dump truck a baseball mit, hockey equipment and a basketball as toys....kids these days have rooms full of toys. TV's & computers n their rooms, cell phones, pagers, PDA's, Laptops, DVD players, Ipods....so we have a society of young, fat, lazy kids with no respect...what does this have to do with Star Wars...who knows...just venting at what I see....lucky for me I get my chance at parenting in 3 1/2 months....

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without reading the replies in this thread let me add my 2 cents. It isn't the movies that are bad influences on the kids, it is the fact that parents will not take the time to teach them right from wrong, real from fiction, etc...heck my kids watch desperate housewives, the simpsons, the occasional sopranoes, heck my 6 year old just watched silence of the lambs. But my wife and I pound it into them that they are movies and not real and alot of stuff isn't appropriate in real life, it is simply entertainment. So far it works for me. It bugs me when I hear parents not letting the kids watch spongebob, etc...there is alot to be said for having a kid who is culturally "savvy" as opposed to a cultural "maroon". But to each is own I guess.




I had a brief conversation with a young lady just a tad older than me ( mid 30's) and I had asked her if her boys are looking forward to the new Star Wars movie, when she replied "Star Wars ? I wouldn't let my kids watch something that violent.  THey don't even know what Star Wars is" ...


Her boys are 7 + 9.


Does this strike anyone else as just plain sad?


She went on to tell me her kids only watch Animal Planet, and aren't allowed anything else...


7 + 9 ???? Boys ????


Does anyone else think this type of parenting is more damaging than letting your kids watch "normal" stuff ( Cartoon Network, Nick, etc ) and watching movies like Star Wars?


Wow, what a BLAND childhood..




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My kids are 10 & 7 and I'm debating whether to take them to the new star wars or not. They have already seen the other 5, in fact we watched VI this past weekend. III is supposed to be "darker" and more violent than the others so I am still debating it. As someone pointed out the violience in Star Wars has been somewhat "clean", not a lot of blood and guts and graphic slow motion light saber through the heart type stuff. I may go watch it myself first and then decide.


Besides if I do that I get to see it twice in the theatre.


And to all of you who are passing judgement:

No one here has any right to say one way or the other whether the woman is correct in keeping her kids from watching star wars. You don't know her, her kids or anything about them. What you think is proper for your kids doesn't make it proper for anyone else's kids. As in most cases opinions are best left unsaid.


But then if we all followed that this board wouldn't exist would it?

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I'm a bad parent for a multitude of reasons, but letting my kids watch Star Wars isn't one of them. If it is, then it's because they're so horribly written, not because of the cartoon violence.

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Being surrogate GMs wasn't enough on TBD, now everyone wants to be surrogate parents  :w00t:


My boys are 7, 4 and 3 and all of you guys voicing opinions about raising other people's kids, especially the posters without their own kids, are fuggin idiots.


BTW, my kids will probably be able to see the new Star Wars - but not until it's out on video.  The movies are too loud and too "BIG" for my kids in the theater, even just my seven year old.  I know my kids and I make decisions based on my kids, their maturation and my beliefs.




Well said -

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