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The American Media Should Not Be Trusted

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Every single time you think the media has bottomed out, they break out a shovel and dig even deeper. There is no “bottom” for the left, everything is about their obtaining power, anything else is secondary. It goes without saying that they’ll lie to get their way, dishonesty is like water to the left, but they have moved beyond lying. Now, leftists will go so far as to make themselves look unbelievably stupid, turn themselves into clowns, to protect the left-wing narrative. Nothing illustrates this like the coverage of the Freedom Convoy in Canada.


Did you know there were Nazis – LITERAL NAZIS – roaming the streets of Ottawa, Canada’s capitol? Neither did I, or most people, until our media here started telling us. “The protesters are waiving Swastikas around,” the “reporters” proclaim. Missing from any video package or report on these Nazis is any of them on camera. 


Sure, they’d have a random picture or silent B-roll video of its existence, usually up close, but that is. Ever wonder why that is? 

The answer is pretty simple: It’s not what they say it is.


Having moved to DC during the George W. Bush administration, I noticed at every outside event or protest, or Metro stop near a university, there was a folding table with nutjob literature and a big poster of Bush with a Hitler mustache. They were always around and no one in the media bothered to notice, mostly because they believed Bush was Hitler and the posters/literature table belonged to Lyndon LaRouche, a lunatic Democrat left-wing crazy who ran a decades long perpetual campaign for President.


After January 20, 2009, Barack Obama became President and the LaRouche loons changed Bush in a Hitler mustache to Obama in a Hitler mustache. Suddenly, it mattered. Context is weird like that. 


Story after story on cable news were about how those Tea Party crazies were calling Obama Hitler, even though the “reporters” knew it was those LaRouche nuts who showed up to everything, they had nothing to do with the Tea Party. A lie, plain and simple.


With the “swastikas” in Canada, I’d be you they’re exactly like they have been at protests in the US – calling the government fascists. Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer slimed Michiganders protesting lockdowns by saying they were rallying under swastikas, when those swastikas were on signs calling her a totalitarian. No one in the media bothered to report honestly because they’re bad people.


Ask yourself why you don’t see footage of these “brave” journalists confronting these swastika waving monsters? It’s likely because they’d articulate what I’ve laid out here. It would also give those people a chance to make their case, a case the left-wing media does not want made. They’d have to show the whole sign, not just a cropped piece.


The same goes for the Confederate flag the media can’t shut up about. How many Confederate flags do you think are in all of Canada, 2 or 3? It means nothing to them, why would anyone even have one? It’s not their history, it’s the history of the Democrat Party in the US. 







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5 minutes ago, Doc said:

Crying "racism" is a fast and effective (or at least used to be) method to shut the opposing side down.  People are now starting to catch on and are tired of it.







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On 2/4/2022 at 9:46 AM, BillStime said:


Yup...FOX News sucks too...all mainstream media is bought and paid for by Big Pharma, Big Corp, and filtered by intelligent agencies to create a narrative for everyone to digest...👍

Edited by JaCrispy
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22 hours ago, B-Man said:


The American Media Should    Can Not Be Trusted




This is as damning as it gets.


Of course mainstream media can't report on Durham's filing, as it outs them as not only biased, but complicit in purveying fake news.  Their silence only underscores their bias.


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6 minutes ago, BillnutinHouston said:


This is as damning as it gets.


Of course mainstream media can't report on Durham's filing, as it outs them as not only biased, but complicit in purveying fake news.  Their silence only underscores their bias.


Are not both those sources American Media? 

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1 hour ago, BillnutinHouston said:


This is as damning as it gets.


Of course mainstream media can't report on Durham's filing, as it outs them as not only biased, but complicit in purveying fake news.  Their silence only underscores their bias.


Yep, they’re still figuring out how to spin it or whenever they will collectively ignore / bury it. The collusion amongst the msm is astounding. 

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25 minutes ago, nedboy7 said:

It's hilarious when people try to expose left wing propaganda with right wing propaganda from sites like Red State.  LOL!!!! 




Ahhh, the voice of those who (try to) pretend that they know what they are talking about by disparaging a site rather than a specific point.


No one listens to that false take any more Neddy.



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1 hour ago, B-Man said:



Ahhh, the voice of those who (try to) pretend that they know what they are talking about by disparaging a site rather than a specific point.


No one listens to that false take any more Neddy. 




They are all the same garbage.  Remember when Hillary was going to jail?  Or they were gonna fix Obamacare?  They are all the same bud.  Nice try.  Should I just call anything I dont agree with as fake?  The fact that you think that site has the truth while the so called MSM is lies is laughable.  Hillary Clinton is one of their top news today!!!  So relevant. 

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4 hours ago, nedboy7 said:

It's hilarious when people try to expose left wing propaganda with right wing propaganda from sites like Red State.  LOL!!!! 



If you can't distinguish the difference between one media source reporting on what a federal prosecutor does from other media reporting for the last year on what political animals have conjured from whole cloth, you're going to get the democracy you deserve.  

Edited by BillnutinHouston
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